
Viewing 21 - 38 of 38 results

...Tada? · 5:59am Nov 5th, 2017

It has been completed.

I still could only get one shoe drawn properly. Ignore derp shoe.

Don't forget that Gadget mentions early on in Equestrian Human that she's suddenly a brunette!


Skittle Sky - Lineart, Original Drawing, Assistance in coloring the eyes in

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Hoo boy. · 12:41am Nov 21st, 2017

No, my internet's actually running fine for once.

It's just that I'm still getting closer and closer to that dramatic turning point in the Lab Horse series that would either mark the end of the series or a shift to an entirely new focus and/or genre.

Like as in, in a couple chapters, I'll be moving onto the final story arc that I have planned for the series, and by final, I mean that I'm still having trouble trying to figure out what should come next.


IT BEGINS. · 7:44am Dec 18th, 2018


Tell me if the description sounds alright. :twilightsmile:

To replace Pony-Me: Rogue, which is on hiatus until further notice, I'll be bringing back something that I haven't touched in a loooong time...

This series.

TLab Horse
A filly lives in a lab. She's lived in that lab all her life. The lab just happens to be on Earth. She wants to go home.
TheMajorTechie · 25k words  ·  79  9 · 1.9k views

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I should probably finish up the Lab Horse series and Shattered Rainbow sometime soon, shouldn't I? · 8:04pm Jun 28th, 2018

I've pretty much lost all interest in the series, and honestly, even simply from the writing style differences between the series and what I now write, it's become insanely hard to keep everything working out smoothly.

Best I can do is probably get straight into the ending arcs for both Shattered Rainbow and Equestrian Human. Even if I originally did have a sequel planned for both stories, I honestly doubt that I'd be interested in pulling it off anytime soon now.


I know exactly where the Lab Horse series is gonna go now... · 9:01pm Dec 3rd, 2017

Three words:

The Clockwork City

-Set immediately after EH and Shattered Rainbow ends, and focuses more on action/adventure than the slice of life that the two stories were before. It'll be typed in a way so that reading the previous stories isn't exactly needed to understand what is happening.


To ship or not to ship? · 6:44am Nov 12th, 2017

There seems to be a recent trend pushing for me to ship Ranell and Gadget in my Lab Horse series...

Shall I? :trollestia:

EDIT: Whoops. I was probably getting a bit ahead of myself. It's just a single person suggesting to ship, but it's still something I could easily pull off.

...Not to mention the slew of possibilities that shipping a major character and a minor character would bring in terms of fueling the metaphorical flame of the story...


Hoo boy. · 1:29am Oct 10th, 2017

Next chapter of Equestrian Human is in-production right now, and boy, am I enjoying all this dialogue.

Specifically, the dialogue between Gadget and her dad. :trollestia:


Guess what? · 1:13am Nov 7th, 2017

Celestia's gonna have some Earth fried chicken in the next chapter... :trollestia:

Not that she hasn't already eaten fried chicken before...


On the topic of the Lab Horse series · 6:26am Nov 9th, 2017

There's so much I want to do, but so little time I have these days to actually pull it off.

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Ayyyy Lab Horse ain't dead! Have a new chapter. :) · 7:54am Jul 6th, 2020

ELab Horse: Redux
A filly lives on Earth with a jobless physicist. She's just figuring out life, while he's going broke. She has no idea what she's doing.
TheMajorTechie · 12k words  ·  28  6 · 1.1k views

Techie's SPICY Smokin' Toasted Self-Roasted Reviews #31: [Space Horse]! · 2:51am Nov 5th, 2019

Back at it again with the smurfhorses, Tonkus!

ESpace Horse
Gadget has finally completed her portal back to Equestria. Except... that's not where the portal leads.
TheMajorTechie · 9.4k words  ·  35  4 · 946 views

Anyway, you know the drill. Long story, skip out on some chapters (unless it's something I especially like).

Slowly, with a groan, I opened an eye. It was just as I feared... the portal led us to the wrong location, and from the looks of it, that wrong location is a freakin' space station.


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Should I reboot my Lab Horse series? · 7:24am Nov 18th, 2018

Looking at where the story is at this point, all I can say is that between it and Shattered Rainbow taking place in the same universe, at the same time, it'd be pretty hard to actually get back to updating either story.

The plots of both stories are completely unplanned and quite messy, with the Lab Horse series actually being made mostly of filler material, and lacking a central plot ever since the end of Space Horse.

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My oldest recurring OC over the years (FIXED THE IMAGE!) · 7:52am Feb 4th, 2020

The oldest recurring character that I still actively write is Zoey. She existed as a character alongside the rest of the original Wielder of the Orb cast before I even started writing on this site, and though the other characters have shown up from time to time in references and joke chapters, Zoey is the only one that has appeared across multiple stories with little to no changes ever being made to her.

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My oldest recurring OC over the years · 7:44am Feb 4th, 2020

The oldest recurring character that I still actively write is Zoey. She existed as a character alongside the rest of the original Wielder of the Orb cast before I even started writing on this site, and though the other characters have shown up from time to time in references and joke chapters, Zoey is the only one that has appeared across multiple stories with little to no changes ever being made to her.

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So apparently people didn't seem to like the twist of an alternate ending as much as I expected. · 2:57am Jul 26th, 2017

TLab Horse
A filly lives in a lab. She's lived in that lab all her life. The lab just happens to be on Earth. She wants to go home.
TheMajorTechie · 25k words  ·  79  9 · 1.9k views

After uploading the alternate ending, Lab Horse has now dropped to my 3rd most popular story.

But hey, I enjoy writing it, and that’s still what matters the most. :twilightsheepish:

And I’ve already got ~500 words written for the spinoff that begins from that chapter, anyways...


Who wants a spoilerbomb for Equestrian Human? · 3:58am Oct 18th, 2017

I'm bored and I'm currently taking a short break from memorizing dates for a quiz, so let's see your thoughts on some upcoming events for Equestrian Human!

If you want some juicy spoilers for what to expect in upcoming chapters, just click into the blog. I'm putting everything behind a page break for those of whom would rather avoid knowing major plot points ahead of time.

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Wanna vote on what'll happen next in Equestrian Human? · 2:18am Oct 28th, 2017

#1 is gonna happen no matter what's chosen though, so it's either skip straight to it, add a bit of relief to the recent burst in story progression, or a bit of explanation for those of you confused on what the crap is going on.

Choices below the break.

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Teaser: Space Horse Cover Art · 4:59am Apr 3rd, 2017

I made it myself after going through a tutorial on how to create a starfield in PDN. It might only be temporary though, 'cause my sister said that she wants to draw cover art for the story.

Viewing 21 - 38 of 38 results