
Viewing 101 - 120 of 386 results

Status Quo and Scale: A ramble by CGL · 11:01pm Dec 21st, 2015

Note: the following is copy-pasted from a discussion on another forum, and was written during a period of general incoherency. I've probably left a lot of thoughts out, and I apologize if it just makes no sense. You have been warned.

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Bronycon 2019: A Power Ballad in the Whiskey of Sleep Deprevation in Two Parts (1 of 2) · 6:26pm Aug 6th, 2019

Or: Reason # 434 Why Razed Should Not Be Allowed Pun Privileges

Disclaimer: Much of this blog was written going off around 2 hours of sleep. There will most likely be contradictions, confusion, and grammar errors out the wazoo. You have been warned.

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What Is Normal? · 12:30pm Jun 19th, 2017

What is normal?

Many have asked and debated numerous times, and given just as many answers. But as this question pops into my head at 5am, I feel like sharing my opinion.

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Quality, quantity and quompromise {oh, and also two stories} · 7:56pm Nov 6th, 2019

"What are you, a dictionary?"

The first step towards fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem.

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Report Quinch · 201 views · #reading #ramble #comedy

Centaurworld is Very Good · 9:01pm Sep 6th, 2021

Horse is an absolute Chad. I love her to tiny pieces.

Spoilers to follow.

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Original Fic Writers vs Fanfic Writers · 12:15pm May 4th, 2020

Because I exist in both worlds.

Orginal Fic Writers: Oh woe is me I have such terrible writer's block! I wrote 325 words today! The Great Equestrian Novel will never be complete! :raritycry:

FanFic Writers: Oh, hi, this is my Naruto/Garfield/Pony crossover, it's 900,000 words long and I started it in January. It's pretty awesome. Remember to fav and upvote! :rainbowdetermined2:

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Short Opinion: The fandom, criticism, and communication. · 6:38pm Jul 13th, 2021

If you think I'm wrong, or wish to discuss or expand on something, please feel free to comment below.

I have seen some people talk about bad things in the fandom like it doesn't happen in other fandoms. I understand they are still... concerning, but this is far from "the decline" they seem to think it is. And people will use their creative freedom to do what they want.


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Surprise Endings · 4:07pm Jul 22nd, 2020

I've got Filly Friends pulled up because I do like to do that writing thing to give you guys chapters, and as I look at Scrivner with it's outline pulled up on one side, and the story on the other, I realized something.

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Happy New Year! · 4:37am Jan 1st, 2020

It's not midnight yet, but whatever, I hope you all are having a great new year, someone once told me that whatever you do on new years is what you'll be doing the rest of the year too. obviously this shouldn't be taken too seriously but I take it seriously. So I really hope you're all having an awesome new year to start 2020 off right. I am I guess, I got my first car, but more on that at a later time. I hope that everyone reading this has fun, grows as a person, and will be happy. See you on

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The End of One Man's Pony Ramblings · 3:07am Mar 7th, 2018

More stuff on the blog, but that's the big bit: after a month-long hiatus, it's time for me to acknowledge that I'm not currently able to review or keep a schedule at the level I attempt to set for myself.

I'll still be around here, I'm not leaving the fandom or anything like that.

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[NaNoWriMo Intensifies] · 6:53am Nov 17th, 2016

Things have been quiet here in CoffeeMinion Tower since dropping Change We Can Believe In. For the last couple weeks I've been in super-anti-social mode, just putting my head down every day and writing like one crazy mofo. Because it's time again for NaNoWriMo, and this year, I'm hungry for it.

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How not to get yourself hospitalized, or Just because you like Kraft Dinner doesn't mean you are mentally ill. · 3:35am Sep 28th, 2018

As part of my job as a crisis worker, one of the things I need to be able to do is assist in the process of placing people who are mentally ill and in crisis on a hold. Now... a lot of people probably start thinking of getting '5150'd' - to borrow from California's statutory code related mental health hospitalizations - but it's... really more complicated than that. A lot more complicated. So much so that, after visiting Ebon Quill, I ended up having to drive the entire diagonal length

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Sudden Oak Death, Fame, and the Ontological Affects of Rum · 8:30am Sep 9th, 2019

I should probably be writing Speak or Synchronicity instead of writing this blog. Or keeping up with the plethora of emails that have likely come in from work about the poor souls that I work with, and need to keep an ear out so I can go out again to try to help pick them up off the floor like I'm some angel in a Mountain Goats song. Instead, I'm writing a blogpost about the negative psychology of fame, whilst trying to give counselling to a friend that deserves far better than me as their

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Ominous hints and perhaps a bit of insecurity. · 4:50pm Feb 1st, 2017

I've been thinking a lot lately about my fic and just how I want it to proceed. I may have had a brief moment of panic when I thought that the way I wanted my story to go would make it less a Fallout: Equestria story and more... something else. I even went as far as writing Kkat for her input (no response yet, but she is very popular and likely gets A LOT of PMs). I think I'm mostly over it. I've tied my elements together in a decent fashion without it being too deus ex machina (or, simply

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"Dear Princess Celestia" · 8:55am Jul 24th, 2015

It is currently 4:24 AM on Friday, July 24th. I woke up about an hour and a half ago, I had a small little panic attack, and I decided to kiss sleep goodbye. Instead, to stop myself from further freaking out, I booted up my Xbox and started up Netflix to watch some MLP. I decided to go back to Season 1, to one of my favorite episodes of the first season, Suited for Success.

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A Ramble Through the Fire · 2:18pm Sep 25th, 2019

I remember a time when we didn't pick sides. There was no pro party or con party, but there was just individuality, a certain type of unique that was so sweet and charming in its own way that to know that people prefer being at each other's throats over petty ideology instead of thinking freely and acting of their own will kills any and all hope. Ever watched a candle burn until the wick that's burning turns into a black crisp before wilting and drooping downwards, the flame barely clinging on

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I'm Still Standing · 10:33am Dec 1st, 2023

Maybe not better than I ever did, but I'm alive.

If anyone is still out there waiting for more from me, well, you'll have to keep waiting a while more, but I swear I will be getting back to work soon.

Banana Splits, Rainbow Rumbles, and Midnight Thunder will rise again!

Thanks for watching and reading, folks.

Peace out <3


A confession on Harmony · 1:06am Nov 14th, 2015

As may or may not be implied by my pseudonym, there's little that is more instantly appealing to me than Harmony. Yes, the capitalization is intentional; I mean Harmony in all its forms.

The Free Dictionary has a bunch of definitions for harmony, but here are my highlights:
- An orderly or pleasing combination of elements in a whole
- A combination of sounds considered pleasing to the ear, as in music

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Proof is Irrelevant · 6:52am May 6th, 2016

(Ranty ramble incoming x3 Foul language warning.)

Just a late ass post before bed xP

Anyhow, over all my years in this fandom. I've come to realized that proof, most the time, is utterly worthless.

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It's gone. · 3:21am Dec 15th, 2017

Welp. There goes Net Neutrality. Will I miss it? Honestly, I hear so many conflicting things about it, it's hard to care. So what if Corporations now rule the internet? If what I heard about Net "Neutrality" is true, at least it'll be better then the Government controlling it. Then again, who listens to me anyway?

Viewing 101 - 120 of 386 results