
Viewing 61 - 80 of 430 results

Future ages rambling(Very slight finale spoilers) · 9:18am Oct 14th, 2019

The finale just has me thinking about everyone's ages in the future.

With the grey hair and lines under the mane six's eyes, they are clearly getting older.

The Crusaders and Cake twins are also both adults. The Cake twins seem to be running Sugarcube Corner.

In the present day of the show, the Crusaders are young enough where they can't travel without adults. Also, the older kids they meet in Growing Up Is Hard To Do seem to still not be in the 'older teen/young adult' territory.

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First day of school · 11:16am Sep 8th, 2020

Welp, I’m fucked.


When it rains, it pours. · 8:24am Jan 17th, 2023

Not one to complain too often about the cards life gives me, so consider this an excercise in staying mentally healthy by airing out my thoughts. Been having a lot of bad luck lately. Water heater died a month ago, that's a 500$ fix. Winter breeze rolled by recently, been awfully cold just washing my hands, not to mention showering as usual. But I'm strong, I weathered it.

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Computer Delays · 4:11pm Oct 16th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Due to an unforseen circumstance, I have to take in my computer for repairs because I have no access to the internet nor can I click on the icons to acess the internet. Which means that although I can get on FIMFiction by my tablit and/or phone, the story "Lightning Bolt of Rome," will have to be put on hold until then.

Your fellow writer, and closted Brony,



Pony Anatomy Problem Group · 10:08am Feb 3rd, 2017

Do you want to write a spin off of the Pony Anatomy Problem series? Change things around, but containing many of the original stories features... or lack thereof. (Wink wink. Hint hint.)

Well, then look no further than the Pony Anatomy Problem group, where you can write your very own spin off story based on this verse.

Report Bendy · 368 views · #Pony Anatomy Problem

First World Problems/Life Disruptions: Weekend Edition · 8:22pm Feb 12th, 2017


EDIT: Earlier today, to shake out some of the cobwebs, I started working on a new Ladybug fic I've had in mind for a while now. I'm not giving it top priority and might not even publish it for a while now, but don't be too surprised if I suddenly announce a new Ladybug fic out of the blue. Besides, the release of the series on Netflix is good incentive to unleash a new Ladybug story. :raritywink:

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How writing goes ;3 · 12:55am Aug 9th, 2016

So this really just is a pointless blog about a picture I saw on my facebook newsfeed and really its true. On days when you really have to write something and you just dont know where to start. Writing for fun may be well.. fun, but it still has its ups and downs.

How do you guys feel about writing stories? Is it easy for you? What do you struggle with most?

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Night shift · 11:57pm Jun 11th, 2017

After watching this weeks episode, I can say that I emphasize hugely with Princess Luna. As someone whom has worked a night shift job I can explain exactly what Luna's night is like.

1) The job is BORING. You will get lonely, and you will start talking to yourself to keep your mind active. If anyone catches you and says that you're acting weird, just them that you do it because you prefer intelligent conversation.

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Mariusioannesp Reviews: "A Royal Problem" · 6:34am Jun 17th, 2017

WARNING!!! The following contains SPOILERS for the latest MLP episode “A Royal Problem”.

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Problems · 10:59pm Feb 6th, 2018

Apparently my DC Power port on my laptop gave out again so I'll have to get that replaced. Unfortunately we don't have the funds to full this off at the moment. I'll have to get a job so that I can pay for it eventually. At least I still have my tablet and the school computers.

I also have a question. What would happen if the United States or any other country were to make a impoverished and destroyed Equestria a territory in modern times?


Revisiting the Final Season · 11:26am Oct 14th, 2021

A few months ago, I rewatched Season 9, and I liked it even better than the first time I saw it. There were still two episodes that I didn't care for: “3, 2, 1, Greaaat” and “Trivial Pursuit.” With both of those episodes, I went into them with the mindset that I would skip to the next episode when they started to annoy me. I only made it a few minutes into each episode.

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What to Watch · 5:46am Jul 2nd, 2015

-SAOII's new Episodes
-Neon Genesis Evangelion
-Code Geass
-Gurren Lagann

SIDENOTE: I found a Jazz Remix of Sorairo Days, and I love it.



Let's count how many times I've tried and failed to connect to and play on a minecraft server. · 5:58am Jun 11th, 2017

Let's have an average of around 2-3 hours of Minecraft per week, typically occurring on weekends. This average will be used to represent all of May, and so there's about 10-15 hours spent playing in May.

Out of those 10-15 hours, about 90% of that time is either spent in singleplayer, or waiting to see if my connection is dropped.

All I want to do is try out my TNT cannon designs in TNT wars, but Comcast hates their customers' guts, while loving their money, so I don't get to.

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Whats there to understand about a bunch of men competing to beat wach others brains out? · 3:07am Sep 21st, 2020

"Pinochet," repeated Hawkeye, as if he was trying it on for size, "Anyway, you got any plans to head down there and see her swing? After all you're the one who brought her in."

"And the reason why she's swinging." The big man shook his head . "Never was much one for witnessing hang-ings myself, though. Too much of a spectacle for all the wrong reasons."

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"The Last Problem" Wishlist · 8:02pm Oct 31st, 2019

"The Last Problem" had moments where everyone had grown up and moved on in the future. Here are some things I really wanted to see in the last episode of MLP:

- More older versions of the school ponies
I know we saw older versions of Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Twist, and possibly a few others, but I really wanted to see what Pipsqueak, Rumble, and/or Lily Longsocks looked like in the future.

- Octavia and Bulk hooked up

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Horseshit and horsewords · 1:12pm Jul 19th, 2016

Well I just spent my morning, on the hottest day of the year and at the hottest point in said day, traipsing around several acres of hilly countryside shoveling horseshit into empty coal bags for a few hours and somehow by the end of it my face and arms were blacker than sin, with a young herd of horses following me and my father around and annoyingly biting our shirts like the nosey bastards they were. Emphasis on nosey, we explored an ancient abandoned farmhouse out in the middle of nowhere

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Pony Anatomy Transformation · 11:08am Jan 30th, 2017

The story is basically complete, but it needs some editors. 'Some', too many causes chaos. As you can guess it is another sequel to Pony Anatomy Problem.

Summary: Twilight's and Rainbow's bodies undergo a strange transformation. The two aren't very happy about the changes. Meanwhile, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence struggle to resist you.

Cover picture below.

Report Bendy · 546 views · #Pony Anatomy Problem

She's Everything Inside of You That You Wish You Could Be [episode spoilers!] · 3:58pm May 20th, 2017

At this point, I am not even pretending I'm trying to keep to any kind of schedule. I've been friending all week, had no time to watch anything, who cares, it's all Canada's fault.

So yeah, for those keeping track, this one's about the Celestia/Luna episode. That I tried reallly hard not to get excited about when the synopsis was revealed, because Starlight Glimmer. :B

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Sorry for my extended absence! · 6:24am Jan 27th, 2016

A friend of mine had who has diabetes had a big toe removed a few months ago, and it became infected over the weekend. He admitted himself to the ER for treatment, but unfortunately, he ended up having to get more of his foot removed do to the infection being too severe.

I've been keeping him company while he recovers, and doing things like feeding his dog and picking up his medicine since he obviously can't get around very easily right now.

Hope I didn't miss too much while I was gone!


Update Problems · 5:01pm Jul 29th, 2017

Hey guys!

This is just a quick info blog as to why I didn't produce my usual updates this week.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 430 results