
Viewing 21 - 40 of 282 results

Hopeless Hope · 8:54pm Sep 25th, 2020

Hope is a curious prospect. Hope is the last to leave us, and in that sense it never does. Without hope, there is no desire, there is no future to be ready for. And yet, in times of hopelessness, where all options have been exhausted, when no action makes a difference, when hope has truly left... That is when hope is at its strongest. To hope when there is none, shows dedication beyond measure.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Remember your steps? · 11:44pm Jul 3rd, 2020

We move in unison. Each taking our own steps at our own pace, yet all striking the ground at the same time. We perceive otherwise, we see others, notice how their pace differs, how ours matches our heartbeat, how theirs goes off track. We judge without seeing from their perspective, and miss out on a lot we would understand if we were walking their pace.
However, most of the time, people do not notice.

Happy Clean Filthy Friday~.


Exploiting Balance · 10:10pm Jun 4th, 2021

Efficiency is a balance. Once a predator out rivals a prey, they find a new one. If prey are being hounded, they either perish or adapt. Were no out competed prey to adapt, the predator finds themselves, obsolete. In an area where they can no longer hunt, and thus themselves perish. Were there but prey and predator, it would ease matters. However, environment, competition, time, and further factors plays as much a role in this delicate balance. In the end the scales will tip stable, one way or

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Sweet nothings · 9:16pm Aug 12th, 2022

Is it not odd that rot can smell sweet? After years of deteriorating and building rust, a saccharine nature blossoms? Is it a sign to consider what rot represents, what it means to sink into the ground? Or perhaps to make one reconsider what sweetness truly is?
Leave a spoon in sugar, give it time, and it will tarnish into a tattered shadow of metal.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Hallucinatory Time of Respit · 11:56pm Sep 20th, 2019

Time slows, the seat carries us upwards towards the stars, past the vail of grease that swathes the heaven in clouds and into the stuffed nothingness. Here there is peace. For a moment, there is respite and relaxation. Imagination, the place of escape, the place we dare thread, away from our own existance. Yet, imagination is branded with more than just escape. It is where our lives lead, it is where we envision the path.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Twin Month 2022 · 11:45pm Feb 4th, 2022

Twin month 2022 starts now all months will be full of themed stories.

A new story going up today, about Ero and Essex's lewd and filthy Birthday sexcapades. There is a fair amount of explicit material, so do be warned before you venture into the depths of depravity~.

The caterpillar ate its fill,
racking up quite the meal bill,
It ate until there was no more,
when the collectors knocked on its door.
It hit away within a cocoon,
thinking, worried, raided by the goon,

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Infortune's Favour · 8:16pm May 13th, 2022

If a single ripple can disturb a pond, and a single event sculpts all forthcoming, then what is the magnitude of everything? All events,rippling the surface of the water, spreading through lakes and into the oceans, in all that chaos of disturbed peace, is one contribution truly meaningful?
Perhaps not.
Good thing we aren't ripples.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Slow = Fast · 10:43pm Oct 18th, 2019

Duality. Such is the way of perception. We perceive the world according to our own perspective, tailored by thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Our way of viewing is our own alone, and with others we craft shared viewing. Two people seeing an art piece experience two different sensation. Yet, as soon as they discuss and share, they can form a common ground. Which is then, the correct way to view the world? Or do we see in numerous ways, and become selective in the ones which we follow?

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Beneath the Worry · 11:51pm Sep 30th, 2022

I feel the world is too large for my eyes to behold. Despite how wide my lids can open, they can only see a fraction of my surroundings, can only retain a modicum of the world around me. At least, on a comprehensible level. I could see more of the world, if I moved back. Eventually, more and more of the whole would come into view, but my distance to is grows in proportion. The more I see the world, the less I can see of the world. But just because I cannot see it, does not stop it from

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Birthday Cult? · 7:49pm Aug 27th, 2021

Another year, another birthday, and another story on top of that. This week we have a tale of a predator who is, less than willing, but a cult of meals eager to slide down her throat~.

It is interesting, how I insist that time makes its mark on me. I look in the mirror and see nothing but what was always there, but my mind fills in the blanks if many lives and people I have been, from when I was young enough to remember. And similar, I can imagine a time, when I am old enough to forget.

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Pondering · 12:33am Aug 18th, 2018

Have you ever taken your time to listen to the muffled world outside of your comfort zone? Ever thought about that what is outside, can be brought inside if you only made an effort to reach out?
Things which seemed ill fitting for you at first are now something magical and close, since it is in your comfort zone.

Everyone has theirs, imagine if everything was in your comfort zone?
If so, how would you be able to act?


Misteps, Commissions · 10:56pm Apr 12th, 2019

At times, our feet reach out for solid road, to be met but not but our erroneous presumptions. A step ary leads the body to fly, yet only for a short while. Reality crashes into us, and we can not but ask forgiveness. For can we blame the irrefutable earth, when we were the one with our heads in the clouds?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Those Fickle Few · 7:19am Apr 6th, 2019

Fickle mistress, hear me thus,
whilst thou leave me to my ruckus?
Fickle mistress, who listens I hope,
whilst thou lend your wisdom to cope?
Fickle mistress, I am troubled with pain,
Whilst thou grant relief, that my suffering pertain?
Fickle mistress,
Whilst thou?

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Standing Taller · 10:27pm Oct 8th, 2021

There comes a time of action, some might claim, where we take up arms against our troubles and march forwards. At those times we can accomplish great feats, and topple what stands before us. Yet, those moments are presented in the past. As a necessity then, less than it is today. We see not the pillar that tower over us, for we stand too close.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A trail of steam through the streets · 11:44pm Dec 17th, 2021

When presented with Everything, I tend to choose nothing. If you give me option A or option E, I tend to go for Æ. Something about all being open, all being a valid option, disinterest me. Perhaps there lies something, in that it is not the options we choose, but how we are posed to make them, that engage us.
Or perhaps, it relates to the act of choosing, falling out of line with what I truly desire.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Appropriate Darkness, deepst blackest day · 12:16am Nov 24th, 2018

Blackest Friday of the cycle is met with a gleaming pearl of white marble.
The contrasts of nature and its inhabitants grow defined, greys shine in their new hues, melding with the pearl of the sky or the everlasting umbra engulfing the earth.
There are no true extremes in hue, yet this night comes close.

Wishing you all to survive the deepest day of the cycle, and that your Friday is full of fun.


Past the Leap, soaring · 9:52pm Jun 11th, 2021

If I take an action, in that moment, the action defines me. Should I refuse to act, then I am marked by its absence. For each moment, I am marked as the being who performs that action. Who makes that choice. And if the future is yet to come, and the past is written and defined. Then I will forever be, the person I am right now.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Curiou on Consumption · 9:41pm Mar 3rd, 2023

With tirades driving my mind on twisted creeks and darkness swathing in the periphery, I cannot help but wonder if I give enough thought to what matters. How much of my time is necessary, and where could it else be spent?
Though the odd argument here and there, does fuel the spirit.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Ends of Times · 1:11am Dec 28th, 2019

I begin as I end, in the comfort of myself. Each cycle I live for the moment, content in leaving the chasing for others while I delight in the moments I have and keep having. I think little of the past, though I hold it in high regard; I strive to satisfy in the moments I live, yet every moment passes me by; I see everything around me just for what it is, and yet I am blind.

Who am I?

Happy Filthy Friday, and a pleasant new year to you all~.


Leaping Through Time · 1:06am Feb 29th, 2020

Does this day, even exist?
Is a day that appears once every 4 years, still a day? What makes it less of a day? It has a morning, midday, evening; the run rises and sets; the world goes about its daily business. But the people, the people know this isn't a "real" day.
That brings them comfort.
Comfort in the chaos.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 282 results