
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Are You Prepared For an Influenza Pandemic? · 9:35am Apr 4th, 2015

Given the news in regards to the current avian flu outbreak in Egypt, I would like to take a moment to address something I find very serious. Over the past few months, Egypt has been experiencing the worst outbreak of H5N1 ever witnessed in such a short period of time. As of March, 2015 became the year with the highest number of avian flu infections on record, even surpassing 2006, the year bird flu swept the media. To put this into perspective, in only three months H5N1 has infected more

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Report The Fields of Ice · 378 views ·

I've Been Given a Chance to Teach a Class · 4:16am Mar 6th, 2015

For those of you who don't know this, I am a junior in high school; however I am currently taking college classes for nursing. When we moved on to infectious disease, I showed my teacher a presentation I had done previously and asked if I could present. The powerpoint is on four aspects of pandemic influenza; virology and pandemic basics, potential pandemic strains, social effects of pandemics, and preparation. Given the amount of material I have to cover, I've been given the whole class period

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Report The Fields of Ice · 308 views ·

Flu Season Two · 2:20am Aug 8th, 2014

I've been thinking a lot lately and I just really feel like the ending of "Flu Season" left a bad taste in my mouth. It's just one of those things where when I look back, I feel like I could have done better. So, I've decided to rewrite the last few chapters of "Flu Season" so the ending, at least to me, seems much more favorable, and believable. I just hope you guys agree.

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Report The Fields of Ice · 410 views ·

Keeping an Eye on H7N9 · 12:04am Feb 16th, 2014

I was debating whether or not to include this as an extra chapter of Flu Season, but since that's against the rules, I figured I'd just tag the story.

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Report The Fields of Ice · 189 views ·

I'm Back · 1:07am Dec 3rd, 2013

I'm sorry I wasn't able to post some chapters of Flu Season last week, but don't think I'm not going to this week. I just wanted to explain what happened. You see, my mom is a diabetic and she wasn't feeling well the week before. She didn't eat and went into a diabetic coma for a few days. She's better now, but this past week has just been pretty messed up. Now we just need to take care of her a little, but I'll still do my best to have at least two chapters up this week.

Report The Fields of Ice · 324 views ·
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results