
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

What If I Wasn't Lazy? · 10:31am Jul 4th, 2020

I keep thinking about how great it would be if I stopped focusing on my video games and stuff and what it would be like to actually continue my writing.

Maybe I should stop making promises to continue my stories cause then that just puts pressure on me to do it and stresses me out until I just forget about it and move on.

But at the same time I don't want to make people think I died or something and things will never continue on.

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Report Sticky Keys · 284 views ·

Back From a Hiatus · 9:33am Aug 6th, 2019

Another huge break. Gaming PC and all y'know. Heh... I swear I'm not taking these year-long breaks on purpose, I just get caught up in my gaming and end up forgetting about the lewdness you're all waiting for!

Anyways. First off, a quick update for The Collars of Desire. I've started the next chapter! If you're curious, it will be focused on Rarity. Not sure how long I'll take with this one but hopefully it won't be another year!

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Apologies · 12:55pm Dec 2nd, 2018

I seriously feel the need to apologize to everyone. I've been so caught up in enjoying my gaming PC that I actually sort of forgot about my writing here.

I'm amazed to see people have still been favoriting and commenting on The Collars of Desire. It blows me away how many people have enjoyed it considering it's only the intro along with Pinkie's chapter. Especially considering I wrote those chapters a little shorter than what I would write now.

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Delays! · 1:31am Oct 21st, 2017

Hey, everyone. I'm a stupid horse.

Sorry to bring this bad news, but the second chapter for The Collars of Desire is going to be delayed. I actually planned to get it to an editor either today or tomorrow and hopefully have it uploaded before Sunday (I was planning to try and release one chapter each week and try to have each chapter uploaded by the time Sunday comes around) but something happened...

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results