
Viewing 41 - 60 of 107 results

Mandela effect · 2:58am Nov 16th, 2019

Recently saw a trailer for a Mandela effect movie, and I looked into it a bit. And it got me thinking about something that’s bugged me for a while...

When I first got into MLP, I enjoyed the episodes, I liked the simplicity of just seeing life lessons about friendship and love.

But one character in particular was unusually enigmatic for me. I might just be crazy(possible) or might have had a head injury sometime in the past that’s come back to haunt me, buuut...

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Gaming update. · 8:19pm Jul 8th, 2021

So...I picked up a new title for my Xbox today.

I will admit, I forayed into it back when it was for the Xbox 360, and I couldn't get the hang of it in that state. So, I dropped it.

But now, I have picked it up again and I am having a blast playing it. Wanna know what it is?

The Mass Effect Series Legendary Edition. All 3 games in one, with updated graphics, all DLC, and more. I'm seriously hooked on it at the moment, and because of that...

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I got my 1st dose of COVID-19 vaccine · 5:02am Jul 7th, 2021

The vaccine administered to me was Sinovac. Few minutes have passed and I already felt slight pain on my left side and when I got home, my head was aching. I'm anticipating that the side effects will remain in a week or two. I will update you about my health from time to time. My 2nd dose will be on the 1st week of August.


Mass Effect Reapers A Lesser Evil When Compared to Celest-A.I? · 1:46pm Mar 30th, 2021

Okay, the Reapers from Mass Effect are by no means a compassionate machine race. Their whole idea is basically that these murderer machines kill all advanced space fairing alien (organic life etc) civilizations and new other AI in the Milky Way Galaxy, why leaving the primitive ones alone. Once the cycle is complete, they sit and wait in dark space, waiting for future new alien civilizations to rise and do the same again.

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The side effects of the vaccine have kicked in · 12:39pm Aug 16th, 2021

Since last week, I've been experiencing pain on my back, neck, and both of my arms. These have hindered me from getting a good night sleep. Every night, I applied different brands of liniment on the affected areas, as well as taking paracetamol to alleviate the pain, albeit temporarily. I began experiencing fatigue this week and it has hampered my daily routine. I don't know how long the side effects will last, but I will do the best I can to ease them with proper care and medication.


Revisions are Finished · 7:53am Apr 24th, 2021

So chapter 9 and 10 were the two I dreaded the most. After reading them again I realized that having Shepard, AJ, and Dash fight, the way I did, was rather out of character; especially for the latter two. So I removed the fight and added a new story plot point that I think will be a lot more fun to play with in the future. So anyway with 9 and 10 being combined into a singular chapter this brings me to the end of the revisions and new chapters will be coming up soon.


Getting Closer · 5:23am Apr 14th, 2021

So Chapter 7 has finally been updated, only three more to go, and I'm making good progress. While I had announced that I'd hoped to have a new chapter up by the second week of April, sadly, that does not seem to be possible.

I'm not going to make excuses, nor can I discuss what has happened, but let's just say certain issues have demanded more of my attention than I'd anticipated. Thus, why my progress has been slowed.
Rest assured that a new chapter is coming.


Still Going At It. · 12:45am Apr 10th, 2021

Chapter 5 has been renamed 'The Shepard' and the update is posted. Overall the chapter became shorter by about 1.1K words. I had to trim a lot of the fat off of it and rewrite quite a bit to make it more consistent both in tone and flow (I.e. less needless exposition).


The Legend of Mass Effect · 12:04am May 15th, 2021

So the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition released today and I've been having a blast replaying through ME 1. These are game I haven't been able to play in over 7 years. Going to a Wiki to research information on ME is fine, but experiencing the game is so much better.

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Still, Even More Updates · 3:54am Apr 12th, 2021

Chapter 6 'Broken' has been updated and thus I have officially caught up to the revisions I made over five years previous. This time, however, I am back better than ever.

It did get me to wonder how my story got as popular as it did, when every chapter I rewrite is super full of cringe. Seriously, what was it about ME:C that drew you all in? If someone else had posted a story like mine, all those years ago, I would have made a hard pass and swiped left.


Viper Flightcore Sound Effects · 6:44am May 21st, 2021


Writing... · 9:57pm Nov 15th, 2016

Writing the next chapter for ME:C. I need to get it out - been sitting on my butt for too long. If you're interested in joining me then follow the link below.


Star Wars/Mass Effect crossover · 6:10am Feb 2nd, 2020

I had a great idea about a star wars and mass effect crossover. But I'm stuck. I have two possible options,

1. Jedi in Mass Effect.

2. Commander Shepard in Star Wars, Clone Wars or original trilogy.

To be honest, I want to write both. I can see great potential in them both. Tell me your opinion.


The Next Mass Effect · 12:58am Feb 5th, 2021

So I'm sure by now a lot of you have heard about Bioware's announcement of the remastered Mass Effect Trilogy as well as a new game in the series?

Legendary Remaster:
New Game Reveal:


Chapter 4 updates · 6:52am Apr 7th, 2021

The new version of chapter 4 is up and I changed the name from 'Post Traumatic' to 'Waking Nightmare' as I think its more fitting.


Story ideas I have. As well as an update on whats going on. · 5:14pm Sep 27th, 2017

I had been busy with other things IRL as well as my internet life, Im not going into detail, but by the time I returned to my computer and home I was not in the mood to write, and this continued on for several months, then when I was ready to write I realize I lost my touch (if I had any) and this discourage me greatly.

Not giving up I posted the chapter anyway.

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Michael Myers Breathing Sound Effects - Dead by Daylight · 12:13pm Nov 27th, 2019


Those claiming side-effects from vaccination might experience the nocebo-effect instead of being malingering fakers. · 3:34am Jan 19th, 2022


Ash Effect · 1:04am Dec 15th, 2016

... I may be a little bitter that she glitched out and locked me into her romance after I rejected her.

Just a little.


Chapter 8 is done · 12:29pm Apr 15th, 2021

Chapter 8 has been renamed and the update posted. Only two more chapters to go.

Changed include some revelations and lot of dialogue changes, please tell me how you feel about it.

Viewing 41 - 60 of 107 results