
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

The Resurrectionists is Finished! · 6:06pm Jan 16th, 2018

TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 552 views

I just posted the epilogue. It's a pretty important story to me, as it is one of the first ones I started writing when I started writing fanfic. Obviously, it took me a while. But I'm pleased with how it turned out! I think it works, it uses the universe well even though its 90% OCs, and I think I gave it a solid ending.

It challenged me as a writer! I love doing stories that challenge me as a writer.

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New Resurrectionists Up · 5:21pm Jan 10th, 2018

This ones got death, violence, three fucking Princesses*, ham-fisted religious symbolism and a trigger warning for self harm in the chapter notes.

TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 552 views

Only one more chapter (and a very short epilogue) left to go!

*But not three Princesses fucking, though that would probably be a pretty good clopfic.


New Skanky Up · 6:10pm Nov 30th, 2017

TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 552 views

I'm still pretty sick. Hope it makes sense!


New Skanky Chapter! · 2:24am Nov 22nd, 2017

TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 552 views

This one has Celestia in it!

Four more chapters. Couple of weeks 'til its done. Man, 20K words feels eternal, how do people write long fics all the time? I mean, my original novel is pushing 80K, but I've been working on that for two years.

Anyway. After that? More porn, more horror, maybe something war or something innocent. Lots of unfinished stories in my pony folder yes sir.

Report Captain_Hairball · 159 views ·

Hey New Skanky chapter up. · 6:09pm Nov 14th, 2017


Ugh Good Morning Ponies · 1:37pm Nov 14th, 2017

I have a Skanky update to finish1, a gay clop stuck in my head2, and I didn't sleep well last night because I keep brining my phone to bed and watching YouTube videos instead of sleeping.

Plus, actual real world useful things to do.

Here. Have some ponies while I sort my shit out.

I ship it.

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Blah Blah Blah Resurectionists Blah Blah Blah Update · 6:18pm Nov 9th, 2017


TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 552 views

You Aren't Reading the Resurrectionists and You Should · 1:50pm Nov 8th, 2017

Do you like complex, witty OCs who aren't just author inserts?

Do you like creepy, Lovecraftian horror that doesn't depend on gore or shock value?

Then check out The Resurrectionists

TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 552 views

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The Resurrectionists Updated Again! · 8:11pm Nov 6th, 2017


The Resurrectionists UPDATED! · 8:36pm Nov 2nd, 2017

Hi I love this story but I'm terrible at self promotion. Okay. So. FIRST. This chapter has almost all the sex in the story in it. All of it happens off stage, but if you like flirting, crude jokes, and sexual negotiation as much as I do (basically more than sex actually) you'll like that.

Anyway, though, horror, OCs, college campus stuff, blah blah blah how do I even self promote?

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Horror Story Up for Haloween! · 2:35pm Oct 31st, 2017

Okay! After working on it FOREVER, I'm finally starting to post my OC-based horror story, The Resurrectionists. I know it's not what I normally do, but it's a great story, full of afterlife exploration, Lovecraftian creepiness, and smart-assed grad student ponies.

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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results