
Viewing 1 - 20 of 44 results

Revision done · 11:47pm Jun 23rd, 2023

Go read the new version! The chapters that are most changed are five, interlude four, and chapter ten. Now that all that effort is done, I can get back to actively writing it and fixing the other stories in need of TLC for print. Also, 100+ upvotes? How did that happen?


Revision Update · 12:49am Jun 5th, 2023

There are less than 40,000 words left to revise! Once that's done, I can finally move on, both by focusing on updates and the remaining stories in need of revision.


"Hey Ice Star, why none of that romcom story?" · 8:18pm Apr 2nd, 2023

'Cause I'm recovering from a minor surgery and my leg has stitches in it so I decided to finish something else. Namely, editing an interlude for a story long overdue for something of a wakeup. It's my bed-ridden recovery, I get to pick between editing and actually writing some stuff.

I've revised up to the Part 3 of the "Husband of Hers" chapters so cut me a break, thankies.


"Ice Star, why did you mention memory issues in your last blog?" · 9:07pm Feb 25th, 2023

If you don't like mentions of injury or the author's personal life, consider not reading this blog. There will quite literally be some bloody details.

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A Hiatusbuster: Unasked for Sequels Electric Boogaflu · 7:58am Sep 30th, 2021

Right now, it is a little late for me to be making proper puns, so that is the best I have to offer. I've been typing mostly emails and other purely academic things lately. Though, I wouldn't be blogging without a few things to discuss. I hope that y'all will read on since I do want to do my best to get back in the saddle for... well, pretty much everything in my life. The first thing to get out of the way: I got my laptop back! The new battery is in, and it ended up costing far less than I

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Ice Star vs. 2020: Posting Hiatus + UPDATES ON ALL STORIES · 8:47am Jan 7th, 2021

This isn't going to be a happy blog. It isn't even going to be a relatively nice blog or a blog about anything be okay. I don't know when I'll be able to make blogs like that again, or frankly any kind of content in general like that. I'm not the site's most personal figure, and I never really aimed to be, so it makes sense if a lot of people hadn't realized that anything was really going on with me. I take the social out of 'social media' a lot by being what essentially amounts to a digital

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Hey Nerds · 3:04am Sep 23rd, 2020

Y'all know that I've been making progress with revising my stories for print. Well, I only have one story left to work on for the first collection to be ready in terms of "Wow all these stories look nicer now" but I also did another cool thing.

The Luna and Celestia interludes of Enemy of Mine have been revised and expanded. I also fixed up some colored text whoopsies that I spotted in the latest chapter that fuckin' slipped by my initial dozen editing reads because formatting.

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It lives! · 3:11am Sep 1st, 2020

TEnemy of Mine
A few years after Luna's return it seems that Equestria will finally know an era of peace and appears to be on the verge of a new renaissance. Ponies are happy. Luna is recovering. Celestia is miserable.
Ice Star · 280k words  ·  116  14 · 6.8k views

I'm partway into the next update too! See the author's note on the most recent chapter for more!


Summer Writing Plans, Part 2 · 7:31pm Jun 1st, 2020

Here's part one. Please read it here. After the break, you'll find the status of all my stories below. Let's get to that!

EOnly Every Time
Every dress Luna owns is a gift she had no say in. Every dress Luna owns was given to her by Celestia. Every time Celestia gives one is a way she tries to understand her sister.
Ice Star · 6.5k words  ·  128  7 · 2.3k views

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Update Reminder · 1:08am Feb 8th, 2020

Heyo! Just a blog for anyone who didn't check out that big schedule list a while back. This is to remind y'all who have been waiting since April that Enemy of Mine's latest chapter will be going live at 7:00 PM EST on Sunday. The rest of the month will be devoted to other Enemy of Mine related updates like interludes and the relevant shorts in Missing Pages & Scrawled Footnotes.

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Now Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Horse! Starting at 7:00 pm, every Sunday from now until April! · 12:29pm Jan 12th, 2020

All the updates for the next few months are listed below! Check out when the next updates are going to be released! Thanks to an automated chapter release thingy, all updates unless noted (*) will be posted regularly at 7 pm EST!

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NEW STORY SOON! (FUTURE UPDATE NEWS!) · 2:45am Dec 24th, 2019

There will be a new one shot dropping on the 25th. If you want to read it on that particular day, well, there ya go! That's the release date. Other things I thought I would mention are that I was able to write a significant amount of words recently, and thought I'd drop some updates about those so y'all can get hyped. Considering one of the polls I did a few blogs ago did mention that short stories and buffer updates are ideal to have, I was able to progress on some shorter pieces for that

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AMA + 300th Blaggo + Follower Milestone + NOT A STORY UPDATE BUT THERE'S AWESOME ENEMY OF MINE FAN ART · 12:59am Nov 26th, 2019


Mandatory "Do I still exist?" blog post · 8:01pm Nov 2nd, 2019

Er, yes. I most certainly do. It's... very much clear at this point that I'm a bit stuck, I think. Not with writing, but with actually having time to sit down, catch up on what I have, and write the rest of stuff. I wish what I had was writer's block or a simple need to outline things because that would mean that I've had time to write and realize I'm stuck in that regard. But it hasn't been like that, and no matter how much I've wanted to write, and have been working toward getting the

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an actual july update because fuck i'm so busy i keep forgetting shit (but yes i am still writing) · 2:30am Jul 12th, 2019

things just keep piling up and getting wack i thought i would get to relax this summer at least a little but instead it's been like
i had to call fuckin' government stuff ten times in one day to actually speak to a person and shit so that's an idea of how stupid shit has been and yes why there is no *VISIBLE* horse word update
keyword there is visible, so yes i am 100% STILL WORKING ON WRITING THAT'S SUPER GREAT FOR ME TOO

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Blog Where I Admit That I Can Actually Still Write · 5:10pm Jun 10th, 2019

No, really, I can. Even when I haven't had much of anything to show for it lately, I'm writing and that does mean that I haven't quit. I've never been the best at using these blogs to connect to people like other users on the site, but if you had been worried that I had forgotten something, downgraded to a lurker, or something else, then I haven't. What I have been doing is working on packing and everything else that comes with a move, and have been working on various tasks for this over the

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Let's Talk Progress (Some Spoilers) · 2:04am May 18th, 2019


Small hiatus + story update! · 8:31pm Apr 27th, 2019

So, minor update! There's a bonus Enemy of Mine short in the anthology that I just posted. It's not much but it is in fact a Thing and you can read it, if you want. I am making progress with EoM, but I've kind of been writing the chapters in reverse order? Basically, I'm working on the epilogue - which needs one more part - and the next chapter. But I'm also drifting to working on the less demanding parts, like the epilogue and some of the later chapters, etc. I've just started

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Hiatus Check-In · 11:51pm Apr 18th, 2019

  • while it isn’t the pacing I would like, EoM is coming along, despite how busy I am. Hooray! I think I’m like 3k or so into the next chapter? Idk it’s an estimate; sorry if it’s off.
  • I’ve been watching a lot of SorrowTV which is fun!
  • official deciding Day is approaching and I kinda got into a lot of colleges so AAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAA
  • Writing is honestly going pretty okay considering everything???
  • I might actually be getting an ID that lists me as being male too !!!

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Story Update, Audio Reading, and Possible Hiatus! · 10:27pm Apr 3rd, 2019

Viewing 1 - 20 of 44 results