
Viewing 381 - 400 of 420 results

Cooking With the Spacesuit-wearing Editor #3 · 1:06am Oct 27th, 2022

Disclaimer: All recipes have been modified from where found. Please note, oven temp is in Ferinheight and in American units. Always fully cook meats. Children (for some reason being a 24 yr old counts as a child these days, though I have heard it has been raised to 26) should always be supervised by an adult when cooking. Cooking can be dangerous if not done correctly. Cooking oils have flash points and can cause a fire if not used correctly. Bla-bla-bla... If you don't have business

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Story/Game Dev Log #1 · 4:36pm Oct 27th, 2022

Hey everyone. Today I am going to be doing a dev log of both the game I’m working on and my cyberpunk story. So let’s get into it!

Game Log

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Still seeking help with chapter 7 · 2:29am January 7th

Posting this again because some might have missed my previous post since I posted it in the middle of the holidays.

The next chapter is more or less done. But now it is the time when I need help editing it but also I still feel that some details are missing in the chapter which I can't really put my finger on. So even if you don't want/can't edit I would appreciate anyone who could give it a read-over and tell me if there are any specific sections you think I should expand upon.

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So about that canceled story... · 7:30am Aug 6th, 2015

It's not normally my habit to take about a story twice in so short of time, but I've had a bit of a change of heart. It's my habit to not have habits, except when it involves one of the seven sins. Here we are talking about my SCP stories.

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Career Choices with Louder Voices · 6:13am Feb 3rd, 2017

Yep, that's my desktop's desk top. It's also a battleground of Future Pone vs. Lycan Pone. Place your bets!

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New Story - Lord of the Dragons · 7:36am Sep 4th, 2016

Ever wonder why all the large dragons from the dragon migration didn't show up to the Gauntlet of Fire?

Or how Celestia knows so little about dragons, despite knowing exactly where their seat of government is, and where their lands are?

Or why the Gauntlet of Fire, intended for "big, strong" dragons, instead seemed to reward agility, teamwork, and cunning?

I did. So I wrote a story about it.

Lord of the Dragons
2,558 words

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I hope this one doesn't fail... · 6:56pm May 12th, 2017

Hi guys, sorry that I took a long break, I kind of forgot about this, some good news is that I have more skills in writing, I learned in scoolz (yes, I go to scoolz) my writing will improve over time, I am listening to every single suggestion you give me.

The important news:
I have a new story in development, I will be requesting a proofreader/prereader, if you want you can comment on this post or give a PM if you want to be part of the development of this new story.


17 coming soon (TM), but not like HL 3 soon · 6:49pm Aug 27th, 2018

I had to do some major revisions to 17, but I got off of my lazy butt to do them. The last few pages of the chapter ended up pushing it past my normal 10k-ish word count, so... there's that? Also I'm moving to nights in September, which will free up a lot of time to do work on Speak. And my goal is to get a chapter out every 3 weeks. Hopefully. Maybe?

please put away your duct tape I'm working on 18 already, too!


Update · 6:28pm May 25th, 2017

I'm finally having some free time to work on my stories again. However, this doesn't automatically mean that the rest of the chapters will come out anytime soon. The chapter 7 is mostly done and I'm working on the next chapter as well, but as I'm getting closer to the end, it may take some more time to wrap things up. I'm also working on few other stories, (stories that you probably won't see for a long time) so there's a lot going on. I will need a new editor and probably a proofreader

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New editor · 6:41pm Apr 16th, 2018

I might have an update for What They Expect to Give. It's about 2700 words and picks up right where the last chapter left off. Bobdat hasn't been on since February. Honestly, it's been two years since my last update. He's moved on, and I don't blame him. I still wanna polish this chapter up a bit, but if anyone thinks they might be free to lend a hand with editing, send me a message!


Cover art for one of my upcoming stories. · 2:41am Mar 19th, 2018

Now that I upload this picture, this story simply needs to happen... I think... More information below the picture.

(basic pose source:

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Seeking Beta Readers for "Trip the Light Scholastic" · 5:59pm May 28th, 2020

Howdy, y'all.

With the next chapter of Trip the Light Scholastic nearing completion, I've decided that I want to take this project a bit more seriously. It originally started as a side project while I worked on other stories in the same universe, but it has come to take up the majority of my time and attention. I'm really happy with how it's turned out so far, but I want to make it the best it can be.

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Needing Editors for Chapter 5 of Spectral Eclipse · 2:00am Mar 4th, 2021

It is time again. The time to post chapter 5 draws near and once again I need editors. The chapter will be around 6 to 7k words.

This weekend.

So if are interested to help me edit please PM me.


Woops... ^^' · 8:46pm Oct 5th, 2019

Hey y'all... I got distracted from FIMFiction for a while, and totally forgot about my stories, but I recently rediscovered them, and want to try and continue Meta Sketch, and maybe Harvest Blaze... thing is, I'm... kinda stuck... and, honestly, I could use somepony to help me write it in general... like, as an editor/proofreader or something. If anypony's interested, let me know! I'd be willing to work out compensation, if desired! Well... that's all for this post... :P


Small delay with Chapter 8 of Endless Horizon · 4:46am Dec 16th, 2021

I've been trying to post a new chapter every 7-12 days since I started publicly sharing the project, but I'm afraid the next chapter may be delayed by an extra week. Not for anything bad though, I think it's very worth the wait! My friend and now editor JFrost has lent me his hoof for editing the previous chapters, as well as the ones I havn't posted yet. Since this development I'm very excited for us to improve the overall quality of

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Yay! Good news! But also bad news... · 5:23pm Aug 12th, 2023

Alright, I don't want to keep you guys in suspense, so I'll just come right out and say it.

The chapter is FINALLY finished. Spend all of today writing on it, and it will be one of the bigger chapters of the stories. So that's great! :pinkiehappy:

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Monthly update and sneak peak: Writing, potentially seeking additional Editor, and Streaming · 9:17am Jan 26th, 2023

Hello everypony,

Honestly it feels like January just started, but the calendar completely disagrees that assessment, so it's time for an update on everything!

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Merry Christmas (also I need help editing Chapter 7) · 3:15am Dec 25th, 2023

Happy holidays, everypony. ^^"

Welp, definitely would have hoped I would have it done sooner (I am really sorry :( ). But now it is the time when I need help editing it.

This one is shorter than the previous ones but the next one will be a fairly large one so that should make up for it.

So if are interested in helping me edit please PM me and I will send a google doc link.


Dev Log #2 · 2:17pm Nov 17th, 2022

It's time for another dev log! Today is just going to be about game development. Haven't had time to work on my cyber story. So, here we go.

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Maybe · 6:25pm Feb 18th, 2021

Maybe I should pursue my idea. Oh but I’m not a good writer and don’t have an editor. Hmmmmmm. Maybe one of my few friends can edit it but they aren’t really into that kind of thing. Hmmmm. Maybe I’ll just wing it and post a badly made one and come back to it later to edit it.

Viewing 381 - 400 of 420 results