
Viewing 1421 - 1440 of 1,444 results

Chapter II of Equestria Dark & My Fellow Outlaw to the End! · 12:45pm Oct 2nd, 2015

Hello everypony! InkSlinger here! To anypony whose's already checked out my story Equestria Dark, I thank you kindly! However, I'm not alone in this project, or the universe this story is apart of -- My good friend and fellow Outlaw to the End, Onyx Star, has an equally important role and presence over it as well -- He's the brains of it all! The lore and happenings!

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State of the Writer--late October 2018 · 10:48pm Oct 26th, 2018

Or, what has the Admiral been up to the last couple of weeks?


‘Cause I’m sure y’all have noticed that the blog posts and story updates have kind of dropped off during the second half of October.

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Longfic Recommendations · 4:46pm Sep 22nd, 2021

I know you all know me as someone who only writes oneshots, but longfics are people too, and I have a couple to recommend written by some very talented people. Having preread both of these fics, I can safely say they are fantastic, and you are in for a treat.

EChildren of the Sun
Our Goddess has told us we will finally reach the surface today, after nearly a thousand years' wait. As her Prophet, I will be the first to see the sun again. I can only hope Equestria is still up there.
Silent Whisper · 25k words  ·  232  5 · 2.3k views

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Is there really a point to these hands? · 2:47am Jul 24th, 2015


Update! Still Alive! · 5:48am Mar 21st, 2023


What was the Cause? · 1:37am May 19th

Something I don't know yet is the cause of the mistake I made more than seven years ago..... I know how the consequences happened. This mistake caused a conflict that affected my mental health. It confused me and made me say stupid things that hurt my friend. I felt guilty about this, the guilt was building up and it caused me to have angry, aggressive outbursts when

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Paper and life. (Another donut shaped rant, sorta.) (Remember, stay sharp, don't cut yourself. It hurts.) · 1:34pm Jan 16th, 2016

Not much in a mood to read. Seeing nice little things, but no forcing it.

It's like me eating too much sugary stuff today whilst writing in those motebooks, and thinking of stuff.

I couldn't eat as much real food as I desired cause I wasn't hungry enough. And ain't being any soon. :raritycry:

I won't even try. I may, but if I ain't. I ain't.

Also, those notebooks really are too small, and slightly too chocolate covered at points.

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F/F/T3K15 1/1: Same shit, different year. · 3:33am Jan 2nd, 2018

Well, the recap from the riff on the 8th still isn't ready. Sorry about that, Ring still needs computer stuff. He HAS made the commitment to put it out the same day we put out the NEXT segment's recap, which should be in two weeks barring any more unforeseen shenanigans.

Last week's thing, though, is totes finished. Have fun with that.

This week...


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"Clementine's First Colt Crush" is released! + Good news about my application as quest writer for "Legends of Equestria"! · 2:22pm May 23rd, 2016

Hello there, everypony!

Remember the OC fic I talked about almost two weeks ago? It's released now!
It's called "Clementine's First Colt Crush" and, as I said in the other blog entry, starring two OCs of "Legends of Equestria"!

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one hour of Haze at BronyCon 2018 · 2:09pm Aug 20th, 2018

Odyssey, AKA Eurobeat Brony, played the final set of Bronypalooza, late on Saturday night.. technically Sunday morning, going on until 2 AM. He puts on a really impressive show.

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Mistakes from the past that still affect today..... · 4:46pm Dec 23rd, 2023

Since she blocked me, so many thoughts are going through my head..... Almost seven years ago, an event happened that shattered me so much, that I turned into the worst friend possible for a while, because of the mental problems it brought me. Everything was wonderful at that time; my writing was growing fast, I had found the best friend I could wish for and I had my dream position as a quest writer of "Legends of

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My return to writing had to be pushed back to next Thursday..... · 3:41pm Jul 5th, 2020

It seems that fandom drama is not healthy for the writing spirit. Especially not if said drama has been started by an extremist cult leader on Twitter and his followers and if it endangers one of the most important bastions in our fandom and causes an unspeakable amount of pony art to disappear forever.

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Season 5, Episode 10 Thoughts and Review · 4:20am Jun 21st, 2015


How it Could Have Ended: Viva Las Pegasus · 12:17am Sep 18th, 2016


I should make one of these for good news some day. Not this time though · 10:18am Apr 12th, 2016

So, I made the schedule, and I try to follow it as best as i can, otherwise I would never ever EVER have written almost 200k words, but sometimes stuff just happens.
That stuff being my group mate's loading a lot of work my way, not that I mind, I rather like doing this stuff, but it has been very time consuming, and coupled with what I think is a writer's block, I haven't written very much. I'm not going to be able to make it till Sunday. I need more time.

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Hey, Corona-chan, how would you like it to mess up an author's writing schedule? or Fluttercheer has returned with another excuse for not updating his fics for months. · 1:42am Jul 18th, 2020

A lot of things have happened in the last few months. "Letters to Cozy Glow" (which finally has a new chapter being worked on now) hasn't updated for almost five months. "Dreamwalker Dash" (which is not yet being worked on again, but will be soon, further information will follow) hasn't updated for exactly five months. And I haven't written and released anything for more than two months now.

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Sequel to Symbiosis out! · 9:59pm Aug 22nd, 2021

TSol Invictus
Just keep digging. As long as we break through soon, we'll stay alive. Just keep digging.
Seer · 4.1k words  ·  148  5 · 2.2k views

Hello dear readers!

Do you remember Symbiosis? That wonderfully dark fic about Rarity in a spaceship, walking eternally while merged with a plant?

I have splendid news! There's an absolutely incredible sequel, written by a dear friend of mine. If you liked Symbiosis, this one will absolutely blow your mind!

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Celestia's Heart Attack Has Become Mine, Apparently · 11:53pm Feb 24th, 2023

The last few several minutes of my day, a dramatization:

"Huh, I never expected my little Discord oneshot to do so well. Featured Box is cool enough, but this is the fifth day with it in there. People like their draconequus shenanigans, I guess. I'm curious about the analytics, though; I wonder if my TV Tropes page for the Eventide Verse is actually bringing in any fresh clicks..."


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*Sheepishly shuffles up to the mic* So, uhm... · 10:42am Mar 1st, 2019

I have a confession to make. I’ve been having troubles finishing what I’ve been trying to do, and instead of doing what I should be doing in terms of writing (or making title images), I’ve been faffing about, playing games (such as Ni No Kuni 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Darksiders 3), and keeping an eye on Devil May Cry 5. Speaking of, that’s a week away... sooooooo yeah... Gonna be playing that very soon.

Holy crap, so many good games lately...

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Humanity is the worst form of life except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time · 2:08pm Apr 1st, 2022

Citation: today. Don't believe everything you read on the other 364.24 days of the year either, but this is the day that lots of places decide to remind you of that. It is, of course, misinterpreted. I think AM stated my opinion on both sides of this problem:

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Viewing 1421 - 1440 of 1,444 results