
Viewing 1681 - 1700 of 1,732 results

Ponies and Second Life: St. Patrick's Day Special · 12:41am Mar 18th, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day! The My Little Pony sims in Second Life have prepared for this day, and I'm sharing some screenshots of their special decorations. Also, I'll share some progress I've made with my new pony avatar, as well as a few more snapshots of Second Life pony players in the wild.

Here is Trotsdale's dance/social area all done up for St. Paddy's day.

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Downvoting stories without reading them - quality control or prejudice? · 12:24am May 14th, 2018

Okay, normally it takes a very special FIMFic story to move me to either upvote it or downvote it. Askre and I have talked about this subject a few times outside of FIMFiction, but in the context of snap judging a story without reading it. I’ve expressed my extreme distaste for people who hit that thumb up/thumb down button based on their own bias towards the subject matter. I am sure all of us have been there…seeing some tags just push our buttons the wrong way, whether it be on the subjects

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Late Night Blog Post #3 · 3:15am Jan 12th, 2019

I'm sorry, guys. I lied to all of you. It is absolutely inexcusable, and I understand that now. It was a moment of poor foresight and irrational decision making. This breach of trust will take a long time to patch, with much efforts on either side. I will do everything in my power, with the help of some trusted appointed individuals, to bridge this gap that has been formed between us. There is nothing I'd like to do more than help you all in however you may need to reconcile with my mistakes. I

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Hey's me...the update to give you your update...please help me, he has me hostage and keeps me in a rat cage and... · 8:16pm Feb 12th, 2019

*There's a big mess everywhere and trash and papers and I come walking out of it with a struggle*

Hey's me again...that guy that does the Universal magic stuff. As you's been a long month for me so far and I've got a lot of stuff to do so I thought I would give you a quick little update.

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Few things about stories · 12:42am Sep 19th, 2021

Hey, so it's been a while since I posted something, but I've been so busy that I haven't even noticed when the time flew by like my cat at 4 AM. Nonetheless, I'd like to apologize for not finishing Flaming Tale by now. It's been so long that I'm not sure if I'm even gonna manage to write another chapter since I don't really remember what I initially strived for. All in all, to avoid making someone upset (at least not more than I probably did) the story went on hiatus, for now.

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Things Bronies Say: Part Two · 3:01pm Apr 14th, 2017

Things Bronies Say: Part Two

Here is part two of my Things Bronies Say series. I hope you will like it. You can find part one here.


1. Sunset Shimmer is literally the worst villain in the whole MLP franchise and she was reformed too quickly. I hope that she won't appear in any more movies after this one!

*One movie later.*

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First Impression Reviews: Episode Four · 9:28pm Apr 14th, 2016

Below are two fanfic reviews based purely on the initial impressions provided by the first chapter (or first 3k words.) For an outline of what my reviewing guidelines are, go here. Please do not request reviews!

Pride or Joy by Mister Friendly
Rating: Teen

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New BWAAA Complete Story! ("Sweetie Derelle: The Speedinging") · 6:32pm Jun 24th, 2016


Neeed some stories to read. · 12:34am Mar 28th, 2016

I'm bored and I'm planning out some more chapters for Dawn of the Ice King but I like multi tasking by reading and some story recommendations would be nice, no particular genre base. Just stories you enjoyed that you think I would.


Lyra Explains: How Computers Were Made (Humor) · 3:26pm Jun 7th, 2017

Lyra Explains: How Computers Were Made (Humor)

A well researched (lol cakes) history of computers by Lyra Alluse AKA Emma Lee Downs.

A long time ago in ancient Rome some ancient scientist type dudes were bored. So they put a bunch of wheels and cogs together into a box and did a voodoo dance.

The voodoo dance activated the cogs which turned and flipped numbers at the top of the box counting down dates. This was the world's first computer known as the Antikythera Mechanism.

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Behold, The Best Reaction GIF of All Time! · 3:48am May 30th, 2018


Obligatory June Blog Post · 1:50am Jun 8th, 2018

Happy June!

This is actually a bit late, but really par for the course.

Source (YouTube Link)

I'm going to jump all over various topics here, sort of like a chipmunk on a pogo stick, so be prepared for a little bit of mental whiplash. Might want to grab your favorite beverage just as a precaution (although this is in no way a rant blog).

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Guess what nation I'm in right now. · 3:26am Apr 15th, 2018

That's right, the Procrasti-nation!

(Cue crickets)

Fine. Well, while I'd rather be in the Imagi-nation, I have learned something new. Writing is hecking hard, and I'm stuck on both my currently-running stories. Meanwhile, I've got an upcoming speech on net neutrality and a ten-page paper on the growth of the automobile and I swear I'm going to flip a table.

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IRL Writing Progress! · 4:43am Mar 13th, 2018

I've been on a huge Actress Square slump for a while, wondering if I was making the book exciting enough, stalled at Chapter Nine, and then tonight...all that changed. I just sat down to work on it, and suddenly, I actually finished the chapter! It may not be the perfect story or the perfect draft, but I kinda sat down with myself and said that it doesn't necessarily have to be. All it has to do is outline my thoughts as best I can, and everything else can always be changed.

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awareness post · 9:57pm Sep 3rd, 2022


A Stupid Idea · 3:48am Jul 22nd, 2021

For some reason, one thing I absolutely love to death is JRPG tropes. I’m talking stuff like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, stuff concerning party composition, storyline tropes, and all that jazz.

It’s apparently gone so far that I want to write some MLP JRPG thing. It includes all this party composition, enemy tropes, and stuff like that. This may be because I’m playing through Dragon Quest VI and I honestly love it a lot.

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Music is the Inspiration · 11:29pm Apr 23rd, 2016

Red Dead Redemption is, no lie, perhaps one of my favorite games on the PS3. I'm pretty sure I've driven my poor friend who owns one completely insane because I'm constantly playing it and have been for awhile now, either running around in the post story free roam mode for kicks or replaying the story because I mean, come on, this game has a good story. In fact, if there was one thing I would say I didn't like about the game and one thing only, it would be the music... at least at

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I Made A Thing · 2:57pm Aug 19th, 2016

I Made A Thing

I made a thing out of boredom.

It's best not to question it too much.


That's about it.


Commission/Pateron signal boost. AND Chapter Update. · 1:42am Dec 5th, 2015


And I have returned home! · 12:04pm Sep 9th, 2015

Now, I shall make preparations for my future endeavors, and also upload some holiday photos later on or tomorrow, depending on how things progress here. Our house hasn't been, well, watched entirely well by my brother, but at least he didn't burn it down so that's good I suppose, right?

Anyways, need to get these things sorted now so speak to you all soon as I can.

Peace out, my loyal minions!


Viewing 1681 - 1700 of 1,732 results