
Viewing 721 - 740 of 763 results

Update on Things (as of 10/2022) · 3:08am Oct 25th, 2022


Continuing my New Year Resolution / Newest Clop · 10:04pm January 31st

Some of you might be wondering why I'm suddenly posting multiple one shots this month. Yes, I actually posted all of them. You aren't seeing things, they are all out now and more are coming next month. This is all part of my new year resolution to post more and more one shots and actually make them happen. Previously I would tell readers about a cool one shot and... then nothing would happen, mostly due to being far too busy. But this year, I'm changing that, working on the idea I can make

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So it's super late and all, but... · 9:19am Dec 13th, 2015

...I think I've fallen back into SombraPie shipping hell. Again. Like, it's been kinda lowkey for the past while, but damn, I got hella inspired after that review for the finale and now I got a whole AU situation going on up in here. I get that the whole "Evil ruler and soldier from the opposing side" thing isn't the healthiest dynamic, but it has got me interested... Also, I've been listening to Halsey and Maroon 5 for this AU, and it oddly fits...

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Super Bowl News for People Who Don't Care About the Super Bowl! · 7:31pm Feb 5th, 2017

If you guys are nerds who don't care about the Super Bowl (like me), come check out the new part releasing today. I guarantee it'll be way more exciting than watching the Patriots play in it for like the umpteenth time!*

I'll be dropping it in a few hours!

*Nothing against Patriots fans, it's just one of the few things I actually know about this year's game, and therefore open for satire fodder.


Regarding the series finale · 2:16pm Aug 26th, 2019

So, the show is officially over. Its time has come. I'll definitely say this:

I can't believe they reformed Starlight. What a battle!


You Decide! · 4:24am Aug 20th, 2019


"Best Gift Ever" Review: Background Pony Gifts for Hearth's Warming Eve! · 11:12pm Dec 2nd, 2018

For my readers: My self-imposed break is nearing its end. It will still go a little longer, but I will return to my writing soon after taking care of a few more things.

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instead of being a normal functioning person · 12:05am Mar 23rd, 2016

i am watching the heffalump movie while trying to do my latin hw
and by trying to do my latin hw i mean writing down random words and hoping its close

and also crying
because heffalumps

and i have a huge bio test tomorrow
that i havent studied for at all



This video game compels my negative urges and I love it · 10:13pm Jan 19th, 2021

Unrelated Gallus, but Gallus is great so here you go anyway

This isn't entirely a blog about video games. The site gets a lot of those, and they aren't necessarily fun to read - if nothing else, they're self-indulgent.

Neither is it entirely a blog about politics. The site gets a lot of those, and they tend to inspire lots of vitriol, justified or not.

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Guess where I am · 11:20pm Jan 22nd, 2016


One laptop: free to good home (claimed!) · 6:51am Mar 12th, 2019

So far, March has been more than a little crazy. In between a job search, a Search & Rescue callout that lasted until 5 AM, a network failure at work, and a short-notice trip to help my parents with their taxes, my writing schedule has gotten completely shot. I'm finally sitting down at a coffee shop for the first time in a week, and I'm too distracted to add words to stories. So I might as well justify tonight's cuppa by passing on some positive karma.

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Numero Twenty · 11:03pm Apr 22nd, 2021

So I remembered just now that with the posting of my latest fanfic, that put me at a total of twenty fanfics posted on this site, so I figured...might as well acknowledge that trivial landmark. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, just as way of reassurance...I had alluded in a previous blog post earlier in the year that I was toying with the idea of making my twentieth fic my last altogether, but that's clearly not happening now, so...ignore that little detail moving forward, y'all. :ajsmug:


Fic coming out tomorrow! · 4:23am May 18th, 2021


Who are the Anti-Six? New Commission / New Artist / · 8:31pm Dec 28th, 2023

The Anti six are a group of six warriors that were formerly friends of the main six. None of them are ocs, rather I've taken close and background characters that the fandom often connects directly to the main six and turned them into the worst of the worst. Their minds and bodies have been morphed by King Kray to be the perfect opposite of each of the main six. This post will give you all the information about them and will even update every time one of them gets an art piece. First up, Slice

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Stranger Than Fan Fiction, various thoughts · 6:26pm Jul 30th, 2016

The hiatus is finally over! It's been a long few months, and I'm quite happy for my weekly fix of pony being back.:yay:
So, then, with all of the conventions and events around, we get this episode. A rather fun kind of episode. Is there something to this episode that warrants analysis? Let's see. Unto the thoughts! (Few as they may be, as I'm not at home right now.)

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I'm like a vampire · 12:11am Aug 6th, 2016


Revising Fanfics + Feedback Thingo + Editing Talk · 5:06pm Oct 20th, 2018

I think I've mentioned in a recent blog that I've been working on a revision for Favorable Alignment, because I found some things (a short list of things, but still) that weren't up to par and really looked like they were in need of just... a once-over, of sorts. That story is by far my favorite of all my works, and I would like it to reflect that. Hence the revisions, when I have the time for them (and cramming in updates for Enemy of Mine because that is a thing, also). So far,

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Happy New Year Everypony/ Monthly to do list/ War Anthologies Updates/ Update to Endless Time, Or Forever End. · 6:30am Jan 1st, 2017

Hello everypony, Happy New Year to you all I hope you all had some sort of good year before and I hope this year will be better. We have had to deal with a lot last year, from celeberties dying to the worst election I gave have even seen. But we made it through. The year is over and this new year will be better. Please let it be better.


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Blog Where I Admit That I Can Actually Still Write · 5:10pm Jun 10th, 2019

No, really, I can. Even when I haven't had much of anything to show for it lately, I'm writing and that does mean that I haven't quit. I've never been the best at using these blogs to connect to people like other users on the site, but if you had been worried that I had forgotten something, downgraded to a lurker, or something else, then I haven't. What I have been doing is working on packing and everything else that comes with a move, and have been working on various tasks for this over the

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I hate keeping upcoming projects to myself · 5:49pm Sep 23rd, 2020

Viewing 721 - 740 of 763 results