
Viewing 81 - 100 of 308 results

Selene The Crimson RED Changeling Empress · 2:03am Dec 22nd, 2021

'Selene The Crimson RED Changeling Empress' has been over a week in moderation approval que... I decided to use auto approval, since i want the story out as some kind of X-Mas thank you for my readers.

Story suppose to be Chess Verse originaly, than Displaced BUT i got other that would fit better.

So since the Chess Verse group is unresponsive i make it a stand alone story in honor of the Chessverse storys i read for years :pinkiesad2:

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A Hearth's Warming Carol · 10:00pm Dec 20th, 2021

In honor of Christmas, I decided to pick back up a project I started a while back, that being an MLP themed Christmas Carol, done to the best of my ability to be as true to Charles Dicken's Original novella while still holding the magic of pony. And yes, I am quite well aware that the show did a version of this story already, but as I am sure you are also aware, the show did a much-condensed version both to save time and keep it, I presume, from "scaring" the target audience.

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Let's go from here, friends and readers. · 11:29pm Oct 30th, 2016

To all those who read and enjoy Equis Art Online II...

How do YOU want the story to move on?

I have a plan for the chapters since the ball, but for your sake and mine, let's take a poll on whether to...

Redirect the story to make it more MLP related...

Remove the chapters since the ball and rewrite from there...

Or just start anew with a ground-up rewrite.

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Report Mkchief34 · 236 views · #Poll #reader #vote #happy #rewrite

One Shots and Proof Readers · 3:47pm Dec 5th, 2015

Hi guys,
This afternoon I've sat down and begun working at my first one shot fic. It's a little piece set just after Cutie Re-Mark I came up with when I asked myself the question, how did Starlight Glimmer get the better of Twilight and began exploring the scenario in my mind.
I was hoping to find a proof reader or two, get some feedback before I publish stuff.
If anypony is interested, just reply below or send me a message.
Thanks for reading :twilightsmile:


State of affairs. · 2:38am May 5th, 2016

First off I'd like to say sorry the story hasn't been updated for nearly a month. University exams have been happening and I've been swamped between juggling studying and my part time job. Because of this, I have very little free time just now, and when I do, I'm so mentally drained that writing just isn't something I can face doing.

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A question of measurements and units · 4:16pm Aug 6th, 2017

I have been using metric measurements as of recent in story because I feel like they are more universal than the imperial system. That and I have a better grasp of numbers for them in part because up or down by factors of ten is easy and imperial system is sort of absurd and I say that as an United States citizen. But I figured I should actually ask. Is that confusing for you my readers? Is my use of the metric system being a distraction? I am about to put a temperature out in the next

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Looking for Beta readers · 7:40pm Dec 6th, 2019

I am in dire need of beta readers in helping posting my stories. That is if people are still writing MLP: FiM stories on this site and people are still reading them. I need major help when it comes to grammar and if such stories are worth posting. Also, I'm Iooking for someone that can handle, or at least be okay, with reading mature content. If anybody out there that is interested, please send my a message.


Fallout Equestria Outline Done; Beta Readers Wanted · 2:53pm Nov 30th, 2019

TL;DR I need beta readers for episodic updates of a novel-length Fallout Equestria story, about 5K words every two weeks.

I will start revising the outline and writing the buffer soon and begin serializing in January. I'll be writing as I go based on the outline with probably a buffer of several chapters, and posting a chapter every two weeks or so. I'm looking for people who can pre-read the chapters for continuity or technical errors.

About the story:

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Colony Alpha Reader Call! · 7:18pm Jan 22nd, 2016

Holy smokes, is this for real? I'll give it to you straight. Yes. Yes it is. I've been kind of quiet this week (having a holiday on Monday helped), save reminders that Unusual Events: A "Short" story collection is coming out in just four days! If you've somehow missed all the news on that end, it's awesome, it's excellent, and you can pick up a copy ahead of time to be delivered the moment it comes out

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Done editing and looking for a reader. · 3:17pm May 27th, 2017

It took me three weeks, but I finally got done editing all my stories! At least, I've edited any and all grammatical errors I could find. Hopefully, this will attract more people to read my stories. Speaking of, I was hoping someone would like to read them on YouTube. I had someone who was before, but he stopped reading them due to YouTube drama. But when he did read them, they got fairly good feedback and most people liked them. So, I was hoping someone would like to read them on YouTube, or

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Dying Embers - Equestria needs you · 10:22pm Nov 17th, 2016

As the story progresses I will regularly add new characters to fill various rolls either major or minor in the story.
Feel free to submit any character ideas to me in a private message.

I am also looking for additional proof readers and editors for 'Dying Embers' and possibly future stories (But that won't be for a while)
If you are interested then send me a private message.

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The first chapter of Driven Batty has been updated · 5:05pm Jul 16th, 2017

I added a bit more to the end of the first chapter of Driven Batty. Mostly because the added bit would contribute more to this chapter than it would for the next.

Well, that, and it opens up a little more flexibility so I can decide whether I want to do either a minor or major time skip.

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Anyone know any good groups for this thing? :V · 5:55pm Jul 28th, 2017

Edit: not sure how important this is now that I've been featured... :P

So, I tried something interesting with this fic: I went around adding it to a bunch of groups I think would like it, and I ended up with a huge number of views in a short amount of time. I know I get other people's stories in my feed when they get added to the groups I watch, so I'm wondering... Does anyone know of any groups I haven't added this to, but should?

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A message for my readers. · 7:41pm Aug 4th, 2019

Hello, readers.
I'm feeling a bit sad and having doubts about my work. So I have a few questions for you.
What do you think of my fanfic Age of Decay so far? Do you enjoy reading it? Do you have any criticism to the story?
I would very appreciate if you answered some of those questions in the comments below.


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Character Contest · 6:57pm Mar 12th, 2021

Hello, everybody!

Anyone who has read my latest chapter will know what this is about. For everyone else, I will explain again:

You have now the chance to pitch a character for my clopfic Tartarus on Equestria. This character will be playing a role in the next chapters and will present quite some trouble for our dear Twilight. There are some ground-rules, obviously.

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Expository post for "Sunset Shimmer Hunts the Undead" no one asked for #2: Character sheets for the rookie hunters: · 3:15pm Nov 17th, 2018


A question. · 11:35pm Sep 15th, 2015

If I were to hold a poll asking you guys what you would like to see happen or who you would like to see with in Hunters: Missions or Peace, would you be interested in taking it?


Looking for Editor · 2:46pm Mar 7th, 2019

Looking for an editor for a NSFW Clop Gay Story.

It involves Spike and Discord and is a one shot. I am looking for someone who can edit grammar & Punctuation. While also pre-reading to make sure the flow is working well for the story. If you are interested PM Me.


Seeking Beta Readers for "Trip the Light Scholastic" · 5:59pm May 28th, 2020

Howdy, y'all.

With the next chapter of Trip the Light Scholastic nearing completion, I've decided that I want to take this project a bit more seriously. It originally started as a side project while I worked on other stories in the same universe, but it has come to take up the majority of my time and attention. I'm really happy with how it's turned out so far, but I want to make it the best it can be.

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Bronycon Panels · 5:17pm Oct 31st, 2015

So, as you may recall, I was on a couple panels at the always amazing Bronycon this past summer. The videos have just gone up so head below the cut to see me discuss Equestria Daily with folks and explain why Editors, Pre-Readers and Reviewers are important.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 308 results