
Viewing 21 - 40 of 93 results

This is my final favorite of 2016 · 5:41am Jan 1st, 2017

I suppose it's only appropriate to go out with a bang.

Or a flood, in this case. Of semen. Gallons upon gallons of semen.

Thanks, guys, it's certainly been a year. Let's hope 2017 is also a year. Which I'm pretty sure it will be. Unless time breaks.

Do you think time will break in 2017? That'd be just awful.

Hittites clashing with Crusaders. Cavemen and Gauls fighting. It'd be madness.

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AAAMS: the best training institute to choose for aesthetic medicine training. · 9:15am May 4th, 2016

Medical professionals have the ability to capitalize on providing a variety of different treatments to clients whether they choose to work full time with cosmetic medicine or part time as a supplemental income. aesthetics training To look and feel better many people are trying to shift to botox, even due to higher cost. According to medical research and survey Botox experienced a 24.4 % increase from the last year while laser

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Boost Your Career with Top Data Science Courses · 12:12pm May 5th, 2023

Are you interested in boosting your career and staying ahead of the game? Look no further than data science courses! In today's world, businesses are relying more and more on data to make decisions and drive growth. That means there is a high demand for professionals who can effectively analyze, interpret, and communicate insights from large amounts of data. Whether you're just starting out or looking to upskill, taking a course in data science can give you the edge you need to succeed. In this

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I hate the flu · 10:50pm Mar 5th, 2020

I was working on a request, trying to fix it, and the next chapter for Compatibility and I fall freaking sick because my sleep schedule got messed up (through circumstances unrelated to the request and update). I just want one year where I can write uninhibited. I'm gonna take some meds and try to sleep it off for a few days.


Top Data Science Learning Platforms For 2023 · 6:32am Mar 21st, 2023

In the era of the internet, data science platforms have been a game-changer. Computing-based data science aids in the prediction of many models. Data constitutes the primary element of data science. The next phase of analytics is called data science. Enterprises are guided by it. Data scientists are able to mine useful information from accessible data thanks to data science. The data aids management's deliberation in making business-related choices.

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Top rated online excel training · 10:47am Apr 27th, 2017

Microsoft excel is an application used by lots of people for business and personal requirements. The software can help people in storing data and analyze the data whenever required. Finding information about the finance and accounting is very important for lots of people and the Excel application will help in these processes quickly. Learning excel is important for people who work in these fields and the help of lots of training centers are availed by people. If you are not able to find a

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Role of Software Testing in IT Companies. · 6:54am Nov 9th, 2023


So, CoA failed moderation somehow... · 4:49am Dec 2nd, 2016

Oops. All I have to do is add more ponies than I already got, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle, unless that isn't enough and I have to write chapter 2 in order to pass moderation, then I guess CoA won't come out till next year at the latest :fluttercry:


The BCU Server is open for business! · 11:45pm Aug 16th, 2018

So, as you may or may not know, me and the Beanis gang had a private author’s server for discussing beanis stuff and general bullshitting. I’d bee thinking about opening it to the public, but wasn’t sure if anyone would want to join.

Then one person asked to join and I polled a few of the authors to see if they’d be okay with hosting crazy people.

They deal with me, so of course they were fine with it.

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So... I submitted CoA for moderation... · 2:33am Dec 1st, 2016 hasn't come back to me yet, but there is still some time left before I worry about this! So I'll wait till tomorrow before I worry about anything!


Python: The Dance of Logic and Creativity · 5:09am Nov 3rd, 2023

Python is a programming language that has captured the hearts and minds of developers and hobbyists alike. It is a powerful tool that can be used to create everything from simple scripts to complex web applications and machine learning models. But Python is more than just a language; it is a way of thinking. It is a way to approach problems in a logical and creative way.

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Dreaming of Ponies · 1:06pm Aug 19th, 2019

I've had another dream about My Little Pony last night. This time Applejack tries to complete an obstacle course that Twilight designed in record time, but some of the obstacles have to be beat by lateral thinking rather than physical dexterity. Not only that but one obstacle looks like it was designed by Fluttershy and two seem to be the kinds Rainbow Dash would come up with.


Python Perspectives: Insights into a Language Shaping Tomorrow · 5:33am Nov 27th, 2023


In the expansive realm of programming languages, Python stands as an emblem of versatility, simplicity, and innovation. It has transcended its role as a mere coding language to become a pivotal tool shaping the technological landscape of tomorrow. This article embarks on a captivating exploration, unraveling the multifaceted facets of Python, and delving into its profound influence on the evolving future of technology.

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The Top 10 Tips to Becoming a Successful Data Scientist in 2023 · 12:49pm Mar 10th, 2023

The need for data scientists is constantly growing in this technologically advanced world, and the discipline offers an alluring job path for both aspiring data scientists and those already working in the field. Many people who are not data scientists but who are obsessed with data and data science are seeking advice on how to become successful data scientists in order to pursue a job in the field. The need for skilled data scientists at the corporate level has increased dramatically as a

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The Best MS Excel Course in Dubai at Learnovate Training Center · 9:31am March 11th


Microsoft Excel is one of the most widely used spreadsheet programs in the world. In today's digital world, having strong Excel skills is essential for anyone working in an office environment. If you are looking to upskill or change your career, enrolling in an MS Excel course in Dubai is a great option.

Why Learn Excel in Dubai?

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The Top 10 Tips to Becoming a Successful Data Scientist in 2023 · 12:49pm Mar 10th, 2023

The need for data scientists is constantly growing in this technologically advanced world, and the discipline offers an alluring job path for both aspiring data scientists and those already working in the field. Many people who are not data scientists but who are obsessed with data and data science are seeking advice on how to become successful data scientists in order to pursue a job in the field. The need for skilled data scientists at the corporate level has increased dramatically as a

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Cross-Channel Marketing: Integration for Maximum Impact. · 7:08am Dec 7th, 2023


Let's give this another go · 8:08am Dec 4th, 2016

After adding a new chapter I already had for the story (I discarded it at first because I thought it sucked, but everyone else on my team thought it was good so I revived it to fix this inconvenience), I've resubmitted Course of Action, and now I can promise you guys two chapters! Yay! :pinkiehappy:

I'm sure this other chapter will pass CoA through moderation, but I guess i won't really know till tomorrow!

Let's hope this works!

Edit: Day 3... still nothing T_T


YAY! · 9:12pm Jun 14th, 2019

I've passed! BA Degree with Honours!
Weight of my mind is a bloody understatement!
Now I can get on with the next big thing for me this year, meeting my girlfriend's family in Beijing. My visa arrives next week.
Thanks everyone for having faith in me.


Exception Handling in Python: Dealing with Errors and Exceptions during Python Training · 11:53am May 31st, 2023


Exception handling is a crucial aspect of Python programming that allows developers to handle errors and exceptions gracefully. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of exception handling in Python, its significance in programming, and its relevance to Python training offered by CETPA Infotech.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 93 results