
Viewing 81 - 100 of 209 results

Passage for a Friend · 1:32am Jan 7th, 2017

I lost a friend today.

She was someone I spoke to less than I should have but whenever I met with her, her smile was infectious and her spirit was inspiring.

She was 18 and she had a thirst for life. Even with her circumstances, she was brave and optimistic to see what the future held.

It was early this morning when she passed but it just hasn't sunk in. I went out and I expected to see her.

She was funny, generous, beautiful and genuinely kind above everything else.

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Report Baritone · 268 views · #Friendship #goodbye #rip

I've Decided On What I'll Be Doing In My Fanfiction Career From Now On. IMPORTANT NOTICE · 12:48am Jan 29th, 2016


I'm not going to do this anymore here. Going back to the fanfiction account I haven't really used besides throwing in forever.

There it is. That's where I'll be from now on. Writing what I want in whatever genre, fandom, or general seriousness I want. There's not a like bar that tells me if its good or not. And I don't have to be worried how people will take new stories.

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Disney Channel is no more · 9:25am Oct 2nd, 2021

I had a feeling this is going to happen sooner than later. Safe to say, I'm not surprised since we're now in the era of streaming content anytime and anywhere. This also gives me a sense of relief that the imposition of super strict censorships and cutting/blurring scenes have ceased.


Goodbye for now · 1:03am Jun 19th, 2019

My story is on hiatus, I lose internet soon.
I'll be back as soon as I can. I have lots more done and want to post it, but that's going to be a while. Internet is important, but it's not a priority so this could take me a while. I look forward to coming back and seeing you all again. And seeing all of the stories that are posted during my absence. (And getting to my read later list when I’m not panicked.)
A few specific goodbyes right now.

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Letter of Resignation: Final Goodbye from Me, Taking My Exodus · 7:50pm Jan 11th, 2021

Thinking of disappearing for a long time, maybe for good.

This has pretty much run its course. I hate it here now.

Time here and being a presence online has only made me more miserable and exhausted. I hardly get any satisfying fulfilment out of this anymore.

I can't do this. I may save all my content then delete this page. I feel nothing but shame for my work.

I really need to get out of here, fast. No more Fimfiction for me. My time is done here.

It's been a pleasure.

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Early Farewell · 5:56pm May 30th, 2017

I have some bad news, and I don't know how to put it delicately, so I'll just go ahead and say it like it is.

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Hiatus · 7:06am May 18th, 2017

My laptop broke down. So this means I can't write my stories any further or edit anyone else story. I hope that I'll find a solution soon, but nothing clear is on the horizon yet.

I thank you all for your patience and your follows, favorites and comments on my stories.

I'll be back!! I Pinke Promise!! *does the motions*

So... goodbye, for now.
PanzerBrony Metallicom


Goodbye... For Now · 10:54pm Jul 29th, 2019

I never thought I would write something like this but...

Hey, guys, long time no see.

It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything for Fimfic, and I am so sorry it’s been so long. It sucks that you guys haven’t been able to read anything thanks to me, and it sucks that I’ve been so busy that it’s been impossible for me to write anything and put it up. There’s just a lot of stuff going on and, well...

And it’ll be another few years before I can do anything else more.

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Farewell, Until the Day We Meet Again · 11:20pm Apr 8th, 2018

It's as the title says guys, I won't be able to be on here anymore for the next two years and I'll have to cancel the two stories I promised, I'll be working with my friends on their stories for the remaining time I have. I've had a lot of fun on this site, I've made a lot of wonderful friends and I couldn't be happier, it's not that I don't want to be here anymore, but with my mission coming up and personal reasons. I figured it was about that time to close this account for awhile. And I know

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Let's Make This Official · 10:34pm Mar 14th, 2017

As I'm sure anyone can figure out at this point, I haven't really been writing anything at all in the past few weeks months. There's no special reason for this lack of writing besides lack of motivation. Writing hasn't been on the top of my list and I don't believe that I've even thought about it for such a long time.

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Team/Crew Spectrum Regarding: The End of the Show · 8:08pm Oct 16th, 2019

Dear Characters of Generation Four, 

Consider this an open letter of sorts, one from those of us who dwell on the spectrum and everyone else who have watched your world unfold over the course of a near-decade. This would have been written earlier, but I got a bit sidetracked. The intent remains the same though and that’s what counts.

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I give up... · 5:55pm Jul 26th, 2019

I had enough, after thinking it over for a long time I decided to stop writing here. I tried, I really did to draw attention to my only two of which is incomplete and will forever will be. It's unfortunate for me as I loved this fandom, but now that feeling devolved and I can only look at it in bitterness as my stories become forgotten and just another bump in the road.

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Final post · 4:28pm May 7th, 2019

I have officially left the fandom and most likely not returning. I thank the fandom for what it has done for me, but I can no longer stay in it. It has from what I have seen become very toxic and I can no longer handle it. I know that some of you will flame me for saying that the fandom is toxic, but it is and everyone needs to realize that. The fandom's motto was 'love and tolerate', but from what I have seen it hasn't been shown since season 4, or maybe longer. Again, that is from what I have

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All things must come to an end. · 1:16am May 4th, 2023


Yeah, it's been a good long while, hasn't it? I think my last blog post was back in 2017 during my first year of college. I'd be surprised if anyone around here actually remembers much of me, but I do have some good memories of my time on the site. I'm obviously still around, given that I'm making this post, but at this point I've mostly moved on from the MLP fandom.

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Mental Health Update: 3/24/24: Goodbye Clock?! · 11:03pm March 24th

Before anyone freaks out, no, I am not attempting suicide a third time!

Now that this disclaimer is out of the way, I wanted to let everyone know that my psychiatrist told me to delete each and every one of my socials permanently, if I am to keep my mental health in check.

Depression and anxiety suck, and being online has made some symptoms worse.

Twitter and Discord have both been deleted (2 weeks for Discord to permanently delete, and 30 days for Twitter to permanently delete).

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I'm Sorry, but . . . · 12:15pm Aug 15th, 2015

It's time I finally address this topic after all these months of inactivity and all that jazz. You know, I've loved every moment of my time on this site, and it's time I can't even fully conceptualize using for anything else. I've learned so much, gained so much, and made so much thanks to this site and this fandom. It's irreplaceable.

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I should leave · 3:56pm Jul 21st, 2015

I should just leave the site, perhaps I'll return someday or perhaps not.


My Little Brony and Goodbye, Fluttershy · 6:16pm Nov 26th, 2015

So I think that MLB could be way better. For this reason, I am not publishing it. I may publish it later, but not now in it's current state. I am currently working on Goodbye, Fluttershy. Here is a teaser:

"We have to, Fluttershy. You want Ponyville to be rebuilt. All the money we'll get from this will rebuild and help ponies everywhere." Twilight sobbed, tears trickling down her face. "You understand, right?"

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Wow hi · 3:14pm Oct 31st, 2019

So damn its been 3...4 years? Don't know, it's been very long. I decided to log back in after remembering the good memories I had writing(quite amateurly) and how carefree I was. Man, the pony fandom really did bring out the best in 11 year-old me.

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It's that time again. · 8:58pm May 2nd

In about a week or more, but definitely less than two, I will have to turn in my Chromebook. I will then be unable to access the internet. The only way I could would be on the family computer, and even then, I couldn't do anything on any site at all. I'm sorry. This could be farewell for good, depending on what happens. This could also be the end of my internet life as we know it. I am unable to get a job (nobody will hire me, probably bc of my height), unable to move out (we have a massive

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 209 results