
Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results

End of a story and the start of a new one · 3:17pm Jan 2nd, 2018

I am not finishing BTH2 I moved past where I can write on that anymore and what I wanted from it was just not a thing I can do anymore. I had plans and now I just want to write something ambitious as I work on original works. I want something to be easy and be a "break" project from my original work. So in that idea I am starting again with a similar premise though for those who read my other stories will know this begining better. BUt after that it will just be slice of life hurt/comfort. You

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So yes in fact I have spent the last week writing something else · 4:02pm Aug 20th, 2017

I just wanted to let you all know that I am working on a different fanfiction right now. I am going to try to at least have a new chapter of Broken then Healed 2 out every month but I have never worked on two projects at once. I am far more enamored with my Harry Potter fic (not a crossover and will not be on this site but will be findable online at other places and I will post updates here for you at to find if you want). I just wanted to let you all know why things are slowing down again.

Report Tohshi · 170 views ·

Great news everybody · 10:28pm Aug 12th, 2017

so disregard the previous blog post as I went to show my computer friend the computer that was screaming death at me this morning and it was like nope everything is fine now. So yeah. Why the processor decided to stop working last night is beyond me....but as I had no means of replacing this computer this is a good thing...Why though is beyond me....

Report Tohshi · 231 views ·

Death of a computer · 6:02pm Aug 12th, 2017

So my laptop died. Something caused the processor to be fried. So now I am sort of out of a computer. I have a two in one tablety thing but it is in poor condition and as such makes writing on it hard. Thankfully I didn't loose any work for Broken then Healed but I did loose a lot of original works with that. The hard drive is probably still functional I just don't know how to access it at this point. One of my IRL friends is a tech dude (software side though) and he may be able to help.

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Update on chapter · 10:47pm Aug 11th, 2017

It is coming and with it two new characters and possibly the introduction of German person from the previous chapter as well. I am at my cousins house which is highly distracting which makes it hard to work on writing. It is coming though. Oh and for those of you who hate Entropy now just wait. Just you wait.


A question of measurements and units · 4:16pm Aug 6th, 2017

I have been using metric measurements as of recent in story because I feel like they are more universal than the imperial system. That and I have a better grasp of numbers for them in part because up or down by factors of ten is easy and imperial system is sort of absurd and I say that as an United States citizen. But I figured I should actually ask. Is that confusing for you my readers? Is my use of the metric system being a distraction? I am about to put a temperature out in the next

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Change of genre Contains probably spoilers for the future. · 4:18am Aug 4th, 2017

Again spoilers for whats coming in the near future. To be fair I don't think there is a one of these that hasn't been at least a bit spoilery but yeah.

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a choose your own adventure path... · 10:27pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Otherwise known as I have three versions the next chapter and I don't really know which to go with. So I am gonna ask you my readers who actually read my blog posts which is like five of you but still. what follows is four options of which will be under spoilers for those who don't want to participate in the polling and don't want the future revealed to with out more rambling here they are...wait one more thing to add that is spoilers and effects all of the following the

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When you are 2k words into a chapter you decide to rewrite... · 1:18am Aug 2nd, 2017

So chapter 20 is not sitting well with me so I am gonna rewrite it so there will be a bit of a delay seeing as I sort of wrote half a chapter already and now for something completely different than where I went with that. I will have a new chapter out soon. I am pretty much writing six plus hours a day which means I am being fairly productive. today has been a bad day though so yeah. They happen. I hate depression. I hate panic attacks.

Report Tohshi · 183 views ·

Too long of a chapter? · 2:35am Jul 30th, 2017

I see other authors break up large chapters into multiple parts but I never really got why. Currently chapter 19 of Broken then Healed is at 7000+ words and looks like hitting 10k is not out of reason. Is that too much? I can cut it in half or well two pieces but honestly the chapter doesn't really feel done at that point.


A question of format? · 11:57pm Jul 25th, 2017

So The story that I had intended for Broken then healed 2 is nearing the wrapping point. This leaves me with a question. Should I create a new story that is Broken then Healed 3 or should I just keep it all under Broken Then Healed 2 and call it book 2 of the Overall BTH2?

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Map of Equestria as I see it for Broken then Healed · 2:30pm Jul 20th, 2017

So I drew a map of Equestria and while it is far from a complete map and is missing many major cities I think it will be important for later for reference...hint, hint, hint.... cause you never know when things might change for whatever reason... the red line is the borders of Equestria and this is but a small section of Equis. I don't like the "offical" map because it is way to small. so here is this one in which it is a sixish hour by train ride from Canterlot to Ponyville

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Annabelle's Cutie Mark · 5:16pm Jul 16th, 2017

So I had Gaylilmuffinboi draw me Annabelle's Cutie mark and while I intend to put in into the author's notes of the next chapter I figured why not share it early. So here it is:


so this is a silly post... oh and I swear...a lot... · 12:33am Jul 15th, 2017

I wrote over five thousand words today. Which to some is like nothing and to others is like wtf and holy shit mode but I am so proud of myself right now. Well that and seeing my story on the front page allong the likes of Glory of the Sun which is amazing you should read it. Like holy shit I am so stocked right now. I might try to see if I can hit six thousand today but my hands (read my carpeltunnel) is acting up.


the future of Broken then Healed and how to move forward · 8:19pm Jul 13th, 2017

The future of Broken then Healed is sort of up in the air. I am going to finish this book but I know that it won't be an end point for the serries. At least in so far as this book will definitely bring up more questions to be answered than it answers and in many ways I want to answer them but to do so the story structure has to change. The stories are growing beyond what I can tell with such strict narative focus on Lilac. Don't get me wrong Lilac will still be a part of the stories I have

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Distractions · 3:32pm Jul 5th, 2017

So on Saturday night I got the brilliant idea to reread a fan fic I love here on the site. I would say one of the best. Which just so happens to have 450k words published so far and seems far from ending. Which is awesome in my book. So I didn't spend the next 36 hours doing nothing but eating sleeping and reading. But on the upside I read a what is like three long novels in that amount of time. Then after that I was like I want to get caught up on this web comic I read but the problem

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Cover art · 9:41pm Jul 3rd, 2017

I got my awesome cousin to make a piece of art for me which was awesome and he did so guess what has cover art now...Broken then Healed 2.

Report Tohshi · 200 views ·

Hey all you guys. I'm not dead and update on Stories · 11:29pm Jun 23rd, 2017

So I want to come back to a project of mine and honestly my readers have choosen, Broken Then Healed 2 is way way more popular than my previous attempt, Changes of Heart and Soul. So Lilac is on my list of like three things to continue/rewrite. That is the thing. Changes of Heart and Soul was my attempt to rewrite BTH2 and in doing so change it. But I see merit in continuing where I left off with Lilac. So here is the question guys, if any of you are still out there: Do I just pick up

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Yep, Still evil. · 1:09am Dec 23rd, 2015

So I have about 1/4 of a chapter done for Broken Spirits, and I am very close to finished with the next chapter of Broken Then Healed 2, cause I don't know how to explain my muse. Either way I wanted to state that this next chapter is going to be a bit more graphic than my usual fare so I figured I should warn you all. Someone is going to get injured pretty badly, and you get introduced to two new characters, both of whom are the main plot for this book. I felt I needed to introduce both in

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I am an evil person... · 7:44pm Dec 2nd, 2015

I have run dry right now on BTH2 and while I feel really bad about that, I have an itch to write a different story which will have some references to BTH2 (because why not and because I can) will not really be a big effect on the story (okay it might but I don't know at this point). So yeah this means BTH2 is going on Hiatus while I work on another story. I don't have a good name for it yet but I am really pumped for the plot I have so far and I feel the plan so far will help push my

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 28 results