
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

So Legacy is over · 5:59pm Aug 19th, 2014

So now I've finished Harmonics Legacy, but that is not the end of me writing Pony Fiction or this universe, I'm here today to announce the next work on the Harmonics line which is

The Strangest Custody Battle in Equestrian History

I don't have a planned schedule for it's release, but it should be out by at least October, so until then.

Report darkone4587 · 217 views ·

How updates will work · 2:10pm Jul 9th, 2014

Hello, if you've noticed I've started updating today, and I will update weekly from here on out until completion, every Wednesday I'll add the next two chapters of Legacy, but here's the deal Deviant Art will always be two chapters ahead, so if your looking forward to the remaining chapters, you can be ahead by going to my Deviant Art.

Report darkone4587 · 209 views ·

Thank you for waiting · 7:47pm Jun 29th, 2014

So I posted the first two chapters of my series Harmonics-Legacy, so if your waiting for the next few chapters don't worry because they'll be coming soon, but there's also some bad news. I'll be posting the chapters after I post them to my Deviant Art page, and by after I mean a few days after their posted on Deviant Art, but don't worry the'll be getting her soon. Here's a link to my Deviant Art in case you don't want to wait.

Report darkone4587 · 225 views ·

Special Preview · 2:45am Jun 9th, 2014

Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm writing a MLP FanFiction (obviously), but anything I decided to post the first two chapters of it on FimFiction but the reasoning is I'm kind of on hiaitus on Deviant Art as where I put all my FanFiction stuff. If you like Harmonics-Legacy I'll be putting the other chapters (at the moment there are twelve chapters) up the same day they go up on Deviant Art, thank you for understanding.

Report darkone4587 · 270 views ·
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results