
Viewing 21 - 40 of 75 results

UK PonyCon VIP tickets sold out, six months in advance! · 2:32pm Apr 14th, 2016

That's an academy record! All right, the VIP tickets were in pretty limited supply (35, I believe), but I'm still startled at them selling out in April for a convention that isn't until October. According to the con committee, there are still plenty of standard tickets available, but at the rate things are going they won't last until October either! At any rate, as BUCK fades into history it's really good to see the demand there still is for pony cons in the UK. :pinkiehappy:


UK PonyCon SOLD OUT · 8:04pm Aug 31st, 2018

For the fourth year in a row, the largest British MLP convention, UK PonyCon, has completely sold out of tickets. That's despite using larger venues each year -- this time will see 1,000 attendees. Only BUCK has ever before reached four figures in the UK fandom, so it's quite an achievement. I have my ticket, so with lots of luck and a following wind, I'll be there in October. Hooves crossed! :yay:


Last call for UK PonyCon! · 11:53pm Aug 22nd, 2017

The people at UK PonyCon have announced that under 5% of the Saturday tickets for the convention remain -- so this is definitely your last chance! (Weekend, Sunday and stallholder tickets have already sold out.)


Off to UK PonyCon! · 8:19pm Oct 6th, 2022

I'll be leaving for Nottingham tomorrow morning and coming back on Monday afternoon or early evening. If by some miracle you're there and you see me and you recognise me and you want to, by all means say hello! Just bear in mind I have a terrible memory for people so you'll probably need to introduce yourself even if I've met you before. :twilightsheepish: I'll be absent from Fimfiction for the most part, so any PMs will be seen when I get back. Off to Equestria! (Or as

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UK PonyCon 2016 will be in Leeds · 12:14am Mar 22nd, 2016

And here's the official site to prove it! It's going to be over the weekend of 22-23 October at the Royal Armouries Museum -- not a bad venue considering the "Heroes and Villains" theme! Leeds is not really the ideal location for me as it's rather a long way and so quite expensive on the train, and central Leeds doesn't have the cheapest hotels in the world, but I'll certainly go if I can. I do feel for southerners, who haven't had a pony con of any kind

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Off to UK PonyCon! · 12:22am Oct 9th, 2015

And so very few, if any, updates here until I get back. I'll be travelling home on Monday afternoon, but I don't know whether I'll be posting much until Tuesday. Looking forward to this! :yay:


UK PonyCon was fantastic · 6:42pm Oct 19th, 2015

I'll keep this fairly short, as I have a much longer report (with photos) on Louder Yay. If you're interested, you can read it here: part 1 | part 2. Suffice to say that I loved it. Although it wasn't as slick or star-studded as the big American cons (or BUCK, come to that), it had a wonderful, inclusive

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UK PonyCon 2016 report! · 12:50am Nov 4th, 2016

Well, actually I'm linking to my blog reports, since I'm too lazy to type up another lot here. The actual convention ran on Saturday and Sunday, but I've included stuff about the days either side as well, as parts of it are related. UK PonyCon itself was extremely enjoyable -- I'd rank it outright top of the five MLP cons I've attended. Story tagged because for some bizarre reason it became a minor convention meme and my friends wouldn't shut up about custard for the entire

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UK Ponycon elken blog · 9:56am Oct 27th, 2017

The train is literally driving somewhere around 30 miles per hour. But, look at the bright side: this breakneck ride gives me plenty of time to write my blog.

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Report Elkia Deerling · 256 views · #UK Ponycon #blog

UK PonyCon 2017: Wave 2 tickets available · 2:10pm Jul 24th, 2017

If you're in, or can get to, the UK in October and would like to attend the world's second longest running MLP convention* then you still can! This year's iteration, which will be in Bristol, has expanded capacity and released Wave 2 tickets. More on how to get them after the break.

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UK PonyCon 2017 SOLD OUT · 6:44pm Aug 28th, 2017

As it says, this year's UK PonyCon is now entirely out of tickets. With an attendance estimated at around 800, this will be the largest convention in UKPC's 14-iteration history, yet they have still managed to sell out for the third year running. I am looking forward immensely to going to Bristol for this. Maybe I'll see some of you there in October! :yay:


Hoping to make UK PonyCon again this year · 7:20pm Apr 6th, 2018

The convention has now announced that it will be in Nottingham Convention Centre on 13/14 October. That's about 80 miles from me and a straightforward, if rather slow, train journey. I've been to the last four UK PonyCons and I thought last year's was the best of the lot, so if I can scrape the £££ together I'll be going. That's as far as my planning can go at this stage, however.


Back from UK PonyCon · 8:19pm Oct 15th, 2018

I'm too tired to say anything much right now, but my highlight may well have been EileMonty's singing. Here's her set list:

1. My Funny Valentine
2. Pinkie's Brew
3. The Moon Rises
4. Diamonds are Forever
5. Snowdrop's Lullaby
6. Everytime We Touch
7. Dark Horse
8. Jump Up, Super Star!
9. The Magic Inside
10. I am Octavia
11. Die in a Fire
12. Picture Perfect Pony
13. I'm Nerdy!


UK PonyCon 2018, Saturday evening: Tears of Joy, Tears of Laughter · 5:47pm Oct 23rd, 2018

Buy VIP ticket, get evil villain badge. And G2 Silver Swirl – who was a quiz answer!

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UK PonyCon 2018: Merch Haul and Final Thoughts · 6:52pm Oct 30th, 2018

This was a lot trickier to photograph than you'd think!

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UK PonyCon report, part 3: Sunday – DeadFandomCon, AuctionCon, CustardCon · 3:59pm Oct 29th, 2019

I'll post these first on my Louder Yay blog so that's the place to look if you want to read them as soon as I publish them. But I thought I'd copy the blogs over here for the benefit of anyone who's interested but prefers to stick to Fimfiction. Expect a lag of between a few hours and a couple of days before they appear here. If you've already read this on Louder Yay, it's exactly the same here; no need to read twice! :rainbowwild:

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UK PonyCon report, part 1: Friday – TunnelCon, PubCon, NoiseCon · 3:37pm Oct 18th, 2019

I'll be posting these first on my Louder Yay blog, so that's the place to look if you want to read them as soon as I publish them. But I thought I'd copy the blogs over here for the benefit of anyone who's interested but prefers to stick to Fimfiction. Expect a lag of between a few hours and a couple of days before they appear here. If you've already read this on Louder Yay, it's exactly the same here; no need to read twice! :rainbowwild:

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Tired but happy · 5:26pm Oct 11th, 2021

I was at UK PonyCon over the weekend. A real live MLP convention. And you know what? It was fabulous. (You can read that in a Rarity or Steven Magnet voice if you want!) Quite honestly the happiest weekend I can remember for a very, very long time. So to UKPC falls the honour of being the first in-person con of the G5 era, having previously been the final convention of the FiM era.* The convention's multi-generational setup made absorbing the new gen very easy, and it's

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Give and Take · 11:12am Jan 14th, 2017

Bit of a good news/bad news situation. The bad news, such as it is, is that I've finally cleared through the last obstacle keeping me from actually doing my job. The accounts have been made, the permissions have been given, the SSL keys are in the SSL locks, and now I have no excuse when it comes to actually getting work done. (It says something that we finalized the process on Friday the 13th, doesn't it?) As such, my available Fimfic time will be dropping drastically as I start bug hunting in

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UK PonyCon 2017, Bristol, 21/22 October · 10:23am Jun 3rd, 2017

Edit 6 June: Weekend and Saturday ticket sales are on hold pending a review of venue capacity, due to high sales. However, Sunday and stallholder tickets are still available. An Adult Sunday ticket is £21 for Standard tier or £31 for Supporter-tier. It’s possible some of the other ticket types may have a few more released once the capacity review is complete, but no guarantees. Source: the

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 75 results