
Viewing 41 - 52 of 52 results

Lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky bloggin' 'bout comics again. Patreon reward for Firimil/Nova Quill · 3:50am Aug 21st, 2018

Heya, reader! I was hoping for some clever word-play or character accent I could take from my latest Patreon reward read, but mostly all I got was vulgarity so erm… Let’s get started, you sex… nozzles.

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Misleading Click-baity Title: How Marvel is Killing the Movie Industry. Patreon Reward for Somber Star · 3:35am Nov 28th, 2018

Heya readers and, in all likelihood, moviegoers!

For his reward, Somber Star asked/allowed me to get some thoughts out of my brain concerning the current state of movies, of which I have many, but specifically we’re going to talk about “franchising” and how it’s literally destroying everything ever.

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Villains: Where do they come from? What makes a good villain?? Let’s Find Out! Patreon Reward for Nova Quill! · 12:36am Jul 31st, 2018

Heya readers! Well, with this blog I’m finally caught up… with LAST months Patreon rewards!

Welp, maybe I’ll be a bit more on the ball next month… OR cram four more blog posts into a period composed of less than 48 hours (unlikely, so here’s to another month of playing catchup!)

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Werewolves, and werewolves, and another type of werewolf! Oh my! Patreon reward for nuclearcore! · 1:57am Nov 1st, 2018


The Melancholy of Star Wars: The Last Force-Bending Divergent: [Miss] Mockingjay, Part X: Jupiter's Twilight. Patreon reward for Somber Star! · 12:55am Aug 29th, 2018

Hello, hello! First off, if you missed it, a Patreon blog about a topic and character near and dear to my heart went out rather late last night, and that would be Sunset Shimmer! So maybe give that a read if you want a crash-course on what things of mine she’s been in and my opinions of her development in canon.

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Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing #1 · 4:57pm Jul 16th, 2019

With the launch of my Patreon account, I am starting a new series called "Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing"! This will be a series of reports to show you what I have been writing each week. You can read a longer and in-depth version of this report on Patreon for pledging 5$ per month in the "The Early Foal Sneaks A Peek" tier.

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Fluttercheer and the Path to Patreon..... at long last. · 1:29am Jun 5th, 2019

It's time to do this. It has been a long time coming. And I would have done it much earlier already if my writing skill hadn't suffered so much since Spring 2017 that it needed almost two years of recovery to get to a point where I can trust the quality of my writing again.
But now the time has come. I will do what countless pony authors have done before me and open a Patreon account to get financial support for my writing.

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Patreon TL;DR: Everything you need to know in 50 Bullet Points or less! · 9:04pm Jun 18th, 2019

So, the blog entry about my Patreon plans wasn't read by many so far. I blame the length of it. Which was unavoidable, because there was just a whole lot to tell (and everyone who knows me knows that I don't like keeping things short). But of course, that barely anyone reads it is neither feasible nor acceptible for the plans I have made. So, here is a little TL;DR:

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Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing #3: Chapter 1 of "Dreamwalker Dash" is fully revised, "Letters to Cozy Glow" continues and "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" is back! · 12:54am Aug 6th, 2019

I can't believe it's already Monday again. The past week somehow went by like a blur. It's time for "Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing"! As always, this report is just a short overview of my writing of the past week. For the longer and more informative version, with another sneak peek for "Dreamwalker Dash", you can pledge 5$ on my Patreon account!

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Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing #2: The completion of "Aegis", "Rainbow (Dash) Roadtrip" (SNEAK PEEK on Patreon!) and "The Filly of his Dreams" (SNEAK PEEK on Patreon!) · 12:12am Jul 31st, 2019

Time for Fluttercheer's Weekly Writing #2! This installment covers my writing from July 16th - July 29th, 2019! It's a shortened version of the long report on my Patreon. Pledge 5$ to read the report in its entirety and to get exlusive sneak peeks for two future stories!

The completion of "Aegis"

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My Patreon account has launched! Foaltastic Rewards and Perks here! (+ Ko-fi account Relaunch) · 2:38am Jul 14th, 2019

The moment has come! As of today, my Patreon account is officially launched!
If you enjoy my writing and want to give me something in return, you can do that now! And, of course, there is still something in it for you if you decide to support me, because there are rewards waiting for you! I'll detail all the rewards below!


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Fluttercheer has his FIRST Patron! The Milestone of the Milestones is reached! :D · 10:21pm Feb 24th, 2020

This just happened. I was contacted on Twitter regarding story commissions and now I have my very first patron on Patreon! And this patron is even going all out on it, not only did he start pledging to my Patreon, he also chose the highest tier, my 30$ tier "A Story For Anything And Anypony!"! :scootangel:

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Viewing 41 - 52 of 52 results