
Viewing 61 - 80 of 195 results

I've made a hard decision · 2:53am Jul 7th, 2021

As of right now, my story Devil in Me is cancelled.

There may be lots of questions and no concrete answers to them. All I can say is my mental health has taken a roller coaster ride into the dangerous zone and because of this, I haven't been able to retain the stability needed to continue this story. I'm not gonna delete it yet, just....know that as of today, July 6th, 2021 Devil in Me is cancelled and likely won't be back ever.

I'm sorry,

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Dead is a strong word... · 3:06am Oct 27th, 2015

Alright so I suppose an explanation is in order.
I stopped watching the show (for the most part)
Work and life consumed more of my time
I just kind of fell away

I know that isn't what people want to hear but its what happened. I've changed most of the stories I never completed to Cancelled as I doubt I'll go back... with a few exceptions.


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Sorry... · 7:41pm Jan 22nd, 2016

I know many have wanted a new chapter of 'More related Than You Know' but I'm sad to say that I won't be continuing it.:applecry:

I have too much on my plate at the moment. I've got many ideas for 'Seeking Answers' and some story ideas that are good, but I've got no more inspiration for 'More Related Than You Know'.

Again, I'm sorry to those who were eagerly awaiting a new chapter. It pains me as well to see the cancelled tag on it, but that well's run dry.


Fan continuations? · 12:28am May 23rd, 2020

I've been re-reading a lot of my favorite stories here. Most of them, sadly, are cancelled and will never be completed.

When a story you love ends prematurely, you can't help but think up your own interpretation of how it would be continued and ended. These ideas may be enough to be written down and, with consent from the author, shared.

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I think it's about time I come to terms with my writing · 5:17am Feb 10th, 2022

So, let me be honest for a little bit here.

Writing has been, well, almost completely stagnant for me as of late. Things just aren't going the way that I imagined they would be going, and with all of the real life stuff that's been going on and with my work, it's been quite depressing to just look at my half-finished, or barely started stories and realize that I might've made something I can't fully commit to.

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Canceled · 7:58pm Feb 18th, 2023

Hey guys, I am coming to you with a sad message.

Yes, it is true, the story is dead. Its not something I like to do to a story people enjoy, but I have really been trying to write the next chapter, but I just never get that spark. With many of my stories I usually have plenty of moments of inspirations and Ideas, but not for this one. I have come to get annoyed whenever I think about it, and force myself to write one or two lines, and that is no way to write.

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Report DanishDash · 1,316 views · #ending #canceled #dead #apology

Cancellation of 'World War 2 in Colour' · 4:08pm Jan 21st, 2023

Hello dear readers.

As you have read the title of this blog post, yes, I have canceled my fanfic.

"Why?" you may ask. Well, to understand 'why' I have to tell you the story of how I came to write this Fanfic.

I created this account on November 20th, 2020. I did this to keep track of Fanfics I read, give them likes, and be more interactive. It was only 6 months, on the 30th of April, 2021, that I uploaded my first Fanfic.

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Cancelations · 10:11pm Aug 28th, 2015

Okay, I didn't want to do this, but I can't keep fooling myself: The Switch and Cacophony are cancelled. I can't finish them. On the rare occasion I can motivate myself to try and write something, my mind draws a blank. I'm sorry to say that I just don't think I'm cut out for long stories. My mind just stops working on long projects after a while, I guess. I really am sorry to anyone who was interested in seeing either of these stories continue, but I just can't.

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Looking Back on Old Stories · 1:29am Mar 15th, 2017

So I've made several attempts at writing series that never went anywhere on FImfiction. Some never got enough attention to warrant the effort while others I just lost interest. Looking back I'm wondering which one, if any, I should give it another go.

Dark Frost
I had high hopes for this one. But it wasn't received well. No dislikes, just few comments and not enough attention.

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and so begins, the Lumberyard adventures.. · 1:09am Feb 15th, 2016

not related to any of my stories, but it will affect all of them in some way.

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Report Pesoen · 210 views · #Lumberyard #Progress #Cancel

A question for anyone who had an original Xbox... · 7:45pm Dec 25th, 2019

Does anyone remember when this was gonna' be a thing, before it got cancelled?

Leave a comment if you do.


Cancellation · 5:52pm Jul 27th, 2016

Dear fellow readers,

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Maybe I jumped the gun too quickly. Was my reaction too harsh? · 5:57am Oct 26th, 2016

So, to most who read it I'm sure you think I might have jumped the gun too quickly on quiting fanfiction so suddenly, cause I sure do feel that way. I actually had a hard time hitting cancel on everything like I did, and when I left to go to work it was bothering me all through the 1 hour I was there. Eventually I was told to take the week off cause my manger thought something was wrong with me cause I was way out of it for that one hour. Honestly my last blog was just a mental venting that I

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Clockwork Chronicles cancellation notice. · 8:49pm Mar 17th, 2018

Moved from the actual story to comply with site rules.

As anyone who follows me, or has favorited any of my other stories, already knows, this, and all of my other stories, are cancelled. And unfortunately, as this is my first story, this is both the least planned out story, and the one with the least I remember. I'm sorry.


Official Note of Cancellation · 12:13am Aug 20th, 2019

(Mods got on my case about posting a non-story chapter, so I'm just reposting my message here.)

Well, this has been a message that's been on the horizon for nearly two years, but I'm finally ready to admit it.

I am officially cancelling this story.

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Update on Eternal Shadows and the plans for it's future · 4:35pm Jan 27th, 2018

Hello everyone I am having a pretty bad feeling that my story makes absolutely no sense and that I'm just writing nonsense and making it look like a cohesive narrative. but alas I would like to admit I have no clue what I am doing. I have plans for the story yes, but I have little to no Idea on how it should continue and believe it or not the six chapters it currently has is only setup for the real story.

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Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey cancellation "Chapter" · 8:47pm Mar 17th, 2018

As the mods have stated, apparently having an inline cancellation notice isn't allowed. This seems a bit illogical to me, but I can see the point of not allowing any "non-story" chapters.

So, here's what the chapter would have said.

So. This is a thing.

By now, I'm sure most of you have forgotten this story existed. I wouldn't blame you for it.

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Regarding "Pinkie and Pinkamena" · 9:58am Nov 22nd, 2015

I've finally officially marked it as "Cancelled".

I haven't exactly given up on it quite yet, but here's the thing: if I ever do continue it, I'm not going to continue this incarnation of the story. Rather, I'd be completely reworking and rewriting it from the ground up. It would still have the same basic concept, but many significant changes would be made (including being more up-to-date with canon, and just re-imagining the story in general).

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Report PinkamenaL · 292 views · #update #hiatus #cancelled

I'm Not Sure How to Phrase This · 11:48am Aug 27th, 2018

But I'm going back and deleting From Mythos to Logos and writing a new story in the Lateverse. The new one is going to be this universe's version of Return of Harmony, so Discord's going to be starring as the villain.


Seed Slave is gonezo. · 9:31pm Jun 8th, 2017

Seed Slave is dead, no intention of finishing it, it was only a passing interest, however I am currently planning out my magnum opus, I’ve gotten quite a bit of the early work done in my head, I just need to write it out and plan the conversations and such. When that does happen, I hope you all enjoy it, and enjoy my improvements as a writer over the last couple of years.

Viewing 61 - 80 of 195 results