
Viewing 121 - 124 of 124 results

Happy Misgiving! · 2:20am Nov 24th, 2022


A new story? Maybe. Need a wee help first. ATTENTION: Wee as in little, not urine. · 6:12pm Aug 20th, 2016

Twilight has a brand new discovery. She has theorized that it is possible to create pocket dimensions and a way to enter them. Facing the ridicule of the rest of the theoretical magic community she has set forth to prove them wrong. She will construct a portal and enter it.
She does. Inside she finds a field of empty white. There is nothing there but her and her portal. She decides that she has to study this empty world and regain her credibility when she reports her results.

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Signal Boost: The Midnight Filly · 4:06am Jan 7th, 2018

Friends, delegates, fellow countrymen, and international associates!

I've been acting as a pre-reader for Dinode's new story, The Midnight Filly, and also being a sounding board for ideas regarding the series he wishes to start with it. I've unfortunately been unable to help as much as I'd like, with my 2017-2018 schedule being all kinds of Gonzo Bananas, but I do think he's got great ideas, a characterful style, and a good grasp of the English language!

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Upcoming Story: Final Fantasy: Aleph Null · 4:00am Sep 7th, 2021

Question: "Can you synthesize the plots and lore of all the mainline Final Fantasy games into one large story?"

Answer: "Apparently, you can. The result is something I call Final Fantasy: Aleph Null. And I'm going to need some more help making it."

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Viewing 121 - 124 of 124 results