
Viewing 41 - 60 of 93 results

Providing an identity · 1:55am Feb 17th, 2018

I've meant to build an identity for a while, and have finally gotten around to setting up PGP on my systems. Now for spreading my "name" around. If anyone wants a second factor of identification for establishing trust, let me know; I'm thinking an email from the address on the key could do well for verifying that, but if you'd rather something more real-time and harder to forge, we can work that out as well.


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TEL Print Survey! · 12:51am Dec 6th, 2019

Hi everyone!

We’re finally getting things moving again with the physical version of The Enchanted Library, a.k.a. RariTwi Ghostbusters, and I can actually provide more information this time!

Namely that there’s not only going to be one version of TEL, but potentially TWO different editions—roughly, a standard edition and a limited deluxe version. 

...Which is why I’m re-doing the poll to gather more specific data and figure out how many of y’all are still interested!

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Day: 2 (on this site) · 10:32pm Jul 14th, 2018

So after several failed attempts I finally managed to get the first couple of chapters submitted for pre reading. It turns out I may be partially blind. I was wondering why it kept saying that the work could not be published and why it said that I should check I met all the requirements.

As it turns out, I'm just dumb. I didn't realise that I needed to 'publish' each individual chapter before publishing the story itself!

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"The World Within the Web" now featured on Equestria Daily! · 1:30pm May 29th, 2016

Friends and neighbors, today marks a momentous occasion. It so happened that a few weeks ago I submitted The World Within the Web to none other than the premier hosting site for Brony material, Equestria Daily, with the vain hope that it would be accepted there. I didn't dare to think that it might actually happen, but I am now excited to announce that—as of this morning—that self-same story is now featured there!

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Special Edition Cancelled · 5:05pm Dec 19th, 2019

Hi everyone!

I hope you've been doing well. As a brief update, the hiatus is still going on, even though I've been writing two Jinglemas fics. Not sure if they'll ever get properly posted on my account, but at least rest assured I'm still writing!

Now, for the sad news.

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“Behind Him” Chapter 5 almost complete! · 5:16pm Apr 1st, 2021

Chapter 5 of “Behind Him” is very close to completion, I’m mostly just debating over whether to delete a certain scene, change it, or keep it. I also have a bit of editing to do, but that shouldn’t take long at all. My goal is to get this chapter out by tomorrow.


New Comic: Bare Naked Science Exhibition · 1:13pm May 29th, 2021

Since this is all but a dead account at this point, I'll keep it short.
Moon Pearl and I have released another comic, this time focusing on EQG Celestia and Luna caught up in a wardrobe malfunction situation. Fans of ENF, public nudity, exhibitionism might be interested in this.
We're releasing one page per day for free, censored and low resolution. But you can buy the higher quality and uncensored pages here.

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Character Profile Creation: A Step-by-Step Guide for Novices · 10:01am Nov 19th, 2022

Character Profile Creation: A Step-by-Step Guide for Novices

List your top ten favorite books, the ones you can name off the fingers of one hand, and I'll wager they all have a memorable hero.

Regardless of the genre, your characters should act like genuine people who make errors, regret them, and develop emotionally or spiritually over the novel. Failure is evident.

Although some accomplished authors make it seem simple, this is a talent that requires practice.

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Anti-Fascists Aren't Born, They're Created. · 6:12pm Aug 25th, 2023


Pony Fiction in Real Life · 10:23pm Jul 7th, 2015

While dropping off a book at the Corvallis Public Library on my way home this afternoon, I happened to glance at a whiteboard set up with the question "What is your favorite book to re-read?" written on it. There were only a few responses - I saw Eragon on there (tch), along with a few other books I didn't recognize.

But then I noticed something rather interesting sitting over on the edge of the whiteboard.

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Looking for a story to make into a game !! · 12:23am Aug 12th, 2015

Right ... Hopefully that gets your attention =3

I've been looking into RPG maker VX Ace for a while now and finally got it and surprisingly its simple to use, alot easier than RPG Maker XP too which i messed about religiously on while I was in secondary school so I'm not new to using it at all (though I'm more a in-engine editor, not the code or graphical side tho i do dabble :derpytongue2:)

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New Story: "Sticking Points" (Speed-Writing Contest Winner for GaPJaxie's Quills & Sofas group!) · 4:08am Aug 19th, 2019

Enjoy this short comedy based on the prompt "The Stars Are Gone." Somehow it won! It's based on my annoyances with being a public school teacher, and it's also my first story to feature Starlight in a significant role!

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Isekai Anime Survival Guide - Public Service Anime · 11:16am Apr 11th, 2018


A Mistake was Made. · 5:03pm Jun 4th, 2022

Welp, folks, I feel like crap now. I just realized the books I was browsing through amazon for to get a feel for price range were physical books, and the $15.00 price I thought was cheap next to what I was seeing was, in fact, money-grubbing levels of expensive for an e-book. You have my most heartfelt apologies for that. I don't buy many books nowadays, so I was out of the loop. I've submitted something to amazon to change the price from $15.00 to $8.00, which falls more in line with

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Thoughts That Come Unexpectedly · 12:39pm Sep 16th, 2018

Last night I was talking with a friend I haven’t seen in a while over Facebook, and almost on the spot, I suggested a potential new public transit system. An inter-town trolley network, I know that sounds pretty odd and little old school. The idea behind it is pretty simple, the trolleys have tracks that move between towns and cities and go straight down the main street of the towns and cities they head into. Since laying chain under the streets is too risky, and maybe a bit too expensive, the

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Yours Very Truly, Abraham Van Helsing · 9:53pm May 17th, 2021

Trying to do a story a day for a little bit, just to stretch some muscles. I do a lot of longform iterative stuff, and I sincerely believe you learn more from finishing a piece than anything else. So, I'll be trying to finish a lot of things very quickly, to get better practice in at weaknesses I can already identify - commitment, consistency, and idea generation - and going back over them later to see strengths and other weaknesses I need to focus on better.

Here's my day one.

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Spring Break! · 2:24am Mar 13th, 2020

Well, almost... I still have Friday's class before I'm officially on break.

But, because of Caronovirus going around, we're not coming back 'till April 4th.

That means an extra two weeks of break!

Well, not really. Classes are being moved to online in the meantime.

But, I'm given an extra 14 days I don't need to show up on campus.

What am I gonna do with all my extra time?!

I'm heavily debating going on a road trip...

... definitely gonna do some fishing...

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Lenin In Seattle · 3:24am Mar 13th, 2022

Guys, please, leave the statue of Lenin in Seattle alone. Destroying and/or removing objects does not solve problems.

Remember, if you really want to help the nation, try destroying and/or removing communists, socialists, leftists, liberals, democrats and others.

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Anti-Fascists Aren't Born, They're Created. · 11:43pm May 21st

Antifa: Origins

This needed an update with a better quality image.


Dying to Get There - Russian Edition · 2:16am Apr 18th, 2016

A few months ago I got a message from Leliil asking me for permission to include a translated version of Dying to Get There in a book over in Mother Russia.

Naturally, I said yes.

Apparently, the book has been finished! Alas, I don't speak Russian, so I can't really understand the announcement.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 93 results