
Viewing 601 - 620 of 720 results

Potential Star Wars: The Last Jedi spoilers and Disney's assault on the entertainment industry · 9:24pm Dec 11th, 2017

I don't know if these spoilers about Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi are true or not, but they are horrible. Watch them at your own risk. But if they are true and you still applaud for this movie, this is what people like me will say "Is this how the entertainment industry dies, with thunderous applause?"


“He’s a God, You Fool. It’ll Take More Than One Shot.”: Immortality and Death · 2:14am Sep 20th, 2016

There is one part I always remember about Princess Mononoke. Well, a few parts: that creepy scene with the humans disguised as boars and the tentacle animal monsters, for instance. But one line in particular stuck with me more than any other. At the climax when Lady Eboshi shoots the great forest spirit. A bullet pierces its head, but it calmly continues walking. The men look on in disbelief, and Lady Eboshi chastises them, “He’s a god, you fool. It’ll take more than one shot.”

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Starfleet Nemesis: Sunset's Game and Setting Out updated · 8:37pm Mar 20th, 2018

Two more chapters of Starfleet Nemesis updated. The changes to Sunset's Game are quite low-key, and mainly revolve around Luna and Sunset's interaction. The changes to Setting Out include a better look at Rainbow's feelings, and a small but quite important new scene.

Please check it out.


The Thunder Clan - Chapter 15 · 4:12am Jun 3rd, 2017

Roxy was confused as to what was going on. Then a jolt of fear suddenly ran up her spine and nearly made her stop in her tracks. Was it the Earth Tribe? Were they attacking??
A few rather speedy Pikachu ran past her, and she tried to hear what they were saying. Everyone sounded worried, but not as if they were in danger. Rather, they sounded more concerned about something. "What-?" she tried to ask a Pikachu that ran by far too quickly.
"Where?" one shouted to his friend.

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Countdown to Pastromorbo Relaunch! · 12:16pm Feb 16th, 2018

Hey there everyone!

It's been over half a year now, but the first few chapters of The Pastromorbo Epidemic are finally ready to publish! So, keep any eye out for updates, because the new (old) story is coming out today! That is to say, within ten hours of this blog post the story will once again be live!

I hope everyone will join me there. The plot and general story quality is set to be higher, and the lore is immense, so it's definitely worth a look at least!


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Loss of an icon · 9:29pm Dec 27th, 2016


A Poem · 4:09am Jul 2nd, 2018

As none of you knew before this point in time, I write poetry as well as stories about horses. I was going back through some of my old stuff and thought I might post this one.


The Birds, the Bees, and I

We are rude and polite and homicidal and self-sacrificing
The angel stops to embrace the demon
The rising ape touches the falling deity
And they nod to one another in comprehension
Of things that they cannot understand
Without the other


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KOTD Next Chapter delayed · 1:25am Dec 1st, 2018

November, apart from thanksgiving, has been hell for me. The rommate and I got super sick for like two weeks, so the house fell into disarray. My grandpa died and we adopted a second dog. Apart from grieving, trying to do some from of housework and helping my roommate, I've had ZERO energy. Thanks for being patient!


Update: "Reaping Rainbow" Ch 6 is live! (Others not so much...) · 4:57pm Oct 5th, 2019

Hallo, my dear friends. Hat Man regrets that this story is late... er, not "late" in that sense, of course. Please enjoy this tale of mortal folly and arcane missteps as it continues.


*rereads what i have written for a thing* · 4:56pm Nov 11th, 2017

*checks date i have set for it's release*


highlight from the rereading tho

Here we are. A fucking comment


I don't really have a title for this · 11:12pm May 23rd, 2021

So if anyone remembers, back in February my cats all caught colds, and I was particularly worried about one of them, Reeses. Thankfully, they all recovered, but I still really needed to take Reeses to the vet because I was worried about her.

I finally did yesterday. It was too late to do anything though. Feel free to ignore this blog if talk of animal suffering and death bothers you, I just need to talk about this, even if it's to no one in particular.

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BREAKING NEWS: President Biden Forgets That Dead Woman Died!!!! · 6:46pm Sep 29th, 2022

SHOCK: Mr. Biden ONCE AGAIN has a humiliating gaff publicly for the world to see. This time, he thought DEAD woman was actually ALIVE!!!!!

Yes, it’s true: Biden just the other day asked “Where’s Jackie? Is she here?” over and over again for like 40 minutes straight, referring to Jackie Walorski, who fucking DIED last month in a car accident!!!!!!!!!!! See here for proof.

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Applejack will not be in G5 · 2:12pm Apr 18th, 2021

CW: mass murder, gun violence

Applejack will not be in G5. Even though that series will take place in the future, they were planning on bringing all of the Mane Six back similar to how the Pillars were brought into the future in G4.

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The Slash of Truth - Chapter 11 Out Soon! · 1:37pm Apr 24th, 2023

Chapter 11 will be published TODAY at 8pm in English time so look out for that!

Also, I want to thank BMIR for an idea that will pop up in this chapter. It's made The Slash Of Truth universe a hell lot more interesting. If you want your idea to be involved in this story, please tell me know!

In this chapter:

Frank will sneak into a gangs turf to only find death and destruction.

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A Triumph and A Tragedy · 3:30pm Nov 15th, 2021

As of today, I have now spent officially ten years in the fandom. My admission into this little cultural movement started on November 15, 2011, and I've enjoyed myself for the most part ever since. Even when things didn't always go right (looking at you, BronyCon 2019), I more often than not found the fandom adding a degree of excitement and interest into my own life. So to all of you out there, thank you for making the world a little more interesting.

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And Time Marched On, Forever · 5:56pm Jun 22nd, 2023

1. I'm going to start off this review by congratulating you on your creativity and originality. "And Time Marched On, Forever" is a very well-written piece of fiction, and I enjoyed reading it. You have a real talent for storytelling, and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

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RIP Jerry Lee Lewis · 8:09pm Oct 29th, 2022

When it comes to Rock and Roll's flamboyant frenetic piano superstars, before Bryan Chandler, there was Elton John, but before Elton John there were Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis. Both are gone now. Obviously can't condone the whole marrying his 13 year old cousin thing that's super fucking fucked up. Unfortunately very few rock stars didn't do fucked up things, because very few humans don't. But when it comes to piano playing, there were few like him, and he was a huge inspiration for me.

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Question of the Week #59 · 2:20am Jun 14th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Question of the Week.

Now this week might be a bit spoilery in regards to some things in Gen 4, so you've been warned.

This week I wanted to ask you all your opinions on how you all think that Applejack's parents, Perfect Pear and Bright Macintosh passed away? How do you thing they parished?

Was it an accident or was it... Murder?

Let me know your thoughts on this matter.

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Orlando shooting · 2:50am Jun 15th, 2016

A bullet found inside one of the victims.

Was originally a silver vibrator but apparently that is against the rules = (

But on a serious note the shooting was monstrous and my heart goes out to the families, widowers, and partners that have been left devastated by the act of one ignorant extremist.


Starlight Craves Attention, Employs Seduction · 9:34pm Dec 17th, 2021

Chapter 67 of 71 is out! What can Starlight do laying on her back? A lot, it seems. Next Monday: Carne Asada and a pony named Starlight Glimmer come to an understanding, but do they understand the same

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Viewing 601 - 620 of 720 results