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Question for any Italian speakers out there · 3:52am Apr 21st, 2017

So, in writing up my newest chapter of Amore Obbligato, I've run into a small problem with which I was hoping my readers can help. As you know, the story revolving around Octavia and Twilight, there's going to be a lot of musical terms, most of which are Italian in origin. That being said, I thought it would be cute if Octavia and her mother have cute little musical nicknames for each other. To that end, I've done some searching (read: tried using Google translate), and have come to the

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Report Wrabbit · 393 views ·

This is Not Goodbye · 1:59am Nov 17th, 2015

Sorry if the blog title scared you, but it really isn't goodbye. I fully intend to return- Wait, let begin at the beginning. I'm sure some of you have noticed how sporadic my updates have been of late. I apologize for that, but these things happen. Work is... well, it's work, and when I get home, I tend to just turn on Skyrim to unwind, rather than write (takes less brain power). As a result, my Muse has gotten rather apathetic lately; something about ennui. She has all but lost interest in

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Report Wrabbit · 385 views ·
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