
Viewing 41 - 60 of 75 results

Moshi Moshi · 4:06am Oct 25th, 2022


I am reposting FRIEND AND THE IMPERIAL EGGS! · 1:15am Oct 17th, 2016


Status of Jump City (Yu-G-Oh E-Quest) · 11:05pm May 22nd, 2020


De-Bunking Defect Compiler (Yugioh E-Quest Rules) · 4:24pm Oct 7th, 2021

Mmm... more stupidity for me to pummel.. yum-yum-yum.

Someone has been riffing my Yugioh E-Quest fics, with quite a backwards realization, and I'm here to correct some of them, because they don't seem to understand ALL the ways of making Yugioh fics.

Also if your fic uses the anime rules, why does everyone start with 8000 Life Points?

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Non-Pone Drawings: Dragon Quest edition. · 9:01pm Jul 7th, 2015

Afternoon. So, today we have a new piece of non-hoers fanart.

I've recently been playing through the original Dragon Quest for NES. The title has some peculiar monsters in it, with unique visual designs. In fact, the series, and particularly the visuals, were the creation of Akira Toriyama, of Dragon Ball fame. Anyway, I decided to sketch some of the characters with illustration ink. First up is the Druin, a flying squid-like creature.

Here is what it looks like in the game;

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the quest for magic · 5:15pm Dec 31st, 2015

Hey guys. Just thought I'd let you know that I have been busy with writing a collab with my friend Shylexa and we are pleased to announce that it will be released on her account new year's day! I can't tell you a whole lot about it. Just know that it follows the story of a teenager who lives in a school not far from canterlot high and Starlight glimmer's journey towards acceptance. We plan on posting a chapter every week and we have a lot in store for you guys! I hope you enjoy our story and

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Milestones · 5:06pm May 5th, 2017

So we hit three milestones here recently: We're halfway to a million words, the story now has twenty thousand total views, and it's within the top 150 longest stories on the site. I like all of these things. Share my hype.

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The Quest for Magic · 7:11pm Dec 31st, 2015

Hello readers! I just wanted you to know that my best friend Xathanjon and I are posting a collaboration on new years. I don't want to spoil anything but the story switches from Equestria to Equestria Girls following two later intertwining stories. It will follow a girl who lives not to far from Canterlot High and Starlight Glimmer's journey towards acceptance.

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HAPPY NEW YEARS WOOOOOO! · 9:09am Jan 1st, 2022

Here is to another year of Fimfiction! I hope 2022 brings plenty of joy to everyone on the site!

What is yall making your yearly goal? Personal I want to get better at writing both on and off this site, and have my Meta Quest 2 setup for PCVR by next new years.

Hope you all have a wonderful 2022!


You into CYOA Steampunk Ponies? · 12:21am Jul 30th, 2015

My friend just started up a new Tumblr called

and it'll be great if you guys could get on board with that. If you're into what I just titled above, you'll most likely enjoy this. Like most CYOA, the Followers get the opportunity to make a protagonist's choice for them. Like a video game, except there are even less restrictions. Anything could happen, so why not hop aboard for the ride? Click here to begin!


Repeating History: On writing "In Dreams" · 9:02pm Feb 9th, 2019

Let’s just say that I’ve been spending some time away from FiM in media and leave it there, okay? Now, this doesn’t mean I’m pony-free, no, not at all. Besides having the collection of figures and other collectibles grow at a rate that has been unprecedented—the post-holiday purge of parents and retailers—a lot of my time’s been spent reading about previous generations of MLP, both toy lines and their related media. While previous generations were not the initial inspiration for “In Dreams”

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Happy New Year! Come get your new years present! · 10:15pm Jan 2nd, 2016

Happy New Year! It's been a while since I posted anything here. I just wanted to say that I am not dead, and that I am still chugging away at writing things. I have 20k words of chapter 3 left to drop, sorry I've been lazy on editing. I've been working on chapter 4, which has been full of all sorts of interesting developments. Hopefully the stars can align and I can take one day to write a large chunk of the chapter to get things flowing again. Anyway, I wanted to have a present for all of you

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Spoilers For Lupa's Quest in Chapter 34 · 9:43pm May 16th, 2017

There are spoilers in that shit. If you haven't read Lupa's Quest, I suggest you do so now rather than later. Chapter Thirty-Four should be up within three to four days of this post, and Lup's quest in its entirety is shorter than most of my chapters, so make of that what you will.

In other news, exercise is hard. Muhshithurt.

As Always, Don't Fuck Wolves

Stay Cool, Kids


Dragon Quest Review and Owl's Well That Ends Well Review · 12:26pm Nov 3rd, 2017

"Take a shot for... just... take a shot. Any shot." - joshscorcher

Take a shot for every "who." Also, do you guys prefer background music or no? - joshscorcher


Hope You All Had A Very Holly, Jolly, And Merry Christmas · 2:08am Dec 26th, 2017

I know I had a good one this year. I've had a rather pleasant day spending a little bit of time with friends & family, currently getting ready for dinner, and I received the following presents, which I actually opened on Christmas Eve yesterday:

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Masquerade (Answering details) · 5:35am Oct 4th, 2019

When a man carries a belly full of hate, a few words are not going to change him. (A philosophical proverb)

I cannot reveal too much of Masquerade yet, because he has not been fully revealed (Identified) to the characters in the fic, and until then, I cannot post full information about him (Even if YOU VIEWERS know who he is already or not)

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"Clementine's First Colt Crush" is released! + Good news about my application as quest writer for "Legends of Equestria"! · 2:22pm May 23rd, 2016

Hello there, everypony!

Remember the OC fic I talked about almost two weeks ago? It's released now!
It's called "Clementine's First Colt Crush" and, as I said in the other blog entry, starring two OCs of "Legends of Equestria"!

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My Review of Quest for Camelot · 3:10pm April 20th

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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Review #4 - Crusader's Quest in Cloudsdale, Colt Like Behavior, Equestrian Expedition, Biting Buddies, Hexirit's Curse, Wrath of Rarity, The Isolated Incident, Birthday Bro · 3:41pm Nov 28th, 2016

The reason that I am reviewing so many by the same author this time is because starting with “Crusader’s Quest in Cloudsdale,” they are all sequels in the order that I have listed them.

So, here they are:

Crusader’s Quest in Cloudsdale by BoredWriter
Colt Like Behavior by BoredWriter
Equestrian Expedition by BoredWriter
Biting Buddies by BoredWriter
Hexirit’s Curse by BoredWriter

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Yu-gi-oh E-Quest (Why are the Teen Titans in it?) · 1:38am Jul 5th, 2020

The answer is painfully obvious...

As you know, nearly every single fanfic I create is in anger, and done in an act of vengeance (Bashing and beating up the characters because how they behaved or ended up in the canons of their show really ticked me off)

MLP: FIM and Teen Titans are the two worst I've ever seen, I've written more fics about them than most others.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 75 results