
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Merry Christmas. · 2:26am Dec 26th, 2021

Howdy folks, Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a slightly late Christmas, and to give a bit of an update on things.

For one, I have a few chapters for The Peddler that I'll be posting soon, perhaps as early as tomorrow.

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Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. · 5:06am Aug 27th, 2021

Howdy folks, GC here.

I'm sure many (or maybe few) have wondered where I've been these past months. Well, long story short, breaking an arm and dealing with deaths in family are never easy. So, most of my writing (along with almost everything else) had flatlined the past few months. But, with time, both my familial and physical wounds have healed, and so I've taken up the pen again.

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results