
Viewing 21 - 38 of 38 results

Sorry if I unnerve some people · 1:24pm Mar 15th, 2018

I’m not usually political, heck I try to stay away from politics as far and much as possible. But this past year or so has made it very hard, and to that end I made a shirt. You can find it here, I don’t have high hopes for it selling, but I feel that the movement has to start somewhere.


As if taking down my 20k video wasn't enough. Youtube now took down my 180k video. · 5:08pm Mar 11th, 2022

They want me to look at my content:

I'm looking at it. There's nothing wrong with it!

Over 180 000 people have watched this video. And now it's gone. It hasn't been a problem for 7 years, but suddenly, it's a problem.

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Rocky Romance Sequel Released and Subsequently Revoked · 7:43am Aug 24th, 2015

Recently I posted an awful sequel to an already awful story. Having decided to take the same route as the last and wing it, it was horrible. This time though, it wasn't just horrible; it was painful to read. The jokes were beyond disturbing -even by the standards of the first-, there were way too many typos, it was sloppy, and overall I wasn't very proud of it.

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To Display or Delete: the Pros and Cons of De-publishing Stories · 9:21am Dec 27th, 2015

One of the fundamental eccentricities of fanfiction is the way it is published. Because everything tends to be self-published, centralized, and loosely moderated, removing a story from circulation is a lot easier than in traditional publishing. Taking down a story is often a simple click of a button.

For today’s meandering discussion, let’s talk about de-publishing stories.

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The Finale to Knight of Order; Finding a stopping point. · 3:53am Mar 1st, 2023

After a lot of consideration, I've made the decision for the next chapter to Knight of Order be its last. So I'll be taking it out of Haitus cryo so I can finish it once and for all.

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What Benefits Can Land Clearing Services Supply? · 1:07pm May 25th, 2022

Florida Land Clearing, foremost commercial land clearing firm, can transform full-grown woods into dig-ready areas. We've successfully executed thousands of large-scale projects spanning decades, from tree clearing and stump removal to grubbing and grinding. With 90% of our business coming from referrals and returning customers, we truly believe that customer satisfaction is our top priority.

<h2>What Are the Advantages of Land Clearing Services?</h2>

· Helps Control Pests

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Any of you guys like iced tea? · 2:32am May 5th

I know it looks like a Monster Energy drink or something like that, but this is iced tea. Some of the best I've ever had.
It's a bit on the pricey side, but I would definitely recommend it.

Left to right, Peach, Arnold Palmer (so lemon flavored), and regular. All great.
Oh, and ponies. Ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies.


Yep, it's comin' down. · 3:20pm Dec 18th, 2016

I currently lack faith in the quality of Aim for the Stars, and I'm continuing to bleed followers while it stays published. I'm taking it down to avoid inflicting it on anypony else.

Again, it isn't the rating that's the problem (see Recycled for a story with a bad rating that I remain proud of). The problem is the story itself, and my inability to properly edit it in my current frame of mind.

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Lenin In Seattle · 3:24am Mar 13th, 2022

Guys, please, leave the statue of Lenin in Seattle alone. Destroying and/or removing objects does not solve problems.

Remember, if you really want to help the nation, try destroying and/or removing communists, socialists, leftists, liberals, democrats and others.

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Every Feature Mojang Removed From Minecraft (And Why) · 8:57pm April 6th


Enhancing Home Comfort with Duct Repair & Replacement · 3:04am April 29th

Introduction to Duct Repair & Replacement

At Recon Duct Masters, we understand the paramount importance of maintaining optimal functionality in your home's ducts and cooling systems. As the cornerstone of indoor air quality and comfort, ensuring that your ducts are in top condition is not just a matter of convenience but also a necessity for your family's health and well-being.

Comprehensive Range of Services

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Mojang removed this scary mob, so i recreated it and I turned Cave sounds into TERRIFYING Monsters in Minecraft · 7:08am Sep 21st, 2023


I really, really, really hate dentists! · 1:34pm May 27th, 2019

Y'know... I never really understood why people make fun of dentists "not being real doctors" until right now...

Here I was, having intense pain under my right cheek. Especially when I eat or drink hot stuff. Ibuprofen didn't help shit. The only thing that did was rinsing my mouth with cold to tepid water. Naturally, I get a dentist appointment. Next month!

Nothing to do. Just trudge on I guess...

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So, I'm Writing A New Story... · 6:21am Jul 28th, 2015

It's my own twist on the MLP fandom's laughing stock, black and red alicorn OCs.

Putting aside the update, I decided the cover art should be something black and red (obviously), so I googled "black and red" and eventually came to a nice picture. The problem I had with it was that it was Yin-Yang, which could throw come people who read the story off. So, instead I looked up "black and red alicorn"...

And stumbled upon the ugliest goddamn ponies I've seen in my entire life.

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Reading Rainbow Illustrated Poetry Book! · 7:33pm Jan 9th, 2019

Hey, guys!

So I've put out two blogs so far about this, but I know a lot of you ignore blogs or don't have blogs enabled or whatever, or put off things you wanna do/see in blogs and then forget later. It's all cool.

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My productivity MIGHT be a little impaired in the next few weeks..... · 2:35pm Aug 25th, 2023

I was at the dentist yesterday. Because of a particular, severe pain in the entire right half of my mouth. I thought of something rather benevolent as the cause, but as it is the case so often, reality is much worse. It turned out that my upper-right wisdom tooth is making problems. It caused a huge, blue swelling on my gums right next to it and that is where the pain comes from. According to the dentist I saw yesterday, the only way to fix this is to get the tooth removed. How's that for a six

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you ever miss old friends · 10:47am Jul 2nd, 2020

even ones you're not friends w anymore?

hate that feeling

there's also another friend but like
idek if we're still actually friends we barely talk and i was going through her old blog posts and found our old drama and that shit hurted
and it kinda
makes me wonder whether we were friends again in the first place
like the only people i still frequently talk to that i met here are my girlfriend, two of my exes, and like, one of my all time best friends

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If you put an episode spoiler in front of someone's face without giving a warning..... · 1:00am Jun 11th, 2019

I'm sorry if I upset you by unknowingly posting something that could potentially turn out to be a story arc in the future, but it does not give you license to treat me or anyone in such a manner, and it never will. If this is where you draw your line at having mercy on people and their faults, I highly suggest you step back and contemplate your morals, values, and priorities.


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Viewing 21 - 38 of 38 results