
Viewing 21 - 33 of 33 results

Update on Phoenix-born rising · 3:23pm Mar 7th, 2021

Hey everyone,

So, just wanted to give ya an update.

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Additonal amps · 5:35am Jan 22nd, 2021

Hey everyone,

So, I have ca. 6 chapters outlined, but that's not enough for me to feel ready to start writing the actual text, since I want to have the arc mapped out. But, I want to share some stuff, so here are a few more amps that I've come up with for our elder phoenix-born.

Dusk Requiem
Linked user: Raven Inkwell
Object: medium shaft length bec de corbin

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Splintered Sky - Amplifiers (amps) · 6:04am Nov 15th, 2020

Authors note: just want to give a little more world building for Splintered Sky. Since I've mentioned amps a few times, here's a bit of in-depth info on their general properties.

In the wake of the Splintering, the sun-gazers continued to innovate on their artificing and enchanting skills. In addition to new runes, improved smithing and forging dances, as well as enchanting processes came the invention of the process to create amplifiers, or amps.

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Trope Talk: Immortals · 11:23pm Aug 30th, 2020

So, with strangely opportune timing, OSP has put out a video on immortals. Since Splintered-sky deals heavily with such beings, I think this is a pretty good watch to understand where I'm coming from when writing the immortals of Nitor.

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Basic map of Impreacordia · 5:22pm Aug 12th, 2020

What it says on the tin; I finished scanning and touching up a basic map of Impreacordia, the continent where Phoenix-born Rising takes place. While lacking in pretty much all details outside the borders of Solaria and Selenia, I do plan to add to it as time goes on to help flesh out the world.

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Queen Lumina · 6:56pm Jul 26th, 2020

Needed a break from writing. Had to go into the office to start some lab work. Took advantage of access to a scanner to digitize something I've been working on.

May I present to you:

Lumina, the Phoenix Queen

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Possible future · 3:32pm Jun 20th, 2020

Hey all. So, my laptop's back, and hopefully the repairs took.

I'm still getting back into the grove of writing while trying to catch up on my research projects, so here's some art I did of one possible future that Phoenix-born Rising could end up in to tide everyone over until the next chapter.

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Computer trouble · 5:30pm Jun 15th, 2020

Hey everyone.

Unfortunately, there's going to be a bit more delay in the next part of Phoenix-born Rising, since my laptop decided to have some hardware problems and is currently being fixed (I'm logged into FimFiction from my PS4). I'm still working on outlining the next arc, but actually getting it written is going to take a bit of time, since most of my notes are on my computer proper.

Thank you for your patience.

The Voice in the Water

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Solarian Culture - The Precision of the Phoenix-Rite · 5:35am May 21st, 2020

There have been several comments on the degree of precision needed at the phoenix-rite’s meal settings, and how it reflects a “rotten” core to Heliopolis’s culture. While I do agree that there are things wrong within Heliopolis, namely the classism and bias against those without a blood family, the precision of the phoenix-rite was never meant to be one of them.

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The races and tribes of Nitor - Part 4 - The ascendants · 7:42pm Apr 27th, 2020

Author's notes: Running a bit behind on the writing thing due to the end of semester crunch and having to scrap a large part of what I had written because it felt janky. So, to tide everyone over until I can carve out some time to write, here's the last bit of information on the races and tribes of Nitor: the chosen ascendants of each Centaur.

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The races and tribes of Nitor - Part 3 - The tribes · 5:14pm Apr 18th, 2020

The tribes: despite their evolution into the three races, the descendants of the harmonious-ones retain their ancestral species's distinct tribes. As with the harmonious ones, the three sub-tribes of each race are inter-fertile with one another, yet always breed true to one of the tribes. Depending on the parent's ancestry, any child born will be terran, harpy or eldritch, while tribal identity can skip generations if enough mixing occurs. In general, in a mixed tribal pairing, any children

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The races and tribes of Nitor - Part 2 - The races · 5:27pm Mar 5th, 2020

The Races of Nitor, and a brief cultural rundown of each.


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The races and tribes of Nitor - part 1 - origins of the races · 6:08am Feb 5th, 2020

Since I feel like sharing some stuff on the setting of Splintered Sky, but don't want to get too spoilery, I figure something I can talk about are the races and their tribes.

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Viewing 21 - 33 of 33 results