
Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results

Updates on the revision project! · 5:56pm Oct 8th, 2021

Okay, I've completely edited and revised the first two episodes with Chrysalis's reformation and now, I just need to get the final five chapters plus the denouement and I'll be ready to re-submit my story to Equestria Daily! Also, the new artwork I commissioned of Cozy and her two friends is now posted as the cover pic and I gotta say, I'm very satisfied with where this is going! Although, I was considering renaming the final chapter, "Reconciliation of the Centaur Brothers" or something of

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Getting Loose Ends EQD ready! · 7:47pm Sep 12th, 2021

So, I wanted my second Cozy Glow story to be showcased on Equestria Daily, right? Apparently, the unedited prelude and a few other details are problematic for this! And so, I'm revising it, one chapter at a time and I'm currently commissioning a professional artist to draw Cozy and her two friends for a background for this story. I know with a little bit of work and perseverance, I can get this done by the month after next!


On Tirek and Scorpan · 2:48am Aug 21st, 2021

As I write about Tirek, I remember his first appearance in season 4. I recall how he represented self doubt as he would sap your energy and strength and force you to bow to his will. And I know in this story, he is a metaphor for my "older male self", as in, the self doubt I have at points... Now, like Starshine points out in the unreleased portion, we cannot kill him! After all, to kill him would be to kill myself. And so, the question becomes, what does Scorpan represent now? I think, in a

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Reformation · 10:23pm Mar 10th, 2021

So in my story, Chrysalis is "the changeling." She changes shape to whatever she thinks wants to be seen. She does this to hide her true identity so she can feed on love. This is an interesting allegory for how I felt for a very long time. The assumption is that I need love right? Well, what if I could only get that by pretending to be something else? That's the way I felt for a long time... Like, nobody would accept the real me and so I needed to pretend to be "male" or whatever... I was

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The Lord of Chaos, The Nightmare King, and the Changeling · 10:39pm Mar 5th, 2021

So some of the allegories I've been using in my story might come into question? So I'm going to talk about the three villain models I'm using to illustrate my points. First off, there's Discord, who represents my chaotic past. Metaphorically, overcoming him is what gave me the strength necessary to overcome my fears, who are represented by Sombra. He wants me to take over Equestria after all! (Commit suicide) In my experience, the best way to overcome him is sheer force of will! You gotta get

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The good filly · 11:24pm Jan 27th, 2021

Cozy's psychosis in my story is in reality, a representation about how I feel about being transgender... I feel like I can't just be like everyone else! I feel like I have to be better than that! I feel like life threw me a weird curve ball there and truth be told, it did effectively end my marriage earlier and created a whole new world of struggle for me. But looking back, it did help shape my character and help me develop empathy. Well, there's good and bad in everything yes? I also have a

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Viewing 1 - 6 of 6 results