
Viewing 41 - 57 of 57 results

my writer's block is gone · 5:18pm Apr 6th, 2019

It has been a while but my hiatus is over and chapter 11 is now up and ready to be read. Please enjoy!


Update for Readers · 9:51pm Apr 8th, 2020

You'll never know Chapter 2: "Apples and Oranges" is the next to be published
Hold on ta this fer me, Sugarcube Chapter 2: The day the elements died; is roughly 1/2 done
Greatest stories Never Told Chapter 2; "Test of Reckoning" is roughly 1/2 done; had to backtrack a little.
(MANY MANY PARTIAL SHORT STORIES are in production and will be published in between the above chapters being published)

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Thoughts on Writing Fluttershy · 2:17pm Mar 28th, 2020

I hate her. To be more specific I hate writing her character. It's not because of my readers but rather it gives me a strange feeling of perversion. No, not sexual. I feel like I am perverting the actual purity of the character. Of all the Mane 6 (seven if you consider Headmaster Starlight still) Fluttershy is pure. She has no natural discordant form, she isn't selfish at times; painfully naive but never acts on her own benefit. No matter how I write her, it always feels wrong. No matter what I

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Latest Chapter is up · 10:21pm Jan 21st, 2020

Pinkie is depressed, lucky for her, a kind hearted brony is of a like mind and grants her an unusual piece of wisdom. This is the story of Chuck Daddy


Why Encryption Key? · 12:54am Oct 22nd, 2021

I can already hear the thoughts of my readers: There are pieces of info missing from this chapter. And you are right. It is extremely deliberate as an encryption key is useless without the file or program it belongs to. The next chapter will drop on Halloween and will connect to 14 like a puzzle piece, to reveal the truth. Just as a teaser for my readers to consider: the title of the chapter will be Ransomware; and will solve a riddle buried in Encryption Key.

<3 Doug/Zaky


Because she loved us, Update · 7:54pm Mar 7th, 2019

As mentioned before this story got a bit long to be the seventh tale. Right now it has my full undivided attention but I decided not to make you wait. I will be updating this chapter by chapter. My other tales are on hiatus while I have inspiration for this one.
I hope you understand.
<3 you all,

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Some thoughts about writing style in media · 1:24pm Mar 15th, 2019

For every writer there is always that one character that, while they love to read about that type of character, the writer absolutely dreads writing about. For me there are two: Fluttershy and Pinkie. Flutters is displayed in one of two ways in fiction from what I have observed; dominant-borderline-psychotic or shy. To be frank I like to write Fluttershy as a complex character. "Like" being rather generous in this case as though I love my final results I absolutely abhor writing Flutters this

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Update on Progress · 10:32am Mar 4th, 2019

For those curious about my works.
I have not stopped writing any of them. Seven Mares: Because she loved us is actually so long that I have decided to publish it as a sequel though it is currently 1/3 of the way done. It will basically tell another perspective to the (so far six tales) telling the entire story
tell me your thoughts. What if the mane 7 in seven tales weren't evil at all? What if there was a genuinely kind motive behind their evil deeds?

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I'm back · 1:02am Oct 5th, 2022

I'm back writing, and after talking it over with my awesome test readers (seriously, you know who you are and I love you for allowing me to send hundreds of rewrites on every flippin' feather of a paragraph I write.), the Equestria Eclipsed will be heading into a new direction. You'll notice the descriptions have changed, however, the story is still on track. I hope you can understand but I kept trying and after nearly twenty rewrites of chapter 2...I decided the death game genre would be less

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Did We Make A Difference UPDATE important · 6:11pm May 22nd, 2020

As many of you who read this little collection of tales involving Bronies/ Pegasisters may not be aware of; this was never meant to be an anthology.
Originally it was my heartfelt confession and thank you for everything the show has done for me. My buddy Statz said I should do interviews for other's stories, and so I did.

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Update for · 6:02pm Mar 30th, 2021

I still find it hard to believe anyone would truly enjoy my stories, as you all know (or if you are new, will know) I write all my stories based on true events in my life, twisted for your enjoyment. Yet here you are, actually reading, questioning and enjoying my stories. Oh, how it warms my bitter, tattered heart so much. Sometimes, it's almost like I can smile again and it means the world to me. <3

Alright, so as for my progress...
I have placed all in stasis for now but two:

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Update: As promised I present Butter Knows Best (rewrite) · 4:36am Sep 10th, 2021

I rewrote the entire chapter, from the ground up. I gave it absolutely everything I had to give. Please enjoy. I can't delete a story and republish it, so I unpublished and resubmitted. sadly the dislikes will be stuck there, but I want you to know I gave it my all. Just as I promised.



An Odd Confession · 6:07pm Oct 13th, 2020

This is a first for me:
I'm actually enthralled by my own story.

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Don't Say Her Name- Slasher fic for hardcore horror fanatics only. Enjoy this teaser.(Chapter one currently in production) · 4:53pm Sep 14th, 2019

<<To be said to the chant of a jump rope>>
Three little ponies Going camping in the woods,
Bringing lots of snacks, scary tales, and goods.
One slipped off,
from the others alone.
Finding the name carved in a log,
She read the word that was gouged in Pone.
The name it was should never be said,
The name written on the lips of the dead.
That little pony disappeared.
Gone without a trace,
or so it was feared.
Her screams had echoed through the curs-ed air,

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Did we make a difference - Blazing Dusk · 7:12pm Sep 23rd, 2019

Blazing Dusk has reached out and will be the next brony featured,
Look forward to it.
<3 you all.

Your story matters,
Contact me to be a part of this anthology


Story Seven is in Development · 10:07pm May 4th, 2019

It's finally time to make the last story: My loyal readers, soon it will be time. Soon the final piece of the puzzle will fall into place. Soon one will be Chosen. Here is a sneak peek.

Story Seven: Chosen

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Jinglemas · 6:06pm Oct 29th, 2021

I'm taking part in a secret Santa of sorts where the gifts and presents are the joy of writing and the spirit of ponies prevails. If you are curious I advise you to go to the following link: to learn more. It has been organized ahead of Halloween because it takes time to set up, enrollment is still open.

Viewing 41 - 57 of 57 results