
Viewing 21 - 40 of 112 results

Blog Entry #30-My Stories In A Nutshell · 1:30am Nov 28th, 2017

It's scary how accurate this portrays me(and my stories)...:ajsleepy:


Help, my stories write themselves! Well, when they feel like cooperating, at any rate. · 6:09am Apr 28th, 2020

A little behind the scenes on my story, Dining With Friends, for the maybe one other person out there who cares. I was going to put this in the bonus chapter A/N, until I realized how long it was getting. I realize this is a little early, but I started writing it before I realized there was no way to save a blog and post it later. Maybe put off reading this for three, four, five days, until the story is entirely posted, and read it first. I don’t think there’s any major spoilers, but as the

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This need’s to stop… · 4:03am Jul 19th, 2021

As a mediocre writer I constantly feel an impending sense of doom/the thought of ruining a story my fans like hurts.

So that is why I want to ask everyone who is PM’ing me for the next chapter of one of my stories to stop I have revived 3 over the last month.

And you know who you are but i puts strain on me as a writer and makes my work less then it usually is so I would prefer not to have PM’s.
Comments on the stories are fine but I’m against the PM’s Bugging me


Today is my tenth birthday · 3:46am Aug 12th, 2023

That's right. It's been exactly 10 years since I joined this site.

This is a perfect time to stop and reflect on the last decade. Have I contributed anything or have years just passed me by? You be the judge.

Here are all the stories I wrote ordered from my most favorites to my least favorites:

TSweetie Bot annoys Sunny
A century has passed, but the immortal Sunny Starscout still fights for harmony.
Bad Dragon · 4.9k words  ·  38  8 · 724 views
TPrincess of Friendship
After Twilight’s stream of successes, she’s confident that nothing can go wrong. Is she due for a lesson?
Bad Dragon · 5.4k words  ·  290  46 · 7.9k views

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Hey everyone! New Epic story coming! · 3:57am Apr 4th, 2016

Hello my followers, watchers and everyone who like diapers! First time here talking to you all, so let me introduce myself, I am The Killer Legacy, I became interested in diaper fanfics (and fanfics itself) by watching "AB Initio", user Daxn Epic fanfic, then so I was just on watching diaper ponies fanfics, then one day, I had a dream, a beatiful dream that became my first fanfic "A Stinky Problem", a dream based fanfic that you don't have to take it too serious, because IT'S A

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Hi um · 10:51am Jun 7th, 2015

I'm working on the next chapter of Seven. It will have violence.Like, bad violence. Just a warning.


Chapters Will Come... Eventually · 1:58am Nov 2nd, 2020

Hello, 14th C Friar fans (and fans of other stories, as this applies to those as well). Just a quick update here:

I'm not dead, and neither are my active stories.

Life has been, in a word, "complihectibusycated." I've had a lot on my plate that's just been... a lot, and that has significantly sapped my energy and ability to lose myself in the writing process. I've barely strung two words together for anything remotely related to creative writing for, well, a painfully long time.

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Sorry... · 5:44am Feb 22nd, 2016


Participating in a contest! · 7:35pm Jun 27th, 2023

I've decided I'm going to participate in the second 1,000 words contest cuz it sounds fun (hosted by Bicyclette, an inspiration when it comes to community). I might PM her my story but I do not believe that will have to happen, because it will likely be published the deadline of July 30. The idea pitched will be a story about Rarity that involves horror and an attempt

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(Belated) Anniversary 2 · 12:28pm May 21st, 2023

As of yesterday, I've been a Fimficcer for two years. Not much has changed since the same time last year. I published one story (two if you count the one I unpublished), so you could think things are slowing down, and I won't even create anymore...?

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Supermare Chapter 2 news · 8:29am Sep 28th, 2020

I did NOT expect the reaction to this story! Sure, it only has 55 views, but a surprising amount of people are tracking, curious, and enjoying it! I am really happy about this!

I am happy to say that around Thursday Chapter 2 should come out!



X-Mares Chapter 1 is out! · 11:05pm Sep 11th, 2020

Finally it's out! I doubt this will be popular, but I am really passionate about this story, so i hope you guys like it!

If you have any questions about the story, do send me them, I LOVE answering questions!


I have Covid · 9:26pm Aug 17th, 2022

Yeah... That finally happened. Guess I have finally time to work on updates. Always stay optimistic :twilightsmile:

Update 2023: Realativ healthy out of that situation.


My own Story is making me Cry · 7:02pm Jul 4th, 2016

Another blog post. I was writing more TER today, and I just finished yet another chapter. I managed to get it at 1.2K words without thinking about it, and it was a very short event that happened. It began getting juicy, and I am beginning to cry.

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Plan for Mysterious Ways And Other Related Stories · 10:39pm Nov 29th, 2015

Well I just released the chapter and while it is shorter than I wanted (1100 words compared to my new standard of 3000 plus words per chapter) it is just the beginning for a lot of stories that I've not felt comfortable writing until I figured out that all the weird ideas for Equestria Girls created a much larger world than one story could do on its own.

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New chapter · 2:57am Dec 1st, 2015

CHapter 12 is out...and thats all. Now if I post a new chapter I will not blog so if you want to read my story I recommend you to instead just track it. :raritywink:


Basically, I'm dead · 3:20am Oct 9th, 2015

So, as anyone who takes the 28 seconds to check my profile will see, there are numerous blog posts from me stating that I'm not dead, just busy. Well, the last one was from June of 2014, and Halloween of 2015 is coming soon,'s not like those are very accurate. As the title states, I am basically dead, and I have erased the two...travesties I called stories that came before the one that's left. As for the one that remains, I'll admit that it's not likely to be continued any time soon. I

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How original are my stories? · 4:19pm Sep 16th, 2019

How original are my stories? Here's how they rank based on the MLP—originality scale:

Fully canon. All characters and locations are from the show, comics, or other official media. The plot and lore are based off of official episodes, often times with minor changes.

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Where's the words!? (Again...) · 10:06pm Apr 7th, 2016

Okay, with my last blog update in January I laid out some big plans for getting more words up on here. I did get the Approaches to Preening bit completed, but that's as far as I got. Unfortunately, life did what it likes to do and got in the way: family matters, car trouble, personal health issues (nothing major, just those bugs that lay you out flat for a bit), and a Spring Term class load that's required I spend a lot of time researching/writing non-fiction have all combined to squish my

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Equestria Girls/Spider-Man To Be Rebooted · 4:24am Feb 27th, 2020

Hey guys, it's Equestrian Defender.
And oh... boy am I not looking forward to the inevitable backlash I'm going to get from this.
Now, before you guys come at me with torches and pitchforks, please let me explain.

So, yeah. I am planning on doing a full reboot of my story. This was not a spur of the moment decision, it's one I've been debating on back and forth in my head ever since I took my little hiatus.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 112 results