
Viewing 61 - 80 of 134 results

Next Q&A · 5:22pm Mar 4th, 2022

Well, it's that time again. The first major arc, what I'm calling the Fugitive Arc of Break the Walls Down has officially come to an close. As such, I'm opening up another round for questions from the readers. If there's anything you wanna know about how things have developed so far, coming plans for the story, my ideas for the world and how I'll be growing this universe, or any curiosities about any of the characters you've seen up till now, by all means fire away. 😁 I love to hear from you

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Fire Emblem with Pirates idea! [LONG] · 12:07am Feb 20th, 2017

Yep, this was the big thing I was doing for the past two friggin' weeks. So, how do I start this little blog off, you might be so curiously wondering?

Um... no, not those pirates. Good god, no. They suck.

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Who gets the enchilada, WL or Sky? · 12:53am Aug 16th, 2016

In my last post I wrote about a fictitious universe from the POV of one of its inhabitants who knows quite a bit more than the rest. In the story that inspired it, a couple of characters with a mysterious past caught my attention. While we never see the original lives of most of them, we encounter the lives of these two less than the rest. Not only that, they get on well from the start and have never been shown to fight. Furthermore, their friendship is stronger than all the others at

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Tropes Page Made · 9:54pm Oct 1st, 2018

I have a tropes page now! Guess it'll be a continual work in progress, especially since I'm still learning the ins and outs of the sight. Hopefully I can inspire the rest of you to add to it too. Please feel free.



Daily Blog #54 · 2:12am Sep 17th, 2017

Hoo boy, it's one of those weekends.

Random Fact: Windows XP was the last version of Windows to support running without ACPI support, and was also the last version to (unofficially) run on the i486 platform, using the Pentium Overdrive chip for i586 capabilities.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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(Somewhat) Daily Blog #43 · 4:38am Aug 13th, 2017


No random facts today.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watched a do not cry challenge. I failed.

Generally, if you ask me, I'm pretty sure that I've teared up at anything that contains a loss of something personal or of significance to a character.

Internet's gone to crap again, so yeah. On the bright side, my singleplayer survival world in Minecraft has gotten a massive bump in overall progress!

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Daily Blog #59 · 3:38am Sep 22nd, 2017

That moment when childhood finally catches up with you...

Random Fact: Even though there's hardly anything that currently uses the full bandwidth of PCIe as of yet, PCIe 4.0 is already rolling out, and 5.0 is in the works, both of them greatly increasing the bandwidth. Again.

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Daily Blog #61 · 3:00am Sep 27th, 2017

There's Discord, and then there's... Discord.

Random Fact: Before the rise of smartphones, Qualcomm was a small-time chip maufacturer. Now they're an up and coming rival to Intel and AMD.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As per usual, daily internet outages are back with the school year in full-swing. :facehoof:

Today pretty much all but confirmed that I'll be leading a sizable chunk of the school robotics team.

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Daily Blog #76 · 4:29am Nov 8th, 2017

Once again, I repeat myself: Screw Comcast.

Random Fact: Comcast and Centurylink, as well as a smattering of smaller ISP's, were recently hit with a massive, rolling set of internet outages caused by technical issues on Centurylink's behalf. Ironically, this is due to Centurylink having scooped up an ISP called "Level-3" that provides access to other ISPs. Including itself and Comcast. Unfortunately, I'm still feeling the brunt of that.

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Daily Blog #69 · 4:36am Oct 13th, 2017

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Random Fact: It's indeed still possible to use a 56k modem to load modern websites. It's just painfully slow.

Now that I'm practically a full quarter into the school year, you can probably tell that I've gotten comfortable by the massive load of productivity that I've pretty much slapped down wherever I've gone.

Somehow, in Angry Birds 2 in the Arena, I beat someone with nearly 100 ranking points more than me.

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In Circles · 5:06pm May 14th, 2016

So I just spent 10 hours switching between playing Dark Souls II - SotFS edition, and staring at Google Docs, getting nowhere in either of these activities.

At this point I kinda wish I could just burn my computer to ash and wash my hands of both these things, or that I had a time machine.

Here's some feel-good rap music for y'all.


Random Ramblings CCCXXVIII · 4:14am Oct 21st, 2018

Yesterday was a bittersweet day. First the sweet: Babymetal's newest music video.

Immediately after came the news that Yui Mizuno, who had been ill for a year, was leaving. More past the jump.

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Daily Blog #49 · 3:13am Sep 12th, 2017

Let's get this thing back on track, shall we?

Random Fact: in most devices, if adequate cooling isn't provided, than the CPU and other components may begin to "thermal throttle"-- that is, slow down in order to prevent overheating.

Thoughts & Opinions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Honestly, it actually kinda feels weird doing actual writing again after around a month-long hiatus.

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Daily Blog #64 · 4:17am Oct 4th, 2017

Honestly, my avatar looks a bit... off.

Random Fact: While most dogs shed, there's a class of dogs that are typically known to by "hypoallergenic", and usually won't shed their fur. These dogs are usually very good pets for people with allergies to dog fur, since their fur isn't going to stick to everything.

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Q&A Session 2 · 2:51am Jun 24th, 2022

Happy 31st anniversary, Sonic the Hedgehog! I was hoping to get this out before today was over. Better late than never- Now, as promised, here are some questions from you the readers and their answers.

Could Eggman team up with other villains or he's going to do it alone?

There will be some others involved. But I wouldn’t say they’ll be so hospitable to call them team ups.


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Daily Blog #55 · 4:08am Sep 18th, 2017

Quick, someone give me a small loan of $230!

Random Fact: Java SE 6 U0, AKA Java/JRE 1.6.0, is apparently one of the last versions of Java to actually live up to its name as "i586-compliant", according to the installer names. There's the x64 version, and the i586 version. Every version of the i586 build I've tried past the original SE6 crashes upon launching a jarfile complaining about CMOV, which is an i686 instruction.

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Expect something new · 2:23pm Sep 9th, 2017

Alright, I've hit a literal brick wall while writing "One late night" and I've decided to put it on pause for a while. For now, I'm working with two of my friends to bring you all a new story.

I would give you guys a sneak-peak into the google docs file that we're writing it in, but I don't feel like being paranoid about someone making edits or just utterly fucking everything up. Sorry, but one bad apple spoils the bunch. It's happened before, so I don't feel like letting it happen again.

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Daily Blog #73 · 2:48am Oct 24th, 2017

I am the darkness, I am the light, I am your worst fear... I AM YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AND UNPAID BILLS!!! :pinkiecrazy:

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The Wager · 11:08pm May 19th, 2019

On a rainy night when the world has turned into black and white, a card game was going on a particular street in Ponyville. Inside a cafe where all the lights except for one that shines down on a table. Discord looked up from his hand at the stallion across from him. This said stallion held up his cards like a shield, scanning through his glasses.

"So I've heard your latest little dare turned out well."

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Daily Blog #57 · 2:56am Sep 20th, 2017

Tell your friends about your birthday party when you have a bit more privacy, or else the entire class will want to go.

Random Fact: Linux was once called "cancer" by Steve Ballmer, a former Microsoft CEO. Fast forward now, and you can now run Linux on Windows using an app produced in conjunction by Canonical and Microsoft. Canonical develops Ubuntu, which is by far one of the most popular and well-known Linux distros.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 134 results