
Viewing 41 - 60 of 399 results

I hate my life · 1:38pm Jul 20th, 2017

Things have gone from bad to worse and I honestly don't know what to do right now so I'm going to go stand in the corner and cry


A little challenge · 1:28am May 10th, 2019

Ok so here's the challenge

I want you to go out onto fimfiction, find a story with the absolute worst rating you can find, and read the whole thing.

If you can do this
1. Why would you do that to yourself
2. Here's a cookie or something, idk
And 3. How much did you cringe during it, whether it be bad spelling, pacing, punctuation, the story, or all of the above... im curious

(Again, why would you do this to yourself)


Chrysalis Always Wins 2.0...ah shit · 1:37am Oct 10th, 2018

This doesn't look good...may have been a misfire but I tried my best! I even wrote in.....FUCK! NO! This is beyond silly!


The best blade ever made! · 8:12pm Nov 13th, 2017

It is what it says!


Defending Hate · 5:39pm May 27th, 2018

Did you know that hate is not the opposite of love? It's true. They're not a binary, but on the spectrum of passions. The opposite of both is actually indifference. It's one thing to love or hate something. But if you genuinely don't give a damn, that's a pretty terrible thing. That's cold. That's real "hatred" in the sense that most mean. "I will not be ignored" is a cry for investment, for emotion. "Yes, you will be" is the most hurtful response. As I understand it, that's the existential

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Report Gabriel LaVedier · 694 views · #Writing #zeal #hate

Damn you finances! · 8:38am Jan 5th, 2016

All I want to do was binge watch some pastel Ponies on Netflix and my last Payment didn't go through... I wonder if my friend can pay me back tomorrow.


Why-Fi???!!?!! · 10:53am Jul 5th, 2016

OMG. A guy came over to look at the wifi box thing, and was sooooo helpful. Now the wifi still doesn't work and I am going to tear the internet company people apart, limb from limb, like the dragon I am. Either that, or....I can't continue. Too much profanity. Anyway, I will figure something out and post new chapters of AAI and stuff tomorrow, cause the updates have accumulated.
With a horrible headache,


Bad news... · 4:07pm Apr 27th, 2022

So I contracted covid from my aunt. It's not severe at the moment with my worst symptoms being the cough and headache. I can take care of the headache. But the cough., well in any case I really want to get back into writing on here and now I have at least two weeks to do so.

Hope you are having a better day than me.


Is Hating a Character Just for Existing Wrong? · 10:55pm Jul 27th, 2021

I'm not trying to be rude or defensive. I just want to know.


Because even as the world ends... · 7:51pm Feb 9th, 2021

... some bitches gotta be cartoonishly evil fuckwagons.

User SweetBanana is being kicked out of their home for being trans.

During a winter storm.

During a plague.

While trying to go through college.

Help if you can.

Report Nyronus · 181 views · #I hate people

I have a fear of chandeliers · 1:10pm Mar 10th, 2020

There is a chandelier in my house and I always have this thought that it can fall down anytime. Whenever I walk to the terrace, I always shift to the left side in order to avoid it. There used to be 2 chandeliers, but one fell on August 2004. I was sleeping until I heard a loud crash. As I woke up in the morning, I saw the damaged chandelier and my maid showed me her thigh that was severely bruised because of it. It was such a horrifying experience.


Just so we're absolutely clear on my stance of recent things · 1:02am Jul 19th, 2020

Hate is not free speech. If you advocate to give hate a platform on which to speak, you are advocating the spreading of its message. It's not censorship, it's called being a decent fucking human being.

I do not stand for racist or fascist groups, I have zero tolerance for such waste, and if you keep defending its inclusion under the rights of 'free speech', then you are part of the problem.

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Report TGM · 526 views · #stand against hate

Miserable · 5:49pm Aug 2nd, 2022

We've been having a heatwave up here and it's relentless. Today and tomorrow it's close or over 90. Thursday it's 100F l. Can winter come early.

If your wondering about the story I'm working on it periodically. A little here and there. It's about halfway. You'll get another chapter don't worry.

Report Slicknick17 · 128 views · #Heat #hate #why

Getting sick of this... · 5:08am Aug 20th, 2015

You know, there's a reason why I don't go on any forums here anymore. Basically because for whatever reason someone will find a reason to hate me. I have enough of that just being here in the first place sometimes.

Ironically, this is what got me into the fandom in the first place, this site. So it makes me pretty sad to see that most of the popular new fics are just clop. And not only that, this community pretty much shattered my self confidence in so many things. Yeah, yeah I know:

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Report R-ootie · 489 views · #politics #hate #users #people

Well thats just great · 1:00pm Jul 31st, 2017

I got a call from the mail fraud people saying they were gonna ask the guy what happened even though i clearly told them and showed them that he freaking scammed me. I havent heard from them since that was like two weeks ago.

He basically got away with it.

I hope hes fucking happy. Because Because of him i have no money.


What a **** day!! · 8:02pm Nov 21st, 2017

I don't even know where to start. Today was just a day that you wonna scratch from your memory.

First I had huge technical issues at work and basiclly couldn't do much and to top that shortly before shift-end the fire alarm goes off.

So pretty frustrated I went home, but there it continues!!

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this new update..... · 5:30pm Jun 5th, 2017

are there a options so I can have old stuff back???


Carni. . . vore? · 12:31am Oct 29th, 2018

And, now I’m confused. It’s been up for, like, five hours, give or take, and it’s only got one like, and three dislikes? What is wrong with this story? How is it any worse than any other grimdark story? I put a LOT of work into this story, and was really, really proud of it. What did I do wrong?

Report True Edge · 282 views · #Uncertain #Confused #Hate?

Short Story with Another Story · 10:18pm Nov 17th, 2015

—She had spent the past hour starting at Twilight's new princess castle library thing. It irritated Scootaloo to no end. Really, how is it that the creator or creators of the universe even let a Tartarus danged thing like that exist?!

"What was I doing?" Her mind blanked after attempting to figure out the mystery of the universe's logic. "...Meh, I'll figure it out later."

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Unpopular Opinion #2 · 5:24pm Jan 30th, 2020

Keep in mind, I'm not trying to be a jerk for this...

But I'm one of those few people that, while I REALLY wish others the best of luck, it also REALLY annoys me when others like to share their hard times in life and some of it rarely makes any sense nearly on a daily basis.

For instance: I saw someone make a post about her parents planning to "kick her out of the house for 'no reason' while she's only 15-16 years old..." 😑

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 399 results