
Viewing 161 - 180 of 210 results

Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 17 · 5:46am Dec 18th, 2018

On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... 8 dead bodies hanging from a tree somewhere in Japan...


I... Got featured? What the... · 11:35pm May 3rd, 2018

I opened the site this afternoon and found this, I never understood if it's actually 'featured' or 'popular', or if both are the same. But anyways, thank you for the support :heart:

Writing is one of the only things that make feel better and productive, so seeing that at least I'm getting some kind of positive feedback cheers me up a bit.


Merry Music · 4:22pm Dec 25th, 2018


Toonkind DnD: The Taffy Train Cross-Continental Part 1 - 4 · 8:33pm Oct 11th, 2023


Happy Birthday! · 1:01pm Oct 2nd, 2016

So it's my B-day today, I'm officially another year older. And before you ask, just as I mentioned in the last blog, I'd currently prefer to keep my age private.

Anyway, so I have no idea how to celebrate, but thank you for all of the lovely birthday wishes! It is very much appreciated, you wonderful people you.

My wish is that you all have a wonderful day today, (some Jse merch would be nice too,) and I once again thank you.

And now to play this awesome remix on repeat.

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What have I been up to? · 5:25pm Jul 4th, 2016

A few days ago, I snuck out of the house while my parents were gone. My mom found out the next fucking day. :rainbowderp: She didn't get mad but I think she's going to take away the keys next time she leaves for a long period of time. I'm going to volunteer at a camp in a couple of weeks and this girl with a huge crush on me is going, too. I just hope we don't have to share a room. :trixieshiftleft: Our friendship hasn't been the same since our little gay thing when we were

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Want to read a story about Judy Hopps without pants on? · 2:19pm May 27th, 2017

It's the time again, y'all. Time for another Zootopia story. It's not like I write for any other series anymore. :twilightsheepish:
I mean, I could write for... Gravity Falls, maybe. But I think the relevancy ship has pretty much sailed. Maybe when another anniversary comes around or some sort of revival, IDK. We'll see.
Anyway, Zootopia:

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Blog post no. 69! · 10:20pm Jul 12th, 2016

Let me tell you; I tried it forever ago and it was not as fun as it sounded. :rainbowlaugh: I feel a lot better today. I had friends over, and they helped me dye my hair. It looked a little like this. While I waited for the bleach to work it's magic, I gave one friend cornrows and the other those v shaped pigtails. It was really fun, and I noticed that I'm getting better at doing other people's hair. Once I go

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Got a Discord Server, Now · 7:52pm May 19th, 2021

Yeah this one was a matter of time and I've been avoiding it for way too long. I do need a way to communicate with my Patreons in expedient manner, and PMs simply don't cut it.

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Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do. · 12:35am Mar 18th, 2022

Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do.

You heard that correct, leftists. Supporting Putin is the morally right thing to do.


Supporting Putin and his war in Ukraine is treasonous to the US.

But according to you, leftists, the US is a systemically racist and evil nation unworthy of your support.

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toonkind dnd · 6:46pm Apr 14th, 2022

"a thing I drew after first starting inscryption cause. points at Miss Fortune: similar vibe!" - from furiouskettle

toonkind dnd masterpost

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Review: Inside Out (2015) · 6:49pm Oct 28th, 2015

Guess who got emotionally wrecked by an animated movie about talking emotions?

This guy.

Simply put, Inside Out stands as a marvelous return to form for Pixar after a period of indecision and uncertainty. Going right back to the emotional themes such as family and storytelling devices that are brilliantly original, Inside Out shows exactly why Pixar Animation Studios is the absolute master of the modern day all ages animated film.

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Young Six: Elements? (No Spoilers) · 3:28am Sep 9th, 2019

(I have not watched the finale. No spoilers!)

I know there's been speculation over the Young Six being the next Bearers of Harmony, partly from this:

Ponies have speculated that the aura colors indicate which Element each of the Six hold, but...

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My Review of Inside Out · 8:06pm Nov 5th, 2023

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it

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Muggonny needs help · 1:09pm May 26th

My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief Empty Pockets Ice arc, if you will) but it'd be wrong of me not to boost this, given what a good

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The Changes No One Wants..... · 1:35am Jun 6th, 2017

So, I just had to go through all of my fics to see if they still look alright, since knighty has now implemented a way to change the layout of a fic between indented and double-spaced and it was switched to double-spaced for me by default.
I won’t write a blog entry now to say what I think of those new design choices (Hint: They suck.), I lack the energy, but I just wanted to write this in case anything looks off in one of my fics.

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Fate must be Cruel only to the Kind - Act 3: The Resolve of the Big Brother · 8:21pm Nov 4th, 2016

Crackle Pop leaves the train upon arriving in Ponyville and gets awaited by his big sister Derpy on the platform. When she is surprised to see him instead of Chirpy, Crackle Pop explains to Derpy what happened and together, they set their sight on winning the Applewood Derby for Chirpy.
But will they succeed? How will a certain accident affect their plans and what will happen after it? Is there any hope at all to dry Chirpy's tears?

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Spookseeker · 9:09pm Oct 17th, 2017

So last year, when October came rolling in, I wanted to do a comedic 'Nightmare Night Special' chapter for Truthseeker. It would have revolved around Lyra freaking out because she was certain that, it being Nightmare Night, something bad was bound to happen, while all the rest of the Owls knew that nothing ever happens on Nightmare Night. I dropped it because by the gods, I cannot write comedy it was dumb filler. Instead, I released a pair of horror stories that no

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Great News! · 4:59am Jan 24th, 2020

Friends, I am very excited to announce that I have been hired as a tutor/extracurricular activities coordinator for the LA’s Best after school program in Hollywood!


Let's Talk Progress (Some Spoilers) · 2:04am May 18th, 2019

Viewing 161 - 180 of 210 results