
Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results

Releasing a new story in (approximately) 12 hours! · 6:00am Nov 12th, 2021

I'm releasing a long-term weekly updating story tomorrow (Friday November 12th), at around 10:00AM PST. It'll be a continuation of the main arcs set up in "Do Ponies on Earth have Magic Dreams?" And in a way this is intended to be the finale for the bulk of them. There will still be some loose threads left throughout the story, and while there's still a lot left to write, I know that this is going to be a big and ambitious story so I hope you'll all tag along for the ride.

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The News · 9:44am Sep 24th, 2021

Greetings friends, got a red hot news update for you all today.

Life’s been busy, I left a job I was overwhelmingly burned out in, struggled to pick up a new one, started college again, and finished/started/restarted a handful of projects all at once.

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Report TikiBat · 181 views ·

The beginning of the end · 6:56am Jun 1st, 2021

The first of the final seven chapters is being published in less than a day. Expect the remaining chapters to be published daily up until the ending. If you’ve stuck around for the story so far then I really appreciate it, this has truly been a passion project.

Report TikiBat · 208 views ·

Some News! · 4:37am May 21st, 2021

This week's regular update is kind of a special one. It's kind of the soft finale before the story goes on a hiatus for a little while. I don't want to keep it there too long, but what I wanted to try is writing out the rest of the story so I can release the remaining chapters as daily updates up until the full finale. As it stands right now, after completing my outline there's about eight chapters left. This could fluctuate, but expect something to that effect. I hope you'll all bear with me,

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Report TikiBat · 208 views ·

Short break in updating · 3:32am May 1st, 2021

Hi there! For those of you who are actively following along with the story, I have some bad news. Tomorrow's regularly scheduled chapter update will be pushed back until either mid week or next weekend. It's a little bigger than usual and it's taken me a little longer to write as a result. Another reason is that Midair Pony Fair is this weekend and I'll be taking part in the trivia panel, so that's also consumed a little bit of time. Stay tuned though, there might be a double chapter post this

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Report TikiBat · 136 views ·

Where we’re at so far · 6:05am Apr 16th, 2021

Things are starting to move along at a quicker pace and pretty soon we’ll be hitting the end. Chapter 41 is more or less locked and loaded for the usual Saturday update (Which is also incidentally my birthday AND bat appreciation day!). Right now there’s probably a good ten or so chapters left, but this could always wind up changing too just given how things naturally evolve over time.

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Report TikiBat · 144 views ·

My passion project is one year old today! · 3:53am Mar 23rd, 2021

Do Ponies on Earth have Magic Dreams? just turned one year old today, and that's an exciting event for me just because of how special this story is to me. This story started as a rewrite of the very first story I had ever written. As first stories often are, it was rough around the edges, overly bloated, and the dialogue and characterization were just a complete mess. That said, it was the first long story I had ever finished, so even if it was a complete mess, it was still special to

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I need an opinion · 12:48am Dec 20th, 2020

So, it's obvious that the story's viewership has been falling for a while now and I honestly have no idea how to improve it. I've been trying to advertise it on social media, in servers, in groups, etc, and it never really seems to get any kind of improvement. The story's close to hitting 100,000 words, and still has a long way to go. For reference, based on my rough outline it's maybe a third of the way through, nearing the beginnings of the half way marker. I feel like at this point I'm just

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Story Statistics - Vol: 1 · 1:52am Dec 2nd, 2020

I figured I'd start logging the different stats for my story, so here's the current breakdown of each of them. Currently "Do Ponies on Earth have Magic Dreams?" Is my main project and the one I've been trying to get the most feedback on (Which is finally starting to happen, though I'd really really really appreciate more as the story goes on.

Report TikiBat · 85 views ·

November Update · 6:58am Nov 22nd, 2020

So I don't really have much to share this month. I've been updating "Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams" pretty regularly and trying to get more feedback on that, I've been trying to go back to school so I can get a teaching credential, and all in all, I've been trying to just get through every week without feeling like I'm being crushed by stress and anxiety, which is actually why I've been looking at a career shift.

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A quick update · 2:36am Nov 8th, 2020

A big criticism I had received with the story was that the intro was hard to get through and turned people away, so I’ve since gone back and rewrote the very start of it and hopefully in a way that adds more of an emotional connection to the main character while also making the direction the story is going in a little more clear. I might poke at the second and third chapters eventually too, but the prologue was the part in need of the most work, so I hope you all enjoy it!


Story Update: Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:11pm Nov 7th, 2020

Sorry for the short gap in chapter posting, I was busy writing the unexpected hit that was “You’re Probably Wondering Why I’m Wearing a Maid’s Dress...” which wound up pushing back the rest of my writing. That’s not really the worst thing imaginable though, because it gave me some more time to work on today’s chapter. I’m quite happy with it and I hope you all enjoy it as well, because it sets up the next leg of the story and I have some fun moments coming up that I’m excited to share with you

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Some News (both good and not as good) · 7:20pm Oct 28th, 2020

First off, “You’re Probably Wondering Why I’m Wearing a Maid’s Dress...” unintentionally took off and rose in popularity, prompting me to focus on giving it daily updates. These will more or less continue on until this weekend, where the story will most likely wrap. As a result, the new “Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams?” Chapter is likely going to see a short delay. I don’t know if this is only a few days or a full week, but it shouldn’t be too long. The next chapter is a bit bigger and

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Chapter Update - Do Ponies On Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:02pm Oct 25th, 2020

That’s right!!! It’s time for a new update my friends! Today’s chapter has the two madly in love bats Rounding off their little side diversion down into a nearby valley with a romantic evening together.

So what does the future have in store for our lovestruck protagonists? Guess we’ll find out!


Q&A #1 (and a chapter release delay) · 7:03pm Oct 24th, 2020

So I’m most likely pushing back my new chapter for “Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams?” To tomorrow, so I figured I’d answer the questions I got on my last blog.

So the first we have was from TheBrokenBrony

And they asked,

The only ones I can think of is how old are you? Male or female? And who is your favorite my little pony character (or top choices if too hard to decide)?

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Let’s change things up and get a little more personal. Got a question? I’d love to answer it! · 3:11am Oct 23rd, 2020

I want to try and make some more personal blogs on here, so feel free to ask me anything you can think that’d make for an interesting answer. Or even just the boring stuff. I don’t think I’ll get a whole lot but I figured why not try this out.

Shooting for Saturday or Sunday to make some of the replies

Report TikiBat · 157 views · #Q&A #AMA #personal update

Chapter Update: Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 5:43pm Oct 17th, 2020

It’s that time again! New chapter day!! Kind of alternating between Saturday and Sunday to see which is the better day but still keeping this weekly. Today’s chapter is back to some of the cute romance stuff, with maybe even a little bit of suspense... hope you enjoy it!


Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams? · 8:40pm Oct 11th, 2020

first thing's first, I got a dog!

He's not what this blog is about, but he was being too cute to not include.

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Chapter Update - Do Ponies on Earth Have Magic Dreams?” · 6:12pm Oct 3rd, 2020

Another brand new chapter today! Nothing ground breaking, but it’s back to the cute characters I really enjoy writing the most. I’ve got another in the works already, and that should be out next week.

As always, I really appreciate any kind of feedback, I’m working really hard on trying to get some, and even just something small would mean the world to me.


October Update · 6:49am Oct 2nd, 2020

Time’s been flying by almost too fast it feels. Lots of life stuff still getting me down, but I’m trying to keep more upbeat lately. October is one of my favorite months of the year, and coincidentally that’s the month I have a lot of big things planned for at least two stories, both of which are passion projects of mine.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 30 results