
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Ideas on reworking! · 4:04pm Nov 3rd, 2020

Been thinking of reworking my story for From Nirn to Equus to where Shade's actually reincarnated. Been toying with some ideas and I think I shall be rewriting that story sooner than later! Let me know if you still want the old version of where it is now or if you just want me to post over the whole thing. The premise is the same, just have to get everything changed up a bit about the story.


I moved and finally have internet! · 2:48pm May 5th, 2019

Just like the title says, I finally moved and got internet. What with my stories mostly being saved on the cloud, I couldn't really access them to download easily or at all. So I just left them there for a bit... Q_Q In any case, I finally have internet once again and I just posted a new chapter that's been in progress for a while. It's going to be slow going because I've never gotten this far in a story before. Don't worry. I'll try to work through the writer's block between work and life. I

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Working on Roadblocks · 4:13am Oct 24th, 2018

Seems I've had some writer's blocks in a lot of my works. I've been trying to power through them, especially my first posted work on FanFiction. That needs to get wrapped up, then I would love to finish From Nirn to Equus. The only trouble is, I've got how it ends, I just need to get there. Well, the FanFiction one I've got the main plots down, I just need details, lol. I am open to plot bunnies.

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Wondering how much to tell. · 5:35am Sep 15th, 2018

I keep wondering how much one should tell in my story and how much to leave a mystery. Thus far, so little in his backstory make Shade quite compelling to follow so far. Also, how he deals with others around him and with situations can tell others how he grew up, how he lived, and how he worked in Tamriel. Though, my only question is how much am I going to tell and should I tell it all at some point...? I mean, I am quite proud of him, being my first ever actual OC. The OG OC in a sense. He was

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results