
Viewing 81 - 100 of 125 results

News · 7:20am Apr 20th, 2017

Since Chapter 26 is already done and I don't really want to move on yet, I'm going to do a minor rewrite of my first few chapters. Basically, I'm going to beef them up a bit and make them suck less so more people actually want to continue reading, though I'm pretty much leaving the story as it is. IT's really just adding details and fixing spelling, formatting, and a few other things. Chapter 26 is going to be released some time later today, most likely around 7:30 EST, so keep an eye out for

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Minor Schedule Change · 2:54am Jan 13th, 2018

Instead of Sunday night at midnight, A Thief's Tale will be coming out on Saturday night, same time, same place. I just don't like having to spend my last night off of my weekend editing, so we'll see how this shit rolls for awhile, yeah?


Woo! We Cracked 1M Words! · 2:09pm Aug 15th, 2017

I don't know if I'm going to do a milestone or anything for the event, but I do know that I'm hype for it. I thought the story would be closer to ending by now, but shit just doesn't seem to be slowing down all that much as I write. Maybe it'll close sometime in the Seventies, but for now, it's not looking like it's ending before we hit another 500k words. It'll be nice to have A Thief's Tale done, but I don't know. I've enjoyed the journey to get to this point so much, I might just

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So I Finally Got A Job · 9:54pm Jul 21st, 2017

First things first: Fucking finally. I've been waiting for this moment for too fucking long.

On another note, my work schedule is fucking weird. I'm on a 12 hour swing-shift that means I work two days, have two days off, work three days, off two days, work two days, then off three days. Get it? I don't, but that's not important.

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Spoilers For Lupa's Quest in Chapter 34 · 9:43pm May 16th, 2017

There are spoilers in that shit. If you haven't read Lupa's Quest, I suggest you do so now rather than later. Chapter Thirty-Four should be up within three to four days of this post, and Lup's quest in its entirety is shorter than most of my chapters, so make of that what you will.

In other news, exercise is hard. Muhshithurt.

As Always, Don't Fuck Wolves

Stay Cool, Kids


Page Count For A Thief's Tale · 6:48am Jan 23rd, 2018

It only took me an hour and forty-five minutes to dig through the archives and get my number, but I managed to get everything out of gdocs and loaded up. As of Chapter Seventy-Two, A Thief's Tale is 3,784(ish) pages long. I made sure to get all of the longer chapters, but there may have been some that slipped through the cracks, so there's a 20ish page deviation there.

Not exactly a big deal

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It's Decided and I'm Excited · 1:32pm Oct 6th, 2017

Fans of A Thief's Tale, I have come to a conclusion. I'm hype af to share with you that The War will not be the ending arc. Nah fam, I'm not ready for the journey to end. There will be another arc on top of the wind-down/Epilogue, so let's see how far that gets us.


Update · 12:27am Apr 13th, 2017

Due to the positive feedback I got from chapter 23 (Put On The Red Light) I'm most likely going to keep it up with the longer chapters. Of course this means that updates will be spaced out a bit more, but I'm hoping that giving you guys plenty to read when I do update will be received better than shorter chapters.

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Villains · 11:15pm Jul 6th, 2019

I will do a fanfic which can include a bunch of real, OC, and very hated villains of MLP, the most disgusting type of ponies will be here, as a squad, but not as you expect, I want villains before they become villains, villains who know what they will turn into.

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And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I still hate Starlight Glimmer. · 8:32am Jun 2nd, 2017

Welp. That saves me having to write that "Why I Still Hate Starlight" essay I was thinking of possibly doing. This pretty much sums up all my thoughts on her as a character.

Thanks, Lily! You spared me a whole lot of joint pains in my fingers! :rainbowlaugh:


Alright, So I'm A Bit Ahead. · 10:16pm Jun 6th, 2017

I’ve got two chapters of A Thief’s Tale written. They’ll need to be edited and proofread, but I do that the day before posting the chapter, so that’s some words right there. In any case, Chapter Forty is finished and I’m debating on what to do next. I was thinking of doing a short story because I have a decent backlog now and that creative spark for the main story is waning a bit. I’ll take succinct suggestions for short stories, but the main thing I want to know is if I should make

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Bi-Weekly Update Schedule · 1:18am Jul 31st, 2017

The title says it all. Instead of being posted on every Monday, A Thief's Tale will be updated on every other Monday. Basically, the 31st of July will get the usual update, but the next one won't be until August 14th.

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Chapter 28 is a shit show. · 3:31am Apr 29th, 2017

After going multiple days without sleeping or eating, I finished up chapter 28 and am now editing it. The only thing that's wrong with it is that there are entire paragraphs of complete nonsense. I don't remember writing them, and I don't know what they were even supposed to be about, they're just jumbled up words that have little meaning.

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TOP ONE FU*KING HUNDRED (In Length) · 11:33am May 12th, 2017

A Thief's Tale: The Road to Redemption is the 87th longest story.

Can you quack, mother f*cker?

Slap happy af. So hype. I'm so very hype, like you can't even comprehend.


Today Is An Important Day. · 7:08pm Dec 26th, 2017

One year ago today, I was unemployed, down on my luck, and was still depressed while trying to get my medication straightened out and some of my behavioral quirks in check. However, I just so happened to be desperate enough to turn to that cartoon for little girls that I used to watch when I was just starting high school since it used to make me smile when I needed it most, regardless of how retarded I thought I was for actually enjoying a kids show. I got through a few episodes and decided to

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News Concerning Chapters and My Backlog · 1:00pm Nov 15th, 2017

Dear fans and casual readers of A Thief's Tale: Road To Redemption, I, as of like, two minutes ago, have five months worth of chapters in my backlog, and the next chapter isn't even slated to be posted until I have my long weekend off, which means that I'll most likely be adding another chapter to said backlog. Ride the hype train.

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The Salt Life of an Author · 10:45am Jan 27th, 2018

Recently my laptop crashed. It crashed hard af and I had to factory reset it.

Guess who used Notepad for everything.

My salt levels are so high that I'm pissing salt, and it burns coming out. I'm about to make a fortune selling my white rain as coke to middle schoolers. Fucking salt levels so potent they'd die of dehydration after one rail. My cock salt is fentanyl-level deadly, Goddammit!





So The Old Motivation Has Taken A Hit · 3:29pm Jun 14th, 2017

I don't know how long this bout of minor block is going to last, but it's been going on since I got Light Sprint's Little Problem published. It's killed my momentum with A Thief's Tale so I'm going to extend my usual release schedule from every four days to a week to help me maintain a decent release schedule. It'll slow down further once I get a job, but as it is right now, I'm just not feeling it as much as I once was. There are still events and things that I have planned and I

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Archive of my Home · 12:38am Apr 30th, 2019

So I've finally found a place to start my novel, so here it goes: ArchiveOfOurOwn (Ao3) will be the home of Attuned, my latest work. So far I have the prologue and first chapter posted, but for the time being I'm holding onto two, three, and four. Backlog.

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On the Nature of Redemption Arcs · 2:39pm Oct 12th, 2021

Lately, I've asking myself: why are there so many examples of redemption arcs, not only in established, canon of MLP, or in published fiction in general, but in fanfiction as well?

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 125 results