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The price of wings ch 06 · 3:40am Jun 24th, 2018

I'm working on the latest chapter. I am sorry it's been taking so long. I swear I did not mean for this to go on for this long with no updates. If I can juggle things right I will update more often.

That being said, if anybody would like to help me proofread these that would be appreciated.

If not, I'll proofread them myself, like usual, and they will be the typical crap they usually are and so be it.


Coming soon · 2:39am Dec 23rd, 2015

Just in case anybody was curious, yes I am working on the latest chapter of The price of Wings, I'm proofreading it right now. I got a good method for it too. I put the text in a text-to-speech program and let it read the thing to me. Seriously, I've been over the chapter so many times that's the only way I can go over it, either one painstakingly piece at a time, or by listening to it. It's a good way to get a feel for if a paragraph flows well or not... er, I think so anyway, it IS a

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chapter 5 · 6:25pm Oct 5th, 2015

It has been a year and a half since chapter 4 of TPOW was posted, to anybody that was waiting though, the wait is over. I've finally finished the chapter and am now on the proofreading stage. Also, I got the advice that if I want to write better, I need to read good books. So I've started re-reading Harry Potter book-5.

Currently the chapter is a good 27 pages long.

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I hate · 11:28pm Apr 15th, 2014

I hate retcons. Seriously, it makes it seem like I'm not paying attention. I recently retconned a small section of chapter 3 of "The price of wings" but it isn't because I made a mistake, it's because I started adding to the story. See, it's nice and all, but I added in a plot point that'll come into play a bit later but it is also a secret from the main character, so it didn't make sense that it wouldn't get at least partially mentioned and/or hinted at when the two 'in the know' characters

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