
Viewing 21 - 40 of 99 results

The day AFTER Christmas · 4:49am Dec 27th, 2017

Aaaaand everything immediately seemed to go down at once.

I'm talking my internet, obviously.

'Cause guess what went down every minute, back up half a minute later, then down again after another minute?



Guess what? · 1:32am Jan 21st, 2018

It's been a week since I set up my router mesh network. Do you know what that means?

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*Sarcastic remark about how great the internet is here* · 2:04am Mar 8th, 2017

Okay, so not only does Comcast's internet suck in general, but their routers suck just as much, if not more.

The Comcast-supplied router that my family uses is what I've been trying to use earlier to transfer a benchmarking program from my main pc to another computer in the same room, and the transfer has failed multiple times because the router dropped the connection between two computers connected to each other through it.

Here's a visualization:

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What a pleasant way to start December. · 4:46am Dec 2nd, 2017



With my internet slowing to the point of which a 10 minute video took nearly an hour and a half to play all the way through.

Screw you, Comcast.


Well played, Comcast. · 5:15am Nov 22nd, 2017

Just as I suspected.

Guess whose internet is gonna be practically nonexistant for the entirety of Thanksgiving break?


Trump Won.... · 2:24pm Nov 9th, 2016

Well shit.... Time to drink myself to death. Blaze Brothers, bring to Jack Danny and Russian milk!! Blue Eyes wants to get chocolate wasted!!

(Fuck the world)


Lagging my way to the worst winter break I've had in years · 10:20pm Dec 22nd, 2016

I'm posting this during the tiny window of internet access that I currently have, and speaking of internet, it's been literally down all freakin' day.

Way to go, Comcast.



I'm sensing a pattern here... · 1:38am Dec 18th, 2017

Whenever I get a new router or some other device to possibly help my internet issues, (such as the router I brought from my old house,) the internet will suddenly work flawlessly for almost exactly one day, before returning to dropping out every so often and general slowness for every day after that.

I call shenanigans.


Well then. · 4:22am Apr 19th, 2017

There's a mild drizzle outside right now. The rain's mostly stopped, but MY FREAKIN' INTERNET WENT DOWN FOR NEARLY HALF AN HOUR.

All I need to do is look some stuff up for my study guide for a biology test tomorrow... is that all that hard for you, Comcast? Or do you deliberately wish to destroy the education of teens simply to milk the money from their already broke pockets?

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Screw you too, $60 phone. · 9:24pm Mar 30th, 2017

All I wanted was yo take a picture. Instead it crashes and gives me a blank screen until the thing I was gonna take a picture of was gone.

Also, the on screen keyboard for this thing freezes every other word.

What I wanted to take a picture of was a scoring glitch during the practice rounds that made the score balance 30-1356. By the time the camera loaded, they already cleared the scoreboard screen for the next competition.


New chapter for Applejack Gets Brainwashed released! · 7:29am Nov 29th, 2016

Yesterday, I accidentally hit publish on a new chapter, and unpublished it. Whoops. Turns out, when it actually was published for real, no notification was sent out. Chapter 2 of Applejack gets Brainwashed, A Slave, To Fashion is up now!


New Set up · 4:40am Dec 30th, 2015

Well for a short while not I haven't been online and yada yada. anyhow christmas eve my sister shannon comes over and surprises me with a new computer set up, new desktop, duel screen monitors. Any how less then four hours later I try to put Firefox on my new digs and royally fucked it up.

and so it was just ealier that I've been able to start using it again( there are still some stuff that needs tweaking).

So happy holidays to everyone.

Report Animak · 354 views · #screw up Christmas

This is somewhat of a new daily ritual at this point. · 3:33am Nov 28th, 2017

Turn on computer, start doing homework, realize that the internet's down, curse Comcast and Ajit Pai, wait for internet to work again, continue doing homework.

Rinse and repeat indefinitely.

The first thing I'm gonna do once I'm done with college is move back to the small tech boom-town of Lehi where there's actual competition between ISPs that would at least leave lower prices and higher quality service than Comcast and their duopoly with Centurylink here in the next city over.

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Sorry for the inactivity. · 3:51pm Sep 6th, 2017

I just started college just last week and had been in tied into the school work guys and gals. I also have a job as a lab assistant after school so that I don't have to drive anywhere for work. That way I can save money on gas. Which is a good thing since the prices are going up here where I live.

I really do plan on continuing Spike is Screwed. I just need to get over this writer's block I have on it. I'm trying to freshen my head on the matter by doing other things.

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Report Geoice · 512 views · #Spike #Spike is Screwed #life

I should have expected this · 2:52am Feb 6th, 2017

So. The two people actually waiting for this to update, you made my day last week. Unfortunately I have bad news. I have been smacked in the face by some sort of disease and couldn't write anything over the past two days. To put it in perspective, I kind of sort of woke up at 1pm and then went back to sleep until 6:15. It is currently 6:45.

I want to keep writing this, but any time I put a hard deadline I get floored. So once I get better I will finish this soon (tm) and upload it.

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Yay news on Spike is Screwed and other stuff. · 1:56am Apr 27th, 2017

Yeah, I finally got do with the next chapter for Spike is Screwed. Just need to have it edited.:twilightsmile:

I am so sorry that it took this long for a story that so many loves. I have been having my hands full with a lot of school work and things that require hand work. Though I did do a digital art concept of a comic I'm thinking of doing.

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Report Geoice · 514 views · #Spike #Spike is Screwed

We need more Mane-iac in our lives! · 2:20pm Nov 15th, 2015

You have to be crazy in order to draw crazy :pinkiecrazy:


Diverted interest · 2:35pm Mar 31st, 2021

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that I’m gonna focus on writing Fanfiction for the foreseeable future.

Now that doesn’t mean I’ll stop making Fimfiction stories it’s just that I have lots of ideas for stories and most of them aren’t MLP related so they can’t be posted here I do however have a Fanfiction account here so if you want to still read my stories that’s where you’ll find them.

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Comcast is as Comcast does. · 1:37am Apr 28th, 2018

Meaning I can pretty much forget about trying to play on a Minecraft server. Considering how Net Neutrality is officially dead now as well, I'd have to say that I don't think I'll be seeing a decent amount of gameplay on a server ever again until I can find a better ISP. Too bad Comcast is the only choice here where I live. :facehoof:


New project is here! · 6:13pm Dec 27th, 2017

To hell with weekly blog posts, I've been busy, alright?

Anyway, with that out of the way, I finally did it. My latest project, ironically named 'project horizon' has been submitted and has past moderation! This will be my new main project, overtaking 'fixing the balance'. Sorry if this upsets some, but if you want me to focus more on a story that's on hiatus, than at least of and like the dang story!

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 99 results