
Viewing 61 - 80 of 518 results

Update · 2:27am Jul 7th, 2017

Been a while since I made one of these. Here's a rundown on what will happen soon:

-Face Off! Chapter 2 will be out within the next 3 days. Sorry I didn't focus on that for a while, but it will be out soon. :)

-I'm taking a week's break from Alive, Not Alive to jot down some more ideas for the storyline(FreeMind is a nice program for story writers to make notes)

-I might be making a romance story between original character and Sunset Shimmer(I sorta teased it in Face Off! Chapter 1)

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How many Words · 6:42pm Oct 9th, 2015

Some are doing this thing where they look at the words in there Stories. I decided why not for the fun of it.

168,027 words in total.

hmmm sounds about right.

Also I possibly my need an actual Schedule.


Fair word of warning · 1:52am Sep 8th, 2020

Friend dropped me a notice about this. Thought I should warn y'all.

"If you use TikTok, Facebook, Youtube or other social media, please be very careful on the app for the next day at the least. Last night a man committed suicide and was recorded live from Facebook before uploaded onto other platforms and is rapidly spreading as these platforms are fighting to contain it, having released statements on the case.

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Report The Bricklayer · 275 views · #Words #of #warning #to #you #all

Pony physiology: body parts · 7:07pm Jul 27th, 2016

This is just for my ease of access when writing stories. Perhaps, it will be useful for you, as well.

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Report Bad Dragon · 562 views · #body parts #words

Matthew 19:26 · 1:09am Apr 20th, 2019

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

What this Bible verse especially means is that as long as we worship and trust in God, we can do anything. But, that doesn’t mean we can do anything like fly without jet packs. It means that we can make huge accomplishments, such as build a bridge without giving up and continue going strong, as long as we let God be by our side to help us.

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Short Hand: Equestrian Differences 2 · 5:44pm Aug 21st, 2021

Shepherd: "So... Twilight, I gotta ask: How exactly can we understand eachother?"

Twilight: "What do you mean?"

Shepherd: "I'm literally from another planet. Maybe another universe Yet you also speak English? I mean I know the multiverse is infinite and all but even so, that seems a little... Unlikely. For a certain set of infinity, I mean."

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Artbound Whelp · 11:18pm Nov 27th, 2022

In an unexpected message from Faust herself, we have a late arrival to G4. I, for one, welcome the addition.


Workin' on Stuff · 3:18am Jan 16th, 2016

Right now, I'm polishing my Hellraiser/MLP crossover fic. I was planning to submit it on Monday, but now I realize Monday is a holiday, so maybe not 'til Tuesday. A bold experiment; so far everything I've written on here that wasn't melodramatic clop has been a flop, but horror is my favorite genre, so hopefully it will go over well.

Honestly even if it flops, I'll probably do more cinematic horror crossovers. They're fun, and I love fun things! :rainbowlaugh:

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Fixed a thing · 4:10pm Sep 18th, 2017

I doubt any of you noticed, but the word count on Peephole got changed for some reason. I don't think this happened back in the Fimfiction 4.0 update, but I'm not 100% certain.

Anywho, I got it back to normie, so now I can go write other shit without that bugging me.

poner tax

Pink Horse, PhD


Damn... · 12:52am Apr 29th, 2018

So... my computer crashed. I can still do everything off my phone but it takes a bit longer. This is kind of annoying. I'm gonna have to reformat my entire hard drive. This makes things a lot harder. It won't effect my posting chapters because I usually use my phone for typing out chapters when I'm out.

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One Million Words · 3:12pm Apr 14th, 2017

We've finally done it. After 25 months the Wilyverse has hit over one million words with the publication of Chapter 6 of Wildfire 3: The Flame Renewed.

So yeah, yay us I guess, and those ten people that read it.



Psalm 46 · 8:19pm Mar 25th, 2020

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

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Milestone · 5:52pm Apr 3rd, 2018

Hey, look what I did.

300K words. Thirty five stories averaging 8,597.74~ words per story.

I like metrics.

Here's to the next 300K.


I'm actually doing it. · 2:28am May 5th, 2016

You guys follow me for nothing, and I feel pretty bad about it. So I'm writing a fic about my OCs.
Or at least about some of them.
Anyways! I finished chapter 1, but I'm not posting it yet, I wrote it in portuguese (Brazil, yay...), so I need to translate it first.
Also, there's guy who let me borrow his OC for the ride. Thanks BarkTree, Sarah is mentioned on the first chapter, she won't appear for a while, but she will sooner or later.

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Hire highly reputed Word Press Development Sydney · 6:04am Jan 5th, 2022

WP Creative offers best services of Word Press Development Sydney at reasonable cost. Choose their trusted and reputed developer services by just consulting them at:


James 4:13-17 · 1:17pm Mar 30th, 2020

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money."

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.

What is your life?

You are a mist that appears for a little while then vanishes.

Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."

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Words of Wisdom: The Chekhov's Gun Paradox · 6:07am Apr 22nd, 2017

You have your story scripted out to it fullest and now it is time to breath life into your work. You’ve constructed your character profiles and have built your plot. Now comes the third act twist! Your audience won’t see this coming!

...Will they?

How do you foreshadow future events while still not tipping your hand and exposing the big reveal?

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A little behind, but going strong. · 4:32pm Nov 4th, 2017

For those of you who missed it, I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year. As such, I’m dropping all of my main stories to work on this.

And I’ve got updates!!!

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Obscure Language of the Underground - Punter · 4:11am Mar 23rd, 2017

Punter - The pickpocket's assistant who, while the pickpocket operates, diverts the victim's attention. New Zealand, earliest recorded usage 1910 (New Zealand Slang 1941)

Don't worry everyone, if you ever fall into a time portal and wind up in early 20th century New Zealand, you can count on that little nugget to save you.


Philippians 4:8 · 5:15pm Dec 21st, 2019

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things."

Philippians 4:8

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 518 results