
Viewing 21 - 40 of 327 results

Unfortunate paralells to the Nazarene · 5:53am Apr 16th, 2016

Not as dead as I had advertised.
Not as undead as one would suspect. Utter distate for the brains of others I have met. Most of them anyway.
Raising a toast, but it isn't really mine and the toast is actually grape juice.

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Pure Art · 10:41pm May 26th, 2018


Super glad I didn't go to sleep! · 11:18am May 18th, 2018

The responses to the first chapter of Adagio are overwhelming, and while it isn't featured it is on the popular stories bar to the right of my screen. That makes me super happy, along with all the likes, faves, views, and the comments I got. I am super pumped and I have been slowly refining my first chapter over months, now I feel some pressure to make sure I get my second chapter out in a timely manner. In case this part of what I am trying to say is too out of hand, I am trying to say thank

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S8E10 · 6:32pm May 19th, 2018

I haven't watched anything from this season yet (tbqh, with the exception of the Granny Smith Goes Carousing episode, none of the recent season has struck my interest), but this one's actually piqued my curiosity.

It's a random ship, between two random characters, which nobody expected which, somehow, managed to get me a tiny bit invested in it. And I was a big fan of the episode that jump-started this particular pairing, so to get a sequel to it...

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Look! There I am! · 3:47pm Aug 26th, 2015

I created a self OC, sue me. Ignore the eyes. I didn't mean them to look so weird, but now I look like I'm related to Derpy. Also, fun fact, that trench coat is based off a coat I actually own, and the mane is styled off my own real life hair.


New Story???? · 2:07pm Jul 8th, 2015

Hey guys it's been like a year I guess? Well anyway, I'm thinking about writing again and I have no idea where to start or what characters to use. I need your help or at least a suggestion. >.<


Good news, everyone! · 4:39pm Jun 30th, 2018

If Admiral Biscuit can meme up in his blogs then so can I

Hope everyone's having a great weekend! I've some progress to report. First: Ghost Squad chapter 13 is finished*.

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A Crafter's Hallelujah (Parody) · 4:28am Mar 4th, 2020

*This is a parody of the song, 'Hallelujah,' and is no way mine. I only own the time spent making this into a parody.*
*Also, it may be a bit rough around the edges, but I wrote it in, like an hour. Sue me.*

You know I've been to the secret place,
Where Notch came down to help our race,
But you don't really care about that, do ya?
It went like this:
the sounds of war, my people they fell, by the score
I was there, whispering Hallelujah


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Song of the Day #26 · 11:35pm Feb 1st, 2017

I don't give a fu*k... This song kicks ass about how it reminds me of where I play in my job.

Report Nugget · 250 views · #song #music #I don't care #rock #metal

Flag show off! · 9:31pm Oct 13th, 2022

So after reading the one and only recent bonus chapter I decided to make the flags for my countries even though it might be a waste of time but I thought to just do it anyways so there it's fun for imagination.

Anyways I only did 3 flags so far with the United Federation of American Nations, and The Russian Republic and The Second Revolution.

You can make flags if you like it'd be nice but you'll probably won't but if you do post em in comment or something.

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Cathedral of Horse · 4:01pm Oct 28th, 2016

At the time of this blog, the second most trending group on the site is the surreally titled Church of the Divine Bacon Horse. I am indirectly responsible for its existence.

The Oversaturated World has developed in several directions I had neither expected nor intended since its formation. Most of the time, I've been delighted by these surprises. At worst, I've found them intriguing twists on the original concept. This? This is just bizarre.

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Stressed... · 9:31pm Mar 29th, 2017

I don't know why but there's this weight of stress on my back from lack of school. I've been trying to get back to school and I'm still mad at my mom for getting me kicked out. I also feel like I did something wrong but I don't know how or what or if I can even fix it. There's this feeling of abandonment inside me and it doesn't make sense to me. I just don't understand.... I really don't.... :fluttershysad:

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I don't get it... · 12:26pm Jul 4th, 2016

A lot of people put Bad Day to their favorites but, forgot to click the like button!

Reminds me of me.


I Just Realized Something · 2:27am Apr 1st, 2016

I don't really talk to you guys at all. By talk I mean actually talk to you. Most of the time I never ask you questions or feedback on ideas and I never use this for anything but updates.

Maybe I could change that.

With this in mind, allow me to ask you all a question: how did you join the fandom? More specifically, what led you to discover ponies? It's always nice to hear other brony's "origin" stories.

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I'm excited about something, but I feel like it's for the dumbest reason. · 2:28am Apr 4th, 2019

Edit 4/4: so... 6 hours of sleep and a day later, I... kinda feel embarrassed for posting this. For those of you that said nice things, thank you. Um, I do appreciate the thought and I do actually try to sound grateful. I just... really don't do well. So... thank you for listening.

So today is kind of a weird day for me. Which means it was the date at which I was dragged screaming from the void and forced to deal with this planet.

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Valentines thingie · 10:21am Feb 15th, 2016

Because reasons.

Plus according to this, I get to date Luna~


undertael · 7:31am Jan 26th, 2016

Ok, I've been on the Undertale train for a while now. That guy up there is my favorite character.

The game and story are amazing, in case you've been living under a rock. Go buy it. Play it. Love it.

...anyone wanting to chatter inanely about Undertale things is free (and encouraged) to hit me up via a PM.

Why didn't I post this sooner?

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The Human Body Expires at 21: An Autobiography · 8:50am May 14th, 2018

1 year, 1 month, 3 days.


Sombra Sequel? · 5:14am Dec 10th, 2020

I've been thinking about it, and I do want to do a sequel to I Am Not Sombra. Problem is: I've no idea what kind of plot a sequel would revolve around other than general points, or what to do with it (other than a chapter for Cadance's trial+pardoning). I'm open to suggestions though if you have any and want to send them my way.

Also read Applejack Is An Interdimensional Alien

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Testing. · 8:26pm Aug 19th, 2022

I don't know what a blog is (I'm a bit ashamed, I know) so I'm testing it.
I'll just let fimfiction do the magic.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 327 results