
Viewing 61 - 63 of 63 results

I'd Only Dream Of You: New Fic Out! · 2:32pm Aug 2nd, 2022

Do YOU like romance? Do YOU like Luna? Do YOU like an unconventional portrayal of Dr. Whooves and a unique twist on a story you've heard before?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then have I got a cute little fic for you! Fully completed, sitting at a comfortable 8k words, with humor, a love song, and a refreshingly different take on a classic MLP tale, I'd Only Dream Of You is waiting for you!

TI'd Only Dream Of You
Every time Luna falls asleep, her lover vanishes. Every morning, she must find who he's replaced.
Silent Whisper · 8.7k words  ·  162  2 · 1.2k views

My Hand Slipped (or, Two New Stories) · 2:00am May 30th, 2020

EHorrible Words
The first worst part of loving somepony is that you eventually have to tell them. The second worst thing is that they will leave you.
Ice Star · 1k words  ·  154  8 · 3.3k views

I tried doing a thing for a prompt collab. Here's the full version, because I had enough brain worms to type out random nonsense when I should be doing other things. Please enjoy it, and remember that one like means one child will be eaten, as per my bio.

ELittle Candle
Little candle, why must you try and be so bright?
LackLustre · 1.2k words  ·  94  2 · 2.3k views

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Disney's Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is going to be a nonsensical mess · 5:46pm Dec 17th, 2019

Disney's Star Was Episode 9: The Rise Of Skywalker is going to be a nonsensical mess. The test audiences hated it and according to the Sweden's movie rating board, this movie is awful and nonsensical . And also Daisy Ridley made sure that the movie is going to be a flop by putting her foot in her mouth by insulting a large chunk of the American population.

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Viewing 61 - 63 of 63 results