
Viewing 61 - 70 of 70 results

Where The Apple Lies, various thoughts · 9:43am Oct 9th, 2016


Back when Tigers Used to Smoke -- On Worldbuilding · 12:50am Oct 8th, 2018


New chapter of Hell's Belles is out · 4:58pm Sep 23rd, 2020

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 380 views

For all your ridiculous fic needs. Also, have a bonus... something... I found on my drive. I think it was for a "Spontaneous Combustion" panic contest that I entered as a joke. Or something. I think it was a joke contest.

“Pinkie,” said Twilight evenly. “I’m not gonna judge you for your actions, and I know we all need a friend sometimes, but I just gotta know. Why’d you do it?”

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You Probably know what this means... · 4:16pm Nov 16th, 2016

Another blog, another delay. I'm just kind of stressed right now... so I avoid writing, and try to actually do the stuff I need to do.
Sorry to leave you guys hanging. Next chapter we will look a bit more on Sombra's thoughts, affected as they are ^^ hopefully it will be up next Sunday after this one.


Equestria Daily is a Go! · 3:43am Apr 18th, 2018

Yes, that's right, everyone--my longest story, If You Give a Little Love, has been accepted to Equestria Daily! This is my first-ever EqD acceptance, but it may not be my last--I'm thinking of submitting Paging Doctor Sparkle in the future as well. In any case, this is as much a cause for celebration as any, and I have all of you to thank for it!

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Random Ramblings CXCII · 6:00am May 30th, 2017

Yes, I'm very aware it's only been five or so hours since my last blogpost. That post was me bragging that I still know how to grill meat and that I am in fact making progress on stories for y'all, albeit slowly.

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All of this chaos makes perfect sense · 11:21am Nov 5th, 2014

When I was young, I moved to Eugene, Oregon. I was always a smart kid, and I already knew how to read and write (and had for possibly several years even at that point). Now, Eugene is kind of an odd town, and it had some charter schools there, namely language immersion schools - schools where you spend half the day speaking (and learning) a second language. At the time, they had a Japanese, a Spanish, and a French immersion school. I was somewhat torn between the Japanese and French schools,

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Humanity is the worst form of life except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time · 2:08pm Apr 1st, 2022

Citation: today. Don't believe everything you read on the other 364.24 days of the year either, but this is the day that lots of places decide to remind you of that. It is, of course, misinterpreted. I think AM stated my opinion on both sides of this problem:

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Side Fic Now Out! · 6:37pm Oct 3rd, 2021

TSoldier of the Moon
A young and restless Rarity enlists in the Royal Canterlot Army to help defend what is left of her home. She gets far more than she bargained for in the process.
Zontan · 7.4k words  ·  113  5 · 1.2k views

I've been looking forward to this for a long time! If you enjoyed Lover of the Moon, you'll absolutely LOVE Soldier of the Moon. If you've been curious about Rarity's backstory and just can't wait a week and a half for the next update, here's your solution!

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Family Tree (yes, this again) hopefully posting very soon · 5:20am Jul 26th, 2018

i. having been working. on this same story. for three years. (maybe longer my memory's crap)

it's getting a little ridiculous at his point, i managed to smooth out some major plot holes that i didn't bother thinking about for some reason and banged out like 5 chapters but i'm terrified to post them because i have been guilty of posting stuff and then losing steam. plus i'll be starting full-time college soon and my free time will be spotty at best.

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Viewing 61 - 70 of 70 results