
Viewing 61 - 80 of 759 results

Anarchy Digi Log · 6:39pm Oct 6th, 2015

Hello subscribers. Anarchy here!

So, I've been having a couple of new ideas lately! Since it's the Hallow's Month, I thought I'd start of a bit... darker. Aside from InFamous and Rebooted MOE, I'm doing my first dark/sad/adventure fic. There will be some comic scenes, but no comedy tag. This stuff is supposed to make your heart twist as you read... If I do it right.:twilightsheepish: If you know and love Code Lyoko, you'll enjoy this.

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Editing Update · 5:42pm Nov 15th, 2017

After you folks telling me to find an editor. I'm doing all that I can hear on my own. If there is someone out there can want to help me with the story and maybe later ones down the line.

Just shoot me a message or comment on my profile page to let me know what we can do.


Signal boosting · 7:26pm Jan 31st, 2019

I don't know the dude who made this blog, and I don't know what he writes, but he's in a miserable condition.

Link to the blog; needs help

Please, at least read it.

Thank you for taking the time, and may the Lord go with you.


Bronies for Harvey Book Club · 12:10pm Sep 8th, 2017

So, everypony knows about Harvey. Well, a Houston teacher kicked off an online book club where you take videos of yourself reading children's books for the Houston children and I thought us Bronies and Pegasisters could pitch in. So everypony, go find your favorite children's book, video yourself reading it, and share it with the world. It'll make the Houston children's day. Bronies for Harvey Book Club, what do you think? Do you want to pitch in and read a story for these children in need?!


New editor · 7:39pm Aug 28th, 2018

My best friend /editor hasnt really been editing much even before she was sick for a bit shes better but still nothing. Im horrible at gramar and spelling but spelling is easily fixed grammar not so much lol. So if your willing to a girl out please message me and let me know thanks!

Report Akwolfgrl13 · 253 views · #Editor needed #help

More Dangerous Than An Honest Pony · 5:44am May 5th, 2016

More Dangerous Than An Honest Pony
Plot: Trixie, daughter of the necromancer Snowblind, becomes the victim of a signal crime. In order to get revenge she teams up with the Flim-Flam bros. and... that's all I got for the moment.


Need an emotional support friend · 2:58am Sep 4th, 2022

I'm casting away my shame and saying I need a friend.

Nothing extensive or serious, just someone who will geniunely read my stuff and say "Nice chapter, I liked it". I just need a little morale boost.

With the little interaction nowadays, feels like I'm writing for noone except myself.

Ah well, nothing to it I guess. Back to the grindstone. Knight of Order won't finish itself.


Useless but we Should Still Join · 3:54am Jan 22nd, 2020


Need an Editor · 8:13pm Oct 2nd, 2015

I need an Editor or two to help me out with Llamas: A Drama or with any of my other stories that I am still working on.

If you'd like to help me out, private message me here or email me at <>.


My friends, I need your help! · 11:29pm Jul 5th, 2015

I need some help coming up with Ideas for fanfictions, guys. With several fanfics of mine cancelled, I'm in need of new and awesome ideas!


So I need an editor.. · 12:51am Feb 18th, 2016

If you've seen my latest story, Rainbow Dash is Hitting on You, you've seen it all over the comments. So I'll be blunt: My grammar and spelling suck, and I need someone to make sure I don't type like I'm 5. I'll give you credit in the editors notes and a follow (if I'm not following you already), and my thanks for letting me write casually instead of having to worry about every little spelling error. Comment if you

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Report Smg065 · 444 views · #Editor #Help Needed

I need your OCs, also part 6 · 11:55pm Jul 14th, 2017

So I mentioned in the comments of part one that I made a concept combining every story so far into one thing, well this is it. I wanted to do an original Holy Grail War, so the one I'm making will have my OCs as the summoned servants, and I would love to have people give me their original characters to serve as the masters in this story. I already have the master of Saber planned out, but there are at least five others I would love to see, and a sixth would be helpful but ultimately would take

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Bronycon was great! · 11:38pm Aug 14th, 2017

Last year's was, that is. I didn't go this year. Next year I probably will though.

This post brought to you by me noticing I hadn't made a blog post since Extended Bronycon Vacation. I did not go on a year long vacation, as disappointing as that is to report.

Report djthomp · 627 views · #i-need-a-vacation

Looking for Proofreader(s)! · 3:02am Jul 26th, 2015

Since Wandering Through Realities is nearing the 10K word milestone in the coming days, I think it would be good to seek out proofreader(s) to detect the mistakes or inconsistencies that I missed.

If you are a proofreader (or can link me to one), please drop me a line!

Whoever proofreads, as per tradition, will be featured in the story description and on my profile.

Name and address withheld,


I need a little help · 1:47pm Dec 5th, 2019

Ok guys, as much as I'm glad to finally get out of the baby Spike phase, I need some help, I have a few ideas for chapters between baby Spike and show time line, but I want a few more to work with. Here's what I got.

1) His first message, 1 week after he gets his fire.
2) Apple Family Reunion, where Spike meets the whole clan.
3) His first Day at school with his aunts.
4) Twilights number one assistant (Not Spike) probably Owl after shining leaved for the guard.

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Report TAD2 · 345 views · #Help #Need Idea

I Think I'll Take A Break · 1:26am May 14th, 2016

I'm not leaving Fimfic. But, I am having a ton of emotions over countless things... Some bigger than others... And idk. I might log on, I might log off. I'm sorry... I'll still be contactable through email until tomorrow morning. I'm alright...Just...idk...I don't want to start any drama. Just making this blog so hopefully all the people I'm currently PMing will see it. It'll only be for a few hours. I need sleep...I need to clear my mind. I can't stay on this site as much as I

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 250 views · #I need sleep

A Friend in Need · 3:07pm Sep 4th, 2019

Hey... listen, can you give this friend of mine a hand? Her dad's an abusive asshole, and she needs the money to get out of there. Whatever you can spare... I'd be grateful.
(Link to her PayPal)

Report The Bricklayer · 192 views · #Helping #a #friend #in #need

An important message to everyone who needs to read it... · 6:32pm Apr 17th, 2023

Well... I don't usually do these things, but considering the month that's coming up, and the fact we all need a ray of sunshine sometimes, I am passing here a very important message shared by someone who conveyed it much better than me.

To all who need it, please give it a look:

And don't forget that you're unique, special, and matter.


Stories in need, New group · 1:12am Feb 13th, 2016

I started a group for any writers and stories in need. So old stories that could use more views, writers trying to get more followers, or even if you just want some story Ideas or help with editing. So tell your friends, and lets get this going :yay:


I have a question, and I need y'all's opinion. · 3:05am Sep 23rd, 2017

I have an idea for a book, and I need y'all's opinion on it; it's about an oc I haven't introduced to y'all yet, writing in a journal, as well as his parents. The oc's name is Drago Daggertooth, and he's a long story. Should I take my hoof at it?

Viewing 61 - 80 of 759 results