
Viewing 141 - 160 of 515 results

Let's Talk - Does this Count as... A Crossover? · 1:21am Apr 3rd, 2018

Just thought you would all like to know that I recently posted by second Let's Talk episode on youtube. In this episode I discuss my story, Does this Count as... A Crossover, along with some of the concepts and ideas behind.

Warning there will be spoilers. :raritywink:

I hope you all enjoy. :twilightsmile:


Pinkamena: The Game - New chapter today! · 8:45pm Sep 18th, 2018

As promised, please enjoy a new chapter of Pinkamena: The Game, entitled "All for One". A mere three intrepid defenders of Little Hoofington remain, but there are no fewer than two changelings out there, not to mention the evil eye of Pinkamena. Got any idea who's who, yet? If you need a refresher on the roles of the townsponies and the rules of the game, check the

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Bah... · 4:40pm Sep 20th, 2018

I'm so easily distracted... I'll release the 7th chapter later tonight if I remember. I also have the 8th chapter ready to go a few days later. That is all.

Edit: And I almost forgot! I swear, one of these days I'm just going to take an old style typewriter with me on a deserted island. I can't even have a pen because I might start drawing something for Celestia's sake! :facehoof:


The mysterious radio station · 1:29pm May 15th, 2020

UVB-76, aka The Buzzer, started broadcasting in Russia since 1973. A short buzz tone is repeated at a rate of 25 tones per minute, 24 hours a day and sometimes, a voice transmission takes place with messages consisting of numbers and names. It typically starts with Mikhail Dimitri Zhenya Boris (MDZhB, the station's callsign).

Read more about it here and watch a news clip that explains the mystery of the station.

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What happened to Buddy Holly's 1954 Stratocaster? Where did it go after he died? · 4:59pm Feb 4th, 2020

Does anybody here even remember Buddy Holly? I was curious about what happened to the guitar he played on the very last tour and final days of his life, The Winter Dance Party. This was back in 1959, and Buddy was one of the first musicians to play a Fender Stratocaster, a prototype model, at best. It went missing when he died, being unaccounted for. He also only owned three guitars - a 54, a 56 and a 58.

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New Story! · 4:41am Dec 18th, 2019

For the past couple months I have been thinking of a new story idea, I'm not too sure how far it'll go but at least it's something to work on. Basically it's a bit of a detective/agent type of story which involves an agency hunting down "The mare killer." Each section of the story will be written from the perspective of a different agent, each receiving different orders at different points in time. A bit of a spoiler but, some agents will be killed in their sections. Anyways!

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Abiotic Factor OST - Mystery Begins, Judgement, Mystery Deepens, Night, Pride, Proximity, Ready Or Not, and Spaceship · 11:40am June 5th


Random Thoughts: Rarity Investigates! · 11:14pm Sep 19th, 2015

Warning: Spoilers abound. Proceed with caution.

Yeah, there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to talk about this episode. Honestly, it felt like the writers went out of their way to make an episode specifically for me to enjoy. And it's not just because I'm a sucker for a good mystery. Anyway, I'm just gonna gush a bit and point out all the interesting stuff this one brought to the table.

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Review, Mysterious Mare Do Well, Good Episode? · 3:44am Oct 19th, 2015

Okay, let's get this out of the way, if you haven't seen the episode, you're gonna have a hard time keeping up, so go watch it.

Done? Okay.

So Mysterious Mare Do Well is probably one of the most maligned episodes in the entire MLP series. However does it really deserve that? I'm gonna take a stab at looking at what might be good about it through what's supposed to be bad about it.

First off:
This episode trashes Rainbow Dash's character!

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'Twilicorn' wasn't M.A. Larson's fault · 6:11am Jul 10th, 2015

There were some very interesting points Larson made in this video, especially about how the story editors are the ones who ultimately made the changes to the episodes. Also there may potentially be a 'Pandora's Box' type of episode coming later in the future, which does sound like an intriguing idea for a story. Looking forward to that.


Site Post » JohnPerry's "The Wreck" [Royal Canterlot Library] · 1:36pm Aug 5th, 2016

Lose yourself in today's story about a boat that's more than it seems.

The Wreck
[Dark] [Drama] [Mystery] • 13,126 words

A.K. Yearling leads a quiet, peaceful life as a novelist living in Canterlot with her fiancé.

But recently, she has been haunted by dreams of a strange shipwreck, and she doesn't know why.

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Special Pony POV Series commission art! *SPOILERS FOR MID-SEASON 8!* · 5:50pm Sep 19th, 2016

"Your body submits, your heart succumbs, so why does your mind resist?!"

Be sure to tell the artist what you think!


Updates! · 1:10pm Sep 7th, 2016

Hello everypony-

At the very least, I'd like to see about doing a weekly update post so folks know where I am on current projects, as well as passing along any potential plans I have for the future. Since I can't tag multiple stories to one post, I'm going to make a habit of tagging the most popular of my stories that is actually mentioned in these update posts.

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My New Story: Twilight is in a game but she can interact with the player · 1:28am Aug 15th, 2018

As you heard, my new story consist in Twilight being trapped in a game and being able to interact with the human player, now why? That's the reason I recommend you to read the story. Please tell me your opinions on the comments so I can tell what to improve soon. It took me so much to write this because the more I dived into it, the more I realized how much I had to make this work, I really hope you like this guys.

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New Story · 2:14am Aug 23rd, 2016

Hey guys. I just finished a story I'd forgotten about for awhile called "Pinkie Pie's Mystery Mane." It's a weird idea I came up with, and I encourage you to check it out!


Best Month For Me! · 1:48pm Oct 6th, 2018

So, just to recap:

October 9th:

October 13th:

October 19th:

October 23rd:

October 26th:

October is shaping up to be a real good month!

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A Look into the Macabre: What makes something scary? · 3:53am Mar 8th, 2019

This isn't a guide so much as it is me gushing over this show I started watching because holy shitballs is it good.

"The Promised Neverland," AKA, "oh my god what the fuck," is easily the best thriller anime I've seen in a very long time.

Without spoiling too much, here's the synopsis for the story:

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Spectral Eclipse not dead · 10:50pm Jul 17th, 2018

Just wanted to say that Spectral Eclipse is not dead and I still plan to continue, just had been busy with university.

Next update should be coming in the first half of August.


Pinkamena: The Game, Chapter Six Released! · 6:07pm May 20th, 2018

Hello Everypony,

Please enjoy chapter six of Pinkamena: The Game, entitled 'Revelation'. Something's been threatening to give for awhile now, and in this does. Wondering who the bad guys are? You're about to find out more!

Be on the lookout for chapter seven. There's gonna be trouble. :pinkiecrazy:

Stay tuned for the next chapter, and thanks for reading!

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Pinkamena The Game: Status Update · 7:58pm Aug 7th, 2016

Something wicked this way trots...

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 515 results