
Viewing 81 - 100 of 357 results

Love for Code Lyoko EG · 7:33pm Aug 10th, 2015

Thank you all to everyone who has read Code Lyoko: EG. I absolutely adore each and every one of you, and you inspire me to keep working on it and to give my best.

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Humanity · 6:45am Jan 10th, 2016

This is a post I've been wanting to make for a long time.

Hope you enjoy it. :heart:

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Re-Discovered a Great Quote · 6:42pm Jan 12th, 2016

Earlier today, I was searching around my apartment, and I found an intriguing message that I thought I should share. If I remember correctly, I originally found it on one of those daily calendars, you know, the ones where you tear off a page everyday and they all have a fact or quote or something.

It goes like this:

"Remember, anything you have published, whether fifty copies or a million, maintains for eternity the potential to impact the mind of man."

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InspiroBot · 11:56pm Jun 28th, 2017

InspiroBot generates inspirational posters. They're not completely random, but they're not pre-defined, either. Some of the results can be quite hilarious.

This blog post isn't about the posters it generates, though. This is about the things it says while generating them.

When you first load the page, it will present its "About" text:

I am InspiroBot

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Food for Thought · 2:28am Oct 29th, 2017

"Fluttershy, there ain't no shame in following your dream. The problem most people have with that is they'll say it, but then they all apply it to the same dream - goin' out into the world and getting rich, or famous, or bein' involved in some great dinosaur dig or building a rocket to the moon. And there ain't nothing wrong with all that. But you gotta stay true to what you want, even if the music in your ears ain't what other people hear."


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Back in the Groove · 6:28am Sep 4th, 2017

After writing a script for a friend's comic, I find myself more interested in writing. I CAN DEW EET GAIZ.

Onward, to creating more adventures.


bookplayer states the obvious · 6:56pm Aug 31st, 2012

Every now and then I have to remind myself what things I have control over and what I don't.

Things I can control:
I can write stories about whatever ideas I happen to have
I can ask advice about how to make them better
I can decide who I want advice from and who I don't for whatever reason
I can listen to that advice, or I can decide not to listen for whatever reason
I can spend as much or little time on a story as I feel like spending.
I can edit a story whenever I want.

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"Hello" by Adele · 3:51am Jan 16th, 2016

Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello, can you hear me
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us
And a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times

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Finally... · 9:19pm Jan 14th, 2019

Finally I have my computer back in working order. First blog post of the year with a fixed up computer. I bet everyone is wondering what happened. So for the past few months I've been without computer and if you see any posts from me those came from my phone.

Yup I've been on my phone the entire time since about... last April maybe. So nearly ten months without one. Regardless I'm finally back up to full speed with a computer.

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A little Starburst Playlist · 2:07am Jan 11th, 2019

So I'm working on a few WIP's, one of which is 90% done and I hope to post it this Saturday or Sunday, while writing I been listening to some songs that remind me of the ship. I find myself listening to them when I get stuck on a scene, for inspiration, or to remind myself of the feeling I'm going for. Here some of the songs I got so far, if you can think of any other then please share! I might even add them to the playlist 😊

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The rest of my day has been pretty good · 12:11am Aug 14th, 2016

I got a really bad case of the munchies earlier today, so I made a really ugly version of this peach salad. I devoured the entire fucking thing. Then I made myself a bagel sandwich with cream cheese and prosciutto. I spent the rest of my high jerking off. It was pretty chill. I think I sobered up after that. I got super inspired and decided to do some embroidery. I just realized that I

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TL Playlist Post #3 · 10:01pm Jul 25th, 2020

This one most of us all know and love. Black Gryp0n & Baasik- Crusader (Are We There Yet). I figured this would be fitting for Ch 33 of Transparent Living (For obvious reasons) With the new set of Crusaders in Mane-hattan, new adventures are surely on their way.

Crusader by Black Gyph0n & Baasik:

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What gets me going as a writer? · 1:58am Jul 26th, 2020

What gets me going as a writer?

Well, I'd probably say the biggest thing that motivates me to write is music. Every time I come up with an idea for a story, or write a chapter, I'm constantly listening to music. The music helps dictate the mood and feel I am trying to go for, and usually I go for sad music.

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Almost 10,000 Words In · 5:14am Feb 18th, 2020

A bit over a month ago, while conducting my normal night-shift duties as a security officer, I came across a guy enjoying an evening drink of vodka...and more front of his apartment. I waved as I passed and he waved me over, offering me a sip of his beverage, which I reluctantly and politely declined.

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Horse Voice: The Soundtrack · 9:49pm Oct 2nd, 2015


One of my other hobbies is putting together themed mix discs. Since much of the Horse Voice bibliography is heavily inspired by music, I thought it appropriate to make one that would perhaps give readers a little insight into the stories' origins. Most of these pieces' influence will be obvious. Others, I'll leave you to guess at.

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Life Check 2 · 3:52am Jan 3rd, 2016


"Photograph" by Ed Sheeran · 3:56am Jan 16th, 2016

Loving can hurt
Loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard
You know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holdin' me closer
'Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone

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Character inspiration (Paul from Pokemon) · 1:19am Dec 27th, 2019

--You two, Take a hike! --Paul releasing two Starly he deems are no good.

--Please! This Stantler only knows a lousy "Tackle" attack! What a waste of time! GET OUT!! --Releasing a Stantler he just caught.

--Chimchar Return! Still just as useless as ever!

--You ought to be ashamed!

--Paul Scorning Chimchar.

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Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Community · 6:48pm Jul 31st, 2019


Inspiration Why? · 6:28am Dec 29th, 2019

I am 10.5k words into a fic that's purely for self-gratification and yet I am:
200 words into the next chapter of Divine Intervention,
500 words into the next chapter of One and the Same Thing,
1783 words into the next chapter of A Packed Crowd, and
30 words into the next chapter of Compatibility
Why is inspiration such a dick to me...

Viewing 81 - 100 of 357 results