
Viewing 121 - 140 of 229 results

Five chapters written and counting! · 4:50am Nov 18th, 2020

only reason why it ain't more is 'cause I'm also working on Pony-Me at the same time :V


Alicornae Ch. 37 Posted! · 4:24am Nov 12th, 2019

Another couple of days, another chapter, and 18,000 words and counting for NaNo! This one went through a couple of revisions as I was writing it (mostly to make sure I was being consistent with stuff I wrote over a year ago), so eat me know if you notice any inconsistencies and I'll address that after NaNo is over! Enjoy y'all, and thanks for the support as always!


Alicornae Ch. 52 Posted! · 1:52pm Nov 22nd, 2020

This one was definitely a doozy to write, given that it is a lot of observation without a ton of dialogue, but I'd say there's some pretty shocking revelations within that have made it all worth it! Thanks for reading, and don't forget to like and comment!


The One Where CoffeeMinion Is Running Behind Schedule · 1:51pm Oct 24th, 2016

It's becoming less likely that the next scheduled chapter of To Serve In Hell will get done by 11/1. Preparations for Ponyville Ciderfest this coming weekend have been sucking up my free time, and I have some things I need to read for people ASAP... it's just best to call it now. I'm going to aim for either 11/15 or 12/1, and I'll post back once I figure that out.

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Leaving Camp Behind. · 10:57pm Jul 16th, 2015

You know, in hindsight, I probably should have realized before I started Camp NaNoWriMo that one of my greatest weaknesses when it comes to writing is time. While I am naturally a pantser, I typically work off of a loosely-based plan in my head and take time to work out scenes and moments in vague bullet points, I am typically the type who works off of momentum. If I can't get momentum going--or have no earthly idea of what I aim to do--I will typically drop a project like a piping hot

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NaNoWriMo! · 7:52pm Nov 2nd, 2017

So I may have jumped into my first NaNoWriMo a bit enthusiastically.

That being said I hope it works out, I have started an original fiction on the side, and I am working on a pony story just for you guys.

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NaNoWriMo · 2:29pm Oct 31st, 2017

This year I will be taking part in NaNoWriMo for the first time. I will be writing a 50,000 word novel, and it will be that of Gemini Ties! That's right, the already long series is about to get more than twice as long! So be expecting a lot of chapters as such. Hopefully I can complete it before the month is over.

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Alicornae Ch. 19 Up! · 10:43am Nov 11th, 2017

This is a two-parter milestone for me, as im now at 17,220 words for NaNo and this chapter officially marks Alicornae as my longest single story since my disastrous first fic! Hurray for progress! Have fun with this one, I think it does a lot to hint at some larger mysteries and I think you'll really enjoy the ending for it. As always, feel free to comment and critique, but most importantly enjoy! :pinkiehappy:


Getting back into things soon! · 2:43pm Nov 26th, 2016

So sorry I haven't been updating! Been busy with things like NaNoWriMo. Still not done. Crap.

But after that, I'm hoping to update my fics soon, including Wedding of Deception, Empress of Harmony, Creepypasta Ponies, and Solipsism. :)


In Progress - NaPoWriMo setup, and Monster editing project · 11:07pm Oct 21st, 2017

Why in the world do we want to join the EqD NaPoWriMo Discord chat when working on writing? Isn't that the anti-writing, or things that keep you from writing? Anyway, I'm going to be participating in NaPoWriMo this time (do or die) with something that has been done by a few people before, but I'd like to put a spin on it. We'll see how it develops in November, and I'll post drabbles of it as I go along.

Georg - 100k words - Sweetie Belle-Hogwarts Exchange Student

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Now that Hoof Steps is done, lets talk about the next 'Monster' · 1:21pm Nov 1st, 2017

If you're in a couple of the Discord servers I'm in, then you probably already know this. But I have been working, here and there, on the sequel to Twilight's Monster. Now that NaNoWriMo is here, I plan to put all my energy and the vast majority of my free time toward it. It's a project I have been looking forward to with pretty equal amounts of excitement and dread. It's a big project, and since so many readers enjoyed Twilight's Monster, I feel that I owe them my best.

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Alicornae Ch. 26 Up! · 8:02am Dec 2nd, 2017

And at last, the last of my NaNoWriMo work is done and ready for reading. I probably worried over this more than any other chapter I've written yet, but I feel like the result is well worth it! Also, this isn't the end of Part III, that will come next chapter, and then I'm gonna take me a well-deserved break and do some editing to this part to make everything flow better. So, in the meantime, enjoy this big, beefy chunk of story, and don't forget to comment! Thanks again for reading, and all

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NaNoWriMo Day 16 Results - A Good Day! · 4:24am Nov 17th, 2017

Words - 17,158 + 1,825 / 50,000
Days - 16 / 30
Average - 1,186 words a day (+42) [Required average - 1,667]
Pages - 33 + 5
Chapters - 4 + 1

Total Progress - 37.97% (+3.65%)


Alicornae Ch. 17 Up! · 11:32pm Nov 5th, 2017

8,579 words of NaNo down, only a buttload more to go! In the meantime, why not have a new Chapter? Our heroes get separated, find new allies in a strange city, Maud is there… what's not to love? As always, thanks for the support as well as any comments and critiques!


Reviewer's Café contest and NaPoWriMo · 8:21pm Nov 2nd, 2018

I continue to exist! A few weeks ago the Reviewer’s Café started a "make a fic staring a new OC contest." To which I said, "That's the easy part!" Being that most of my stories feature OCs anyway, I figured it wouldn't be hard. Joke's on me, only one other person bothered to take part.

My entry:

TThe Nightmare Night Knightmare
One Nightmare Night a frightened little pony discovers that even the most Fragile Flower can still have thorns.
Wings of Black Glass · 6.3k words · 358 views

mushroompone's: It's pretty solid too.

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

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NaNoWriMo incoming. · 11:25am Nov 1st, 2017

50,000 words in a month; easier said than done.

Well, I'll be doing this, and the fic will be a sequel to A Flame in the Darkness, at the request and my will of the person whose OC features in it.

It's unnamed thus far. Wish me luck!


Alicornae Ch. 16 Up! · 9:30am Nov 2nd, 2017

And so we begin Part III of Alicornae, as well as my first milestone in NaPoWriMo (4,146 words according to them). What perils await our intrepid heroes? Find out in the thrilling new chapter of Alicornae!

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NaNoWriMo Day 26 Results - God, I hope what I wrote wasn't too stupid · 3:31am Nov 27th, 2017

Words - 32,129 + 1,416 / 50,000
Days - 26 / 30
Average - 1,290 words a day (+5) [Required average - 1,667]
Pages - 62 + 2
Chapters - 7

Total Progress - 67.09% (+2.83%)

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IT IS DONE! · 4:27pm Nov 30th, 2020

NaNoWriMo is completed. And soon, I can return to writing here. I will need time to rest and recover a bit. But it is done lads and ladies. Hope you're all staying safe and well!

-Steel Quill


Writing update, pone show, etc. · 4:52pm Oct 30th, 2018

Man, there's a lot going on right now, isn't there?

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 229 results