
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Hey! Remember that little story Called "To Soar"? · 8:21am Dec 4th, 2014

I'm going to continue it. After a bit of editing.

Report ImpossibleReflection · 461 views ·

To Soar(the one about Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash that you may or may not remember favoriting) · 9:10am Aug 13th, 2014

I was looking through my story, and I want to continue it, but first, I need to revise it. I see so many things that need to be reworded. I am not going to change any plot points, just descriptors. So much telling.
Also I need to refresh my memory to avoid awkward plot holes.

Report ImpossibleReflection · 406 views ·

Going insane, not going to be able to write anything with any semblance of sanity, here's why. · 6:45am May 22nd, 2014

I go to take my final, and it isn't posted. I can't take it, spent the last few hours trying to resolve it, and the 200 question test is due in 15 minutes when the website closes. Probably going to need a week or two to regain some sanity. Sorry to those of you who are waiting for new chapters for to soar.Maybe you'll get a few mad nonsensical stories while I calm down... And stop twitchin', grinding teeth and gah!!!

Report ImpossibleReflection · 489 views ·

To Soar, and the Next Four Weeks. · 5:27am Apr 30th, 2014

The next four weeks are the last four weeks of my second semester of College. As such finals and research papers are do. This is my schedule for the next four weeks.

I have two research papers due, a take home final, normal finals, online finals, a project, and assorted work.
Just for writing alone, I have to write the equivalent of, at least, 53 pages of double space size 12 times new roman.

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Report ImpossibleReflection · 389 views ·
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results