
Viewing 121 - 140 of 214 results

Hero to Zero - A Sprout Poem · 2:47am Nov 20th, 2021

With a cluster of coddling and egotistic incompetence,
Are the acts of a cult leader any coincidence?
I tried so hard to be a blind hero,
Now there's destruction, and I'm back to zero.

Emerging from the dust of chaos's aftermath,
Dismissed and exiled, now where is the right path?
Three tribes hug together as warmly besties,
As I'm drowning in the waters of my own insecurities.

The rising feels are up to my neck,
As my lips expel a final vent and beck.
Hoping they hear my call,

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Flooded and Drowned · 12:57am Dec 6th, 2021

Now for something rather dark and solemn. This depicts a scenario after Sunny Starscout gets in a violent physical altercation with ponies who betrayed her, is knocked unconscious, and thrown into the sea. Based off of AssasinMonkey's art, and inspired by Xhydralisk's comment on it. Paraphrased a few lines from his poem for the last three lines of this one. Might expand on it later.

Water floods my mouth, consciousness not found,

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OC Pottery · 10:37pm Feb 16th, 2016

Pear had to stop, to think and wonder
As an alpha wolf tore his ass asunder
How he made such an awful blunder
Underneath the starry sky.

"What say you?" to the wolf, he said
As the beast made his anus spread
Alas, no reply, but growling instead,
Red was dripping down his thigh.

Some time later, the Pear was done.
The Big Bad Wolf had had his fun
No longer in any fit state to run
Stunned, his final hour was nigh.

-Ben "Pear" Pearce, 2016


Gilda: Season One - Poem · 6:56pm Dec 9th, 2016

Friends with ponies,

a Griffon can never be

Lame are the ponies for the pranks that they sortie

But roaring at Fluttershy,

Pinkie Pie could never forgive

Turning Gilda into a jokester

And ruining her friendship with the only pony she considered as great as she


Raining · 9:48pm Feb 15th, 2017

It's raining outside
Maybe inside too
I can't tell though
Inside, I can't feel the rain on my skin

Perhaps it's just the temperature
That would explain the cold
But not why I hear the rain falling
a steady drip-drip down my nose

I'm standing in the rain, you see
It splashes from skin to shirt
And if it's not raining
Then why are my eyes so wet?

It's hailing outside
Maybe inside too
I can't tell though
Inside I can't feel the sting of my skin

Maybe it's just me though

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A Reading of Lamentations of My Luna Lost · 9:22pm Jul 7th, 2016

Wolf newman was kind enough to surprise me with a reading of my poem,


Would You Believe Me... · 12:58am Jun 17th, 2016

If I said that I knew what love was, at age 14 knowing that I won't feel it again soon?

Additional poem:
I met a girl, seems like long ago
It seemed like it would work out
And my heart was screaming, and i had to shout
"I love you"
But it wasn't meant to be
We loved each other, but life didn't like what it had to see
So we went on different paths, never together
And in order, to be happy, we had to forget eachother

I know what love is, so, now, I'll let it find me

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Poem #15 · 4:25pm Jan 17th, 2017

Lover's Kiss (15)

I saw a couple kissing yesterday,
Oh, how I felt, what can I say?
I know not the experience, but I'll tell my best,
Tis pure flame running down your spine,
The flame so hot cold is not felt.
It goes to the heart and burns,
It burns with passion and warmth,
But no matter where they are,
Under storm or noon, on ice or desert,
They will feel the flame if they are true,
If one betrays the other,
Then the flame turns into cold ice,

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Three Stories and a Holiday · 3:05pm Feb 14th, 2016


Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day, whether you have a date or not (like me).

Obligatory Roseluck image. Source

I just have a few updates to tell you about my stories.

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I Made a Poem. Your Opinion(s)? · 2:34pm Oct 4th, 2016

On the final knell
Of Canterlot’s tallest bell
The old guard fell.

How the years have passed,
Sun to Moon, Earth to Ash,
Bones, in place of grass.

Yet from ashes rose
Kingdoms of unconquered throes
Where hero’s arose.

The Dawn; The Twilight, pose.
Living with the choices they chose
Till death and crows flow.

Dawn first, Twilight last.
“Come Twilight.” The Dark Sun asked,
Twilight basked at last.

Twilight first, Dawn last.
“Come Dawn.” The Twilight asked,

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I wrote this poem because... · 7:17pm Apr 6th, 2017

Life can be stressful
Even when it's supposed to be restful
Deadlines come creeping in
Make you feel like you can't win
Family issues consume me
Things other people just can't see
I need some sort of release
Browsing through Internet memes
Ignoring all my problems
Is never going to solve them
But I need to calm my mind
So all work gets left behind
And this is when I start to write
Because I just can't bare the fight.

By The Corn.

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Season 3 Retrospective · 6:23pm Feb 16th, 2013

In the last months, we've seen these ponies
On many an inner journey,
And to end this season, I have composed
This poetic summery.

First Twilight went to the Crystal Empire
(In the loosest sense of the word),
To save it from King Sombra,
Let the Flugglehorn be heard!

Then Pinkie thought to clone herself
In order to increase her fun,
But that wasn't such a good idea
When all was said and done.

And the Cutie Mark Crusaders
Added Babs Seed to their ranks,

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Poem #14 · 4:24pm Jan 17th, 2017

Reflection (14)

What do I see?
When I look in a mirror?
Who am I inside? What can I be?
The answer is hidden inside.

What do I think of myself?
What do I see of others?
What is the value of wealth?
Who are my brothers?

These questions I ask myself,
I ask when I see my reflection.
Yet no Answer do I hear,
But one question still haunts me,
What do I see in me?


Rainbow Dash (Season One) - Poem · 6:07pm Jun 28th, 2016

art thy name
is your game
Yet loyalty
you possess
Though, the Wonderbolts
could not care less


How long is the time from 24°° to 0°° · 4:16pm Oct 31st, 2015


Nightmare Moon
Had a goon
Long ago she slipped away
but she knew how to make you stay

They say that you have to fret
over her big pumpkin head
you should run from her light
during every Nightmare Night.

To escape from her grip,
that she does to make you trip.

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Poem #7 · 4:15pm Jan 17th, 2017

Light and Dark (7)

Light and dark are two sides of a dime,
Each being alone and separate on its own,
Yet light hath more beauty and shine,
And darkness doth froth and foam.
Light, being as bright as the sun,
It hath more knowledge and good,
It hath more joy and happy fun,
And tries to make us happy as it can,
Dark, however, is where light is not,
It lurks in corners waiting,
It clouds the mind, and is cold,
It turns evil, gives hate,
And snuffs the breath of life,

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I Know I'm Asking For Shit With The Title... · 9:19pm Oct 10th, 2017

TJunkie Mac
Junkie Mac lived in a torrent of tobacco ash, surrounded by pizza crusts and empty bottles in his rancid flat. Follow me as I narrate the life of Macintosh, who got his wings and horn and traded them for open vein depositories. (Poetry.)
All Art Is Quite Useless · 1.4k words  ·  16  23 · 609 views

But I promise it's not actually anything offensive.

Ah well, it'll probably still piss a few people off.

Enjoy! It's actually a vaguely structured poem, so if you're into that sort of thing, you should have a good time with it!



Requiem of Solace · 6:11pm Apr 18th, 2018

A short poem written by bronyprophet, for the loss of a beloved mother. When you read this think of the epic sacrifice, your mother endured for your sake, to bring you into this world. If you haven't spoken to her in awhile, call her, because she may not be around forever, so make sure you make the most of the time you share together. Say "thank you for bringing me into this world." although this world is broken. She believed you were worth her sacrifice, remember that. Show her that you

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An Ode To Dead Fics · 7:59am Jul 24th, 2015

Everyone knows one. Everyone has read one. A lot of folks have written one; I've written three or four. Sometimes they die while we're reading and then it screeches to a halt, and like cartoon characters whose car just drove over the cliff, we hover in place waiting forever for something more that doesn't come, until we look back and finally realize what's happened. Or sometimes we find its corpse lying 45 pages into the category, a gem buried in the turds of more active but far less talented

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A Poem · 3:11am Jan 20th, 2017

I used to have an account on the Young Writers' Society website. Well, I say used to, but I never deleted it, so I suppose it's still there. All the same, all I ever wrote for it was two poems, neither of any artistic merit. Anyway, I was looking through old memorandums (memoranda?) on an older-still 'phone of mine, and happened across a fragment of a poem. It seems I'd tried to write a short, humorous verse for each month of the year, then got stuck. I don't have a very clear memory of

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 214 results